Thread 109872 in /datamining/

P109872 Where we're going we don't need spoons link reply
Datapoints represent spam up to but not including the date.
"spam" is defined as posts that ultimately end up on /spam/ or /vain/ and that weren't originaly posted on those boards voluntarily.
3 replies omitted.
P109942 link reply
>B-b-b-b-b-b-b-bye f-f-f-f-f-forever........
P124352 Every month until you like it link reply
Added /trash/ into spam boards.
P124388 kys idoru link reply
>B-b-b-b-bye f-f-f-f-f-forever.........
P124415 link reply
>Right now it's sitting at about 56.2%
over halfway there, nice
P124416 link reply
also holy ***** the captcha just got a lot more cancerous
histy won again no contest nigga

Thread 111596 in /datamining/

P111596 Post something that is in these files link reply

9 replies omitted.
P112238 13thravenpurple94 link reply
HP Laptop
P114996 link reply
you've been to idaho pf puns
P121106 link reply
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER\_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

2: eth0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 08:8f:c3:34:99:59 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff permaddr 08:8f:c3:47:92:ea

3: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 22:3d:b8:cc:f9:c7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff permaddr f4:7b:09:69:cc:1a
P121360 link reply
upvoted for tard leaking their permaddr in poast
P121362 link reply
I'm gonna spoof my mine to be theirs for opsec


Thread 7752 in /datamining/

P7752 what is lambdanons political compass? link reply
post your results from the test here:
41 replies omitted.
P118211 link reply
I don't understand why.
P118492 link reply
The real test is figuring out the gay 2d compass is actually a 3d pyramid and you're all ignoring the racial/nature axis above you at the top. The racial singularity,
P118496 link reply
Oh, look. Another communist. Which Antifa chapter are you a member of?
P118876 link reply
While there's time
P118898 link reply
>I don't understand why.
The questions are rigged to push everyone to the left
>should the economy be designed to benefit humanity or corporations
Obviously if those are the only 2 options you would choose the first one. It's a complete strawman though, right wing economics is not about designing the economy to benefit corpos it's about not designing the economy at all. The people who actually do the work and buy shit are the ones who should be shaping the economy, not the political class sitting in their armchairs passing arbitrary laws or the banking class printing fake money out of thin air and spending it.

A free market means no taxes no regulations and no inflation. You keep the product of your labor and only you decide how to spend it. That means companies work for you because the only way they can make a profit is by giving you what you want. That's the best way to serve humanity.

But according to the quiz "serving humanity" means giving up all your political and economic power to a group of experts who totally promise to use that money to benefit you and not give it all to israel and refugees.

Thread 113612 in /datamining/

P113612 Determining the Chromosomes of λnons through Stylometry link reply
3DPDposter (P102080).png
12of7 (P106547).png
Anao (P6773).png
Denpa (P85583).png
FaggotChan (P5523).png
Jeff (Traps article).png
LaCroix (P63550).png
Lain (P73969).png
Lynn (P35216).png
Mahiron (P71715).png
PantsuAKAIdoru (P18371).png
Polschizo (P107225).png
Yuki (P32308).png
I ran one post each of 13 known posters here (obviously not a good sample but just for fun) into Hacker Factor's Gender Guesser. Quotes were removed from each post, except in Anao's case where the only quotes in the post provided were his own. Based on these results, λnons can be divided into four categories:

[bold: Unmistakably Male™]: 3DPDposter (the guy that posts that dreadfully mid white black-haired girl), 12of7, /pol/ schizo, and Yuki
[bold: Gender-confused youth]: Anao, Jeff, Lain, Mahiron, and Pantsu
[bold: Girls (M)]: Denpa, FaggotChan
[bold: Girls (F)]: LaCroix, Lynn

Link to it down below. Further study may be posted in this thread.
34 replies omitted.
P114809 link reply
10/10 would and better then any cucked idol whatnots cuckime pics
P115024 link reply
how about snapshots of dr. who?
P115487 link reply
Can you guess the stylometry of this users posts?
Looks familiar?
12of7 P115852 link reply
[bold: Unmistakably Male™]: 12of7, Fightbro
it's obvious, not even needing explanation
me & fightbrah be gigachads n shiet
Heil Hitler o/
P116073 link reply

Thread 107836 in /datamining/

P107836 IQ measuring contest link reply
What's your score? Historical got
>85 (average)
13 replies omitted.
P108208 link reply
Shoops don't count.
P108216 link reply
I'm not giving you my genius writing for free, midwit.
P110064 link reply
P110076 link reply
requesting analysis of schizophrenic posts by the gypsy

Thread 27167 in /datamining/

P27167 Lambdaplusjs IDRLabs Datamining Bread link reply
IDRLabs is a site full of tests perfect for datamining. Compare and contrast yourself with other nanons/lambdanons on many things, including, but not limited to:
- How much mysoggyknees you harbor towards wimminz, or how much you worship wimminz
- How numerate you are compared to Australian aborigines [spoiler: (alternatively, the ease of that test could just be attributed to wanting extra ad revenue through people sharing their inflated results on social media)]
- How utterly alone you feel in this universe where we're but atoms
- And so much more!
Together, we can get a good picture of where the average lambdanon stands for, uh, science and stuff.

Here are the links to the tests I took:*****ism/test.php*****ism/test.php

For my fellow OPSECfags, you might notice that the tests are impossible to take without (((enabling JavaScript.))) However, you don't have to fall back from Safest Mode in order to make the site work. After re-enabling JavaScript from about:config (if applicable), right-click on the middle of the screen and click NoScript. Click the last "S" next to (it should show "CUSTOM"). Under "Enable these capabilities when top page matches," set it to only. Enable scripts. Enabling fonts isn't necessary, but makes a few symbols visible if you do. After you're done, close Tor Browser and the NoScript settings should go away, and disable JavaScript from about:config again in your next session. Dedicated Whonix Workstation in live mode recommended for schizos.
191 replies omitted.
P93026 link reply
I tried guessing how denpafag would answer the questions and still got 52%. Amazing how bluepilled some people can be.
P93148 link reply
This is what happens when you thoroughly get BTFOd by girls way too *****er than you on a daily basis. Age of men is over.
P93250 link reply
If you hate faggotry, you must be a fascist fellow-traveler.

Thread 86401 in /datamining/

P86401 Autism factory awards link reply
I don't know why this hasn't been done before but sort of inspired by the high volume of posts 83219 is getting (I can't imagine why) I present the top threads by post count and average post count per day.

Columns are thread, post count, average post count per day.
As usual test, spam and free are excluded. text also got excluded because of P82876.

[bold: Top 20 threads by post count.]
[bold: Ordered by post count:]
P3710 1000 1.91
P2781 1000 4.08
P33533 756 2.15
P41883 700 2.17
P5478 674 1.19
P19156 632 1.33
P83219 622 36.38
P35216 573 2.57
P6773 551 2.61
P2203 532 0.86
P11248 468 0.86
P7244 419 0.75
P69735 398 4.40
P38989 396 1.17
P24238 294 0.97
P78017 273 10.66
P1 271 0.32
P5836 263 0.54
P56866 261 7.17
P63531 238 2.56

[bold: Ordered by average post count per day:]
P83219 622 36.38
P78017 273 10.66
P56866 261 7.17
P69735 398 4.40
P2781 1000 4.08
P6773 551 2.61
P35216 573 2.57
P63531 238 2.56
P41883 700 2.17
P33533 756 2.15
P3710 1000 1.91
P19156 632 1.33
P5478 674 1.19
P38989 396 1.17
P24238 294 0.97
P2203 532 0.86
P11248 468 0.86
P7244 419 0.75
P5836 263 0.54
P1 271 0.32

[bold: Top 20 threads by average post count per day (with > 50 posts).]
[bold: Ordered by post count:]
P83219 622 36.38
P78017 273 10.66
P47602 198 32.15
P82560 168 83.15
P3066 116 15.35
P76430 106 15.78
P2652 106 14.54
P5012 90 31.7
P73864 77 18.59
P79087 76 12.45
P32203 76 11.68
P51396 71 11.47
P51908 69 22.89
P85583 63 8.52
P51404 63 21.02
P33015 63 12.87
P76186 59 22.34
P32827 59 14.82
P42557 53 8.77
P10486 51 28.18

[bold: Ordered by average post count per day:]
P82560 168 83.15
P83219 622 36.38
P47602 198 32.15
P5012 90 31.7
P10486 51 28.18
P51908 69 22.89
P76186 59 22.34
P51404 63 21.02
P73864 77 18.59
P76430 106 15.78
P3066 116 15.35
P32827 59 14.82
P2652 106 14.54
P33015 63 12.87
P79087 76 12.45
P32203 76 11.68
P51396 71 11.47
P78017 273 10.66
P42557 53 8.77
P85583 63 8.52
107 replies omitted.
P87528 link reply
Chizuru. Too much of a cock(?)blocker.
P87530 link reply
don't remember that lmao
P87815 link reply
She cockblocks Ayano and Kyouko because she wants Chitose and Ayano to be together.
P87820 link reply
kyouko deserves to be the harem protagonist of that anime lol, so she would probably make ayano unhappy anyway
P87827 link reply
Well, yeah.
She's mostly good at being a baka.

Thread 69726 in /datamining/

P69726 How old are you? link reply
Title. How old are you? I'd be surprised if the average age here is higher than 25. Feel free to give an age range instead of an exact age.
10 replies omitted.
P69764 link reply
Fun fact: for the past few years, the cards have been 80-90% me on the chans I use depending on the year. Most people just wanted their favorite Instagram girl in there. Last year, it became evident that it wasn't going so well (slow) and I didn't want the card to fail so mostly I worked on it to completion. There were some additions by other people. Since it was in an .xcf file, I had the benefit of layers which makes effects and tucking objects behind each other easier. AJ flipped my MemeStock back to GameStop in that balloon.

I like this years; likely it is more organic.

Anyone remember pic rel?
P69767 link reply
needs more brandon
sen lost
P69927 link reply
>likely it is more organic
jd bro dont kid yourself its just a bunch of pics of ***** and trash ********** in-jokes
your cards are leagues better
Yuki P73814 link reply
20-24, as I said on the Lambdaplus Census: P65730
P80320 link reply
I'm 29, but you're retarded if you trust any poster here.

Thread 67502 in /datamining/

P67502 Autistic screeching awards link reply
Crunching the numbers.jpg
It has come to my attention that drama is frequent in this imageboard.
As a result I tried to find a way to locate autistic screeching events. Given the observed nature of such events, I have devised the following method: during drama events, it's been observed that a spike of posts occur, especially by a poster nicknamed "schizocow" who apparently exhibits the behaviour of making several posts in a sort amount of time instead of keeping it to a single post.
I'll define a "post chain" as set of posts that are at most N seconds from the very next post in the same thread. The aim is to locate the longest chains. This doesn't mean that the very first post and the very last post are at most N seconds appart, it just means they are connected by several posts, such that consecutive posts are at most N seconds away.

Here are the results (top 20 of each category). Columns are: chain length, chain duration (in hours), thread, initial post of the chain, last post of the chain, the minimum time (in seconds) between posts in that chain, the maximum time (in minutes) between posts in that chain and the average time (in minutes) between posts in that chain.

[bold: (Spoon)sorted by chain length.]

[bold: N=10 minutes:]
53 1.86 P33533 P51020 P51084 1 8.87 2.15
49 2.03 P11248 P38085 P38156 5 8.68 2.54
48 2.05 P5478 P7075 P7136 1 9.13 2.61
47 1.64 P47602 P47891 P47944 0 7.47 2.14
45 1.24 P2781 P4647 P4693 2 9.0 1.69
42 1.71 P1 P129 P185 11 9.78 2.5
38 1.65 P11103 P11224 P11267 12 8.33 2.67
35 1.04 P2781 P4899 P4934 8 5.82 1.83
35 1.83 P19156 P62618 P62663 8 8.23 3.23
28 0.96 P2781 P4115 P4142 12 6.03 2.12
26 0.93 P10000 P10000 P10036 19 7.22 2.24
25 1.47 P43901 P43931 P44003 10 7.88 3.67
24 1.25 P27167 P38375 P38421 4 9.18 3.27
23 1.3 P5478 P5561 P5595 35 9.0 3.54
23 0.92 P33533 P42977 P42999 34 6.35 2.51
21 0.98 P5478 P6824 P6847 28 9.33 2.94
21 0.67 P5478 P7138 P7162 2 4.08 2.0
21 0.91 P47482 P51667 P51707 13 9.25 2.72
20 1.17 P760 P974 P993 2 8.98 3.69
20 0.73 P5478 P5648 P5669 12 8.18 2.29

[bold: N=30 minutes:]
93 4.82 P5478 P7048 P7167 1 14.75 3.14
78 4.89 P47602 P47875 P47974 0 26.72 3.81
73 5.39 P2781 P4873 P4968 6 28.17 4.49
65 4.67 P2781 P4087 P4156 12 23.9 4.38
64 4.03 P2781 P4637 P4719 2 23.32 3.84
60 6.15 P6773 P10352 P10470 18 29.57 6.25
57 4.54 P11103 P11190 P11267 12 25.88 4.86
54 2.18 P33533 P51019 P51084 1 19.48 2.47
53 2.66 P11248 P38076 P38160 5 12.52 3.07
51 2.29 P1 P129 P195 9 14.27 2.75
50 3.35 P19156 P62595 P62663 8 20.82 4.1
43 2.12 P33533 P42955 P42999 0 26.52 3.03
36 2.21 P2781 P2854 P2901 5 22.07 3.8
36 2.23 P5478 P5537 P5599 35 13.8 3.81
35 2.58 P11579 P11755 P11806 11 19.15 4.55
31 2.87 P5478 P7240 P7288 17 23.33 5.74
31 2.96 P32203 P32305 P32361 6 20.7 5.91
31 4.12 P59703 P66174 P66284 10 29.8 8.25
30 4.1 P5012 P5038 P5087 17 26.37 8.48
30 1.74 P27167 P38361 P38421 4 11.65 3.6

[bold: N=1 hour:]
98 12.16 P11103 P11103 P11267 12 40.02 7.52
97 9.51 P2781 P4859 P4998 6 54.88 5.94
93 4.82 P5478 P7048 P7167 1 14.75 3.14
78 4.89 P47602 P47875 P47974 0 26.72 3.81
71 6.91 P2781 P4078 P4156 12 58.27 5.93
70 7.54 P19156 P62532 P62663 8 45.1 6.55
69 5.32 P2781 P4631 P4719 2 40.28 4.69
61 6.85 P6773 P10352 P10484 18 42.37 6.85
56 3.06 P33533 P51019 P51089 1 35.28 3.34
54 8.65 P5478 P7228 P7309 17 50.73 9.79
54 3.57 P11248 P38076 P38220 5 54.5 4.04
53 12.0 P2781 P10770 P10894 0 59.62 13.85
51 2.29 P1 P129 P195 9 14.27 2.75
51 7.69 P27167 P38332 P38465 4 44.92 9.22
50 6.82 P2781 P2854 P3005 5 57.7 8.35
49 4.63 P33533 P42955 P43008 0 57.23 5.79
46 5.03 P11579 P11750 P11820 11 44.33 6.71
43 3.84 P5478 P5537 P5608 35 35.45 5.49
41 8.37 P59703 P66154 P66333 10 55.75 12.56
36 6.79 P5012 P5028 P5098 17 59.7 11.64

[bold: N=3 hours:]
113 16.76 P5478 P6978 P7167 1 92.23 8.98
112 23.99 P2781 P4818 P5011 6 170.47 12.97
102 26.53 P2781 P4066 P4281 11 173.77 15.76
98 12.16 P11103 P11103 P11267 12 40.02 7.52
86 13.89 P2781 P4613 P4742 2 175.58 9.8
83 12.28 P19156 P62532 P62704 8 74.17 8.99
83 8.68 P47602 P47861 P47994 0 88.83 6.35
77 19.36 P11579 P11687 P11849 11 171.35 15.28
75 41.36 P35216 P47214 P47460 42 126.23 33.54
71 21.27 P5478 P7210 P7341 15 149.43 18.23
68 14.71 P1 P81 P225 9 173.82 13.17
68 13.11 P2781 P2843 P3065 5 119.47 11.74
61 11.71 P5478 P5478 P5608 20 149.98 11.71
61 6.85 P6773 P10352 P10484 18 42.37 6.85
61 25.46 P34348 P34348 P34710 9 178.57 25.46
60 9.67 P33533 P51008 P51104 1 162.52 9.83
57 20.86 P9535 P9535 P9738 24 162.72 22.34
54 25.37 P2781 P10257 P10548 16 141.12 28.72
54 13.32 P2781 P10760 P10894 0 78.98 15.07
54 3.57 P11248 P38076 P38220 5 54.5 4.04

[bold: (Spoon)sorted by chain duration.]

[bold: N=10 minutes:]
48 2.05 P5478 P7075 P7136 1 9.13 2.61
49 2.03 P11248 P38085 P38156 5 8.68 2.54
53 1.86 P33533 P51020 P51084 1 8.87 2.15
35 1.83 P19156 P62618 P62663 8 8.23 3.23
42 1.71 P1 P129 P185 11 9.78 2.5
38 1.65 P11103 P11224 P11267 12 8.33 2.67
47 1.64 P47602 P47891 P47944 0 7.47 2.14
25 1.47 P43901 P43931 P44003 10 7.88 3.67
20 1.42 P40722 P40722 P40747 63 9.73 4.48
23 1.3 P5478 P5561 P5595 35 9.0 3.54
24 1.25 P27167 P38375 P38421 4 9.18 3.27
45 1.24 P2781 P4647 P4693 2 9.0 1.69
18 1.24 P11579 P11755 P11780 18 7.92 4.38
20 1.17 P760 P974 P993 2 8.98 3.69
35 1.04 P2781 P4899 P4934 8 5.82 1.83
20 1.0 P5478 P7051 P7072 5 9.33 3.16
17 1.0 P41788 P41737 P41771 6 9.32 3.73
21 0.98 P5478 P6824 P6847 28 9.33 2.94
16 0.96 P2781 P2879 P2901 22 9.83 3.85
28 0.96 P2781 P4115 P4142 12 6.03 2.12

[bold: N=30 minutes:]
60 6.15 P6773 P10352 P10470 18 29.57 6.25
73 5.39 P2781 P4873 P4968 6 28.17 4.49
78 4.89 P47602 P47875 P47974 0 26.72 3.81
93 4.82 P5478 P7048 P7167 1 14.75 3.14
65 4.67 P2781 P4087 P4156 12 23.9 4.38
57 4.54 P11103 P11190 P11267 12 25.88 4.86
31 4.12 P59703 P66174 P66284 10 29.8 8.25
30 4.1 P5012 P5038 P5087 17 26.37 8.48
64 4.03 P2781 P4637 P4719 2 23.32 3.84
15 3.81 P58256 P58348 P58377 56 26.87 16.31
28 3.75 P51404 P51571 P51712 32 25.85 8.33
23 3.4 P11103 P11132 P11182 41 28.72 9.26
50 3.35 P19156 P62595 P62663 8 20.82 4.1
15 3.19 P32442 P32442 P32500 35 26.0 13.67
21 3.07 P34348 P34651 P34688 9 27.7 9.21
31 2.96 P32203 P32305 P32361 6 20.7 5.91
25 2.95 P5836 P6037 P6087 4 23.87 7.38
31 2.87 P5478 P7240 P7288 17 23.33 5.74
25 2.87 P11248 P38353 P38425 12 24.6 7.17
53 2.66 P11248 P38076 P38160 5 12.52 3.07

[bold: N=1 hour:]
98 12.16 P11103 P11103 P11267 12 40.02 7.52
53 12.0 P2781 P10770 P10894 0 59.62 13.85
97 9.51 P2781 P4859 P4998 6 54.88 5.94
54 8.65 P5478 P7228 P7309 17 50.73 9.79
41 8.37 P59703 P66154 P66333 10 55.75 12.56
51 7.69 P27167 P38332 P38465 4 44.92 9.22
70 7.54 P19156 P62532 P62663 8 45.1 6.55
71 6.91 P2781 P4078 P4156 12 58.27 5.93
61 6.85 P6773 P10352 P10484 18 42.37 6.85
50 6.82 P2781 P2854 P3005 5 57.7 8.35
36 6.79 P5012 P5028 P5098 17 59.7 11.64
24 6.48 P38989 P49670 P49747 76 51.18 16.9
21 6.46 P58256 P58331 P58377 56 52.85 19.37
14 6.4 P6773 P25810 P25874 13 57.07 29.53
26 6.37 P2781 P10257 P10312 16 53.78 15.28
18 6.23 P1 P23 P53 80 56.92 21.99
23 6.06 P27167 P37939 P37992 74 44.18 16.54
18 5.98 P5478 P6286 P6318 302 52.67 21.11
20 5.64 P56866 P60557 P60603 57 53.1 17.8
27 5.49 P35216 P48105 P48143 24 39.03 12.67

[bold: N=3 hours:]
75 41.36 P35216 P47214 P47460 42 126.23 33.54
49 32.87 P3066 P3076 P3322 34 166.05 41.08
102 26.53 P2781 P4066 P4281 11 173.77 15.76
61 25.46 P34348 P34348 P34710 9 178.57 25.46
54 25.37 P2781 P10257 P10548 16 141.12 28.72
26 24.35 P5478 P6397 P6459 22 179.48 58.44
112 23.99 P2781 P4818 P5011 6 170.47 12.97
71 21.27 P5478 P7210 P7341 15 149.43 18.23
57 20.86 P9535 P9535 P9738 24 162.72 22.34
46 20.83 P56866 P60805 P60938 148 159.62 27.77
52 20.44 P5012 P5012 P5142 17 152.67 24.04
31 20.25 P35216 P45373 P46107 43 179.0 40.49
45 19.9 P56866 P60504 P60624 38 124.97 27.13
77 19.36 P11579 P11687 P11849 11 171.35 15.28
26 18.88 P24238 P26274 P26408 56 167.68 45.31
17 18.72 P26974 P27423 P27549 191 177.15 70.21
35 18.12 P38565 P38565 P38791 13 166.08 31.97
24 18.07 P3710 P28673 P28793 6 164.2 47.14
32 17.34 P2781 P7835 P7987 69 179.68 33.56
113 16.76 P5478 P6978 P7167 1 92.23 8.98

[spoiler: Yes, I'm aware some of these aren't drama or autistic screeching, but I didn't feel like manually filtering them].
[spoiler: Unsurprisingly, P2781 won].
4 replies omitted.
P67536 Feature request link reply
Can you express this data via a Pascal program, please? I'm using:

$ pascal /version
Compaq Pascal V5.8-90 on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2H4
P79654 link reply
Given that schizocow seems to be on his period and given his recent episode (starting on P79479, marked with an X), I'm rerunning the results.
I'm aware N=1 hour and N=3 hours are somewhat meaningless because it just happened.

Columns are the same as last time.

[bold: (Spoon)sorted by chain length.]

[bold: N=10 minutes:]
83 2.74 P33533 P79513 P79644 0 8.48 2.0 X
53 1.86 P33533 P51020 P51084 1 8.87 2.15
49 2.03 P11248 P38085 P38156 5 8.68 2.54
48 2.05 P5478 P7075 P7136 1 9.13 2.61
47 1.64 P47602 P47891 P47944 0 7.47 2.14
45 1.24 P2781 P4647 P4693 2 9.0 1.69
42 1.71 P1 P129 P185 11 9.78 2.5
38 1.65 P11103 P11224 P11267 12 8.33 2.67
35 1.04 P2781 P4899 P4934 8 5.82 1.83
35 1.83 P19156 P62618 P62663 8 8.23 3.23
28 0.96 P2781 P4115 P4142 12 6.03 2.12
26 0.93 P10000 P10000 P10036 19 7.22 2.24
25 1.47 P43901 P43931 P44003 10 7.88 3.67
24 1.25 P27167 P38375 P38421 4 9.18 3.27
23 1.3 P5478 P5561 P5595 35 9.0 3.54
23 0.92 P33533 P42977 P42999 34 6.35 2.51
21 0.98 P5478 P6824 P6847 28 9.33 2.94
21 0.67 P5478 P7138 P7162 2 4.08 2.0
21 0.91 P47482 P51667 P51707 13 9.25 2.72
20 1.17 P760 P974 P993 2 8.98 3.69

[bold: N=30 minutes:]
93 4.82 P5478 P7048 P7167 1 14.75 3.14
86 3.65 P33533 P79493 P79644 0 27.33 2.58 X
78 4.89 P47602 P47875 P47974 0 26.72 3.81
73 5.39 P2781 P4873 P4968 6 28.17 4.49
65 4.67 P2781 P4087 P4156 12 23.9 4.38
64 4.03 P2781 P4637 P4719 2 23.32 3.84
60 6.15 P6773 P10352 P10470 18 29.57 6.25
57 4.54 P11103 P11190 P11267 12 25.88 4.86
54 2.18 P33533 P51019 P51084 1 19.48 2.47
53 2.66 P11248 P38076 P38160 5 12.52 3.07
51 2.29 P1 P129 P195 9 14.27 2.75
50 3.35 P19156 P62595 P62663 8 20.82 4.1
43 2.12 P33533 P42955 P42999 0 26.52 3.03
36 2.21 P2781 P2854 P2901 5 22.07 3.8
36 2.23 P5478 P5537 P5599 35 13.8 3.81
36 4.11 P74487 P78291 P78425 25 28.05 7.05
35 2.58 P11579 P11755 P11806 11 19.15 4.55
31 2.87 P5478 P7240 P7288 17 23.33 5.74
31 2.96 P32203 P32305 P32361 6 20.7 5.91
31 4.12 P59703 P66174 P66284 10 29.8 8.25

[bold: N=1 hour:]
98 12.16 P11103 P11103 P11267 12 40.02 7.52
97 9.51 P2781 P4859 P4998 6 54.88 5.94
95 4.98 P33533 P79479 P79644 0 49.33 3.18 X
93 4.82 P5478 P7048 P7167 1 14.75 3.14
78 4.89 P47602 P47875 P47974 0 26.72 3.81
71 6.91 P2781 P4078 P4156 12 58.27 5.93
70 7.54 P19156 P62532 P62663 8 45.1 6.55
69 5.32 P2781 P4631 P4719 2 40.28 4.69
61 6.85 P6773 P10352 P10484 18 42.37 6.85
56 3.06 P33533 P51019 P51089 1 35.28 3.34
54 8.65 P5478 P7228 P7309 17 50.73 9.79
54 3.57 P11248 P38076 P38220 5 54.5 4.04
53 12.0 P2781 P10770 P10894 0 59.62 13.85
51 2.29 P1 P129 P195 9 14.27 2.75
51 7.69 P27167 P38332 P38465 4 44.92 9.22
50 6.82 P2781 P2854 P3005 5 57.7 8.35
49 4.63 P33533 P42955 P43008 0 57.23 5.79
46 5.03 P11579 P11750 P11820 11 44.33 6.71
43 3.84 P5478 P5537 P5608 35 35.45 5.49
41 8.37 P59703 P66154 P66333 10 55.75 12.56

[bold: N=3 hours:]
113 16.76 P5478 P6978 P7167 1 92.23 8.98
112 23.99 P2781 P4818 P5011 6 170.47 12.97
102 26.53 P2781 P4066 P4281 11 173.77 15.76
98 12.16 P11103 P11103 P11267 12 40.02 7.52
95 4.98 P33533 P79479 P79644 0 49.33 3.18 X
86 13.89 P2781 P4613 P4742 2 175.58 9.8
83 12.28 P19156 P62532 P62704 8 74.17 8.99
83 8.68 P47602 P47861 P47994 0 88.83 6.35
77 19.36 P11579 P11687 P11849 11 171.35 15.28
75 41.36 P35216 P47214 P47460 42 126.23 33.54
71 21.27 P5478 P7210 P7341 15 149.43 18.23
68 14.71 P1 P81 P225 9 173.82 13.17
68 13.11 P2781 P2843 P3065 5 119.47 11.74
61 11.71 P5478 P5478 P5608 20 149.98 11.71
61 6.85 P6773 P10352 P10484 18 42.37 6.85
61 25.46 P34348 P34348 P34710 9 178.57 25.46
60 9.67 P33533 P51008 P51104 1 162.52 9.83
59 18.27 P78017 P79172 P79414 18 98.43 18.9
57 20.86 P9535 P9535 P9738 24 162.72 22.34
54 25.37 P2781 P10257 P10548 16 141.12 28.72

[bold: (Spoon)sorted by chain duration.]

[bold: N=10 minutes:]
83 2.74 P33533 P79513 P79644 0 8.48 2.0 X
48 2.05 P5478 P7075 P7136 1 9.13 2.61
49 2.03 P11248 P38085 P38156 5 8.68 2.54
53 1.86 P33533 P51020 P51084 1 8.87 2.15
35 1.83 P19156 P62618 P62663 8 8.23 3.23
42 1.71 P1 P129 P185 11 9.78 2.5
38 1.65 P11103 P11224 P11267 12 8.33 2.67
47 1.64 P47602 P47891 P47944 0 7.47 2.14
25 1.47 P43901 P43931 P44003 10 7.88 3.67
20 1.42 P40722 P40722 P40747 63 9.73 4.48
23 1.3 P5478 P5561 P5595 35 9.0 3.54
24 1.25 P27167 P38375 P38421 4 9.18 3.27
45 1.24 P2781 P4647 P4693 2 9.0 1.69
18 1.24 P11579 P11755 P11780 18 7.92 4.38
20 1.17 P760 P974 P993 2 8.98 3.69
35 1.04 P2781 P4899 P4934 8 5.82 1.83
20 1.0 P5478 P7051 P7072 5 9.33 3.16
17 1.0 P41788 P41737 P41771 6 9.32 3.73
21 0.98 P5478 P6824 P6847 28 9.33 2.94
19 0.98 P73864 P73997 P74026 9 8.57 3.26

[bold: N=30 minutes:]
60 6.15 P6773 P10352 P10470 18 29.57 6.25
73 5.39 P2781 P4873 P4968 6 28.17 4.49
78 4.89 P47602 P47875 P47974 0 26.72 3.81
93 4.82 P5478 P7048 P7167 1 14.75 3.14
65 4.67 P2781 P4087 P4156 12 23.9 4.38
57 4.54 P11103 P11190 P11267 12 25.88 4.86
31 4.12 P59703 P66174 P66284 10 29.8 8.25
36 4.11 P74487 P78291 P78425 25 28.05 7.05
30 4.1 P5012 P5038 P5087 17 26.37 8.48
64 4.03 P2781 P4637 P4719 2 23.32 3.84
15 3.81 P58256 P58348 P58377 56 26.87 16.31
28 3.75 P51404 P51571 P51712 32 25.85 8.33
86 3.65 P33533 P79493 P79644 0 27.33 2.58 X
23 3.4 P11103 P11132 P11182 41 28.72 9.26
50 3.35 P19156 P62595 P62663 8 20.82 4.1
15 3.19 P32442 P32442 P32500 35 26.0 13.67
21 3.07 P34348 P34651 P34688 9 27.7 9.21
31 2.96 P32203 P32305 P32361 6 20.7 5.91
25 2.95 P5836 P6037 P6087 4 23.87 7.38
31 2.87 P5478 P7240 P7288 17 23.33 5.74

[bold: N=1 hour:]
98 12.16 P11103 P11103 P11267 12 40.02 7.52
53 12.0 P2781 P10770 P10894 0 59.62 13.85
41 10.51 P78017 P79172 P79317 19 55.22 15.76
97 9.51 P2781 P4859 P4998 6 54.88 5.94
54 8.65 P5478 P7228 P7309 17 50.73 9.79
41 8.37 P59703 P66154 P66333 10 55.75 12.56
51 7.69 P27167 P38332 P38465 4 44.92 9.22
70 7.54 P19156 P62532 P62663 8 45.1 6.55
71 6.91 P2781 P4078 P4156 12 58.27 5.93
61 6.85 P6773 P10352 P10484 18 42.37 6.85
50 6.82 P2781 P2854 P3005 5 57.7 8.35
36 6.79 P5012 P5028 P5098 17 59.7 11.64
24 6.48 P38989 P49670 P49747 76 51.18 16.9
21 6.46 P58256 P58331 P58377 56 52.85 19.37
14 6.4 P6773 P25810 P25874 13 57.07 29.53
26 6.37 P2781 P10257 P10312 16 53.78 15.28
18 6.23 P1 P23 P53 80 56.92 21.99
23 6.06 P27167 P37939 P37992 74 44.18 16.54
18 5.98 P5478 P6286 P6318 302 52.67 21.11
20 5.64 P56866 P60557 P60603 57 53.1 17.8

[bold: N=3 hours:]
75 41.36 P35216 P47214 P47460 42 126.23 33.54
49 32.87 P3066 P3076 P3322 34 166.05 41.08
47 29.1 P76430 P76785 P77056 46 157.12 37.96
39 27.55 P69735 P69735 P69854 67 149.32 43.5
33 27.42 P78017 P78915 P79158 31 169.15 51.41
102 26.53 P2781 P4066 P4281 11 173.77 15.76
61 25.46 P34348 P34348 P34710 9 178.57 25.46
54 25.37 P2781 P10257 P10548 16 141.12 28.72
26 24.35 P5478 P6397 P6459 22 179.48 58.44
112 23.99 P2781 P4818 P5011 6 170.47 12.97
71 21.27 P5478 P7210 P7341 15 149.43 18.23
57 20.86 P9535 P9535 P9738 24 162.72 22.34
46 20.83 P56866 P60805 P60938 148 159.62 27.77
52 20.44 P5012 P5012 P5142 17 152.67 24.04
31 20.25 P35216 P45373 P46107 43 179.0 40.49
45 19.9 P56866 P60504 P60624 38 124.97 27.13
77 19.36 P11579 P11687 P11849 11 171.35 15.28
26 18.88 P24238 P26274 P26408 56 167.68 45.31
17 18.72 P26974 P27423 P27549 191 177.15 70.21
59 18.27 P78017 P79172 P79414 18 98.43 18.9

Congratulations to all the winners.
P79666 link reply
Does database include /spam and /***** or no?
P79776 link reply
who "schizocow" ?
P79777 link reply

Thread 65972 in /datamining/

P65972 User-created board stats link reply
This thread's purpose is to monitor the most active user-created boards on Lambdaplusjs to determine what topics users are most interested in seeing given their own spaces on this site. Like the dead stats thread on /meta/, I'll try to update this weekly.

Most popular user-created boards of all time:
1. /utangatta/ - 976 posts (no posts since P64070)
2. /blog/ - 638 posts (+3 posts)
3. /datamining/ - 531 posts (+10 posts)
4. /imageboards/ - 494 posts (+26 posts)
5. /webmastery/ - 421 posts (+1 post)
6. /gaming/ - 315 posts (+8 posts)
7. /senafag/ - 271 posts (no posts)
8. /femboy/ - 265 posts (no posts)
9. /loli/ - 263 posts (+16 posts, surpassing /anime/)
10. /anime/ - 258 posts (+1 post)
11. /manhunt/ - 197 posts (no posts)
12. /fight/ - 190 posts (no posts)
13. /comfy/ - 185 posts (no posts)
14. /tierlist/ - 159 posts (no posts)
15. /prog/ - 142 posts (no posts)
16. /opsec/ - 114 posts (+6 posts)
17. /glag/ - 110 posts (no posts)
18. /hikki/ - 105 posts (no posts)
Boards with less than 100 posts aren't considered significant enough to be on this list.

Future posts in this thread will also include the the top 10 most popular user-created boards of the week.

19 replies omitted.
P75667 User-created board stats week 9 link reply
Top 30 most popular user-created boards of all time:
1. /utangatta/ - 976 posts (no posts this week)
2. /datamining/ - 716 posts (+29 posts)
3. /blog/ - 683 posts (+8 posts)
4. /imageboards/ - 587 posts (no posts)
5. /webmastery/ - 469 posts (no posts)
6. /loli/ - 321 posts (+17 posts, surpassing /gaming/)
7. /gaming/ - 319 posts (no posts)
8. /senafag/ - 295 posts (+4 posts)
9. /comfy/ - 286 posts (no posts)
10. /femboy/ - 281 posts (+2 posts)
11. /anime/ - 275 posts (no posts)
12. /darkside/ - 261 posts (+4 posts)
13. /manhunt/ - 197 posts (no posts)
14. /fight/ - 195 posts (no posts)
15. /yukigen/ - 167 posts (+16 posts, surpassing /tierlist/)
16. /tierlist/ - 159 posts (no posts)
17. /prog/ - 142 posts (no posts)
18. /opsec/ - 125 posts (no posts)
19. /hikki/ - 118 posts (no posts)
20. /lacroix/ - 116 posts (no posts)
21. /glag/ - 110 posts (no posts)
22. /denpahell/ - 93 posts (no posts)
23. /mind/ - 93 posts (no posts)
24. /idol/ - 88 posts (no posts)
25. /chemistry/ - 87 posts (no posts)
26. /*****with*****ren/ - 81 posts (no posts)
27. /socialskills/ - 81 posts (no posts)
28. /originalcontent/ - 79 posts (no posts)
29. /feminism/ - 76 posts (no posts)
30. /jeff/ - 70 posts (no posts)

Top 6 most popular user-created boards of the week:
1. /datamining/ - 29 posts
2. /loli/ - 17 posts
3. /yukigen/ - 16 posts
4. /blog/ - 8 posts
5. /senafag/ - 4 posts
6. /darkside/ - 4 posts
P77162 User-created board stats week 10 link reply
Top 30 most popular user-created boards of all time:
1. /utangatta/ - 976 posts (no posts this week)
2. /datamining/ - 736 posts (+20 posts)
3. /blog/ - 694 posts (+11 posts)
4. /imageboards/ - 587 posts (no posts)
5. /webmastery/ - 469 posts (no posts)
6. /loli/ - 324 posts (+3 posts)
7. /gaming/ - 319 posts (no posts)
8. /senafag/ - 295 posts (no posts)
9. /femboy/ - 288 posts (+7 posts, surpassing /comfy/)
10. /comfy/ - 286 posts (no posts)
11. /anime/ - 275 posts (no posts)
12. /darkside/ - 261 posts (no posts)
13. /manhunt/ - 197 posts (no posts)
14. /fight/ - 196 posts (+1 post)
15. /yukigen/ - 179 posts (+12 posts)
16. /originalcontent/ - 159 posts (+80 posts, surpassing /socialskills/, /*****with*****ren/, /chemistry/, /mind/, /denpahell/, /idol/, /glag/, /hikki/, /lacroix/, /opsec/, and /prog/, matching /tierlist/)
17. /tierlist/ - 159 posts (no posts)
18. /prog/ - 142 posts (no posts)
19. /opsec/ - 125 posts (no posts)
20. /lacroix/ - 120 posts (+4 posts)
21. /hikki/ - 118 posts (no posts)
22. /glag/ - 110 posts (no posts)
23. /idol/ - 95 posts (+7 posts, surpassing /mind/ and /denpahell/)
24. /denpahell/ - 93 posts (no posts)
25. /mind/ - 93 posts (no posts)
26. /chemistry/ - 89 posts (+2 posts)
27. /*****with*****ren/ - 83 posts (+2 posts, surpassing /socialskills/)
28. /socialskills/ - 81 posts (no posts)
29. /feminism/ - 76 posts (no posts)
30. /jeff/ - 70 posts (no posts)

Top 8 most popular user-created boards of the week:
1. /originalcontent/ - 80 posts
2. /datamining/ - 20 posts
3. /yukigen/ - 12 posts
4. /blog/ - 11 posts
5. /femboy/ - 7 posts
6. /idol/ - 7 posts
7. /*****/ - 5 posts
8. /lacroix/ - 4 posts
P77166 link reply
Top 30 most popular user-created boards of all time:
1. /utangatta/ - 976 posts (no posts this week)
2. /datamining/ - 736 posts (+20 posts)
3. /blog/ - 694 posts (+11 posts)
4. /imageboards/ - 587 posts (no posts)
5. /webmastery/ - 469 posts (no posts)
6. /loli/ - 324 posts (+3 posts)
7. /gaming/ - 319 posts (no posts)
8. /senafag/ - 295 posts (no posts)
9. /femboy/ - 288 posts (+7 posts, surpassing /comfy/)
10. /comfy/ - 286 posts (no posts)
11. /anime/ - 275 posts (no posts)
12. /darkside/ - 261 posts (no posts)
13. /manhunt/ - 197 posts (no posts)
14. /fight/ - 196 posts (+1 post)
15. /yukigen/ - 179 posts (+12 posts)
16. /originalcontent/ - 159 posts (+80 posts, surpassing /socialskills/, /*****with*****ren/, /chemistry/, /mind/, /denpahell/, /idol/, /glag/, /hikki/, /lacroix/, /opsec/, and /prog/, matching /tierlist/)
17. /tierlist/ - 159 posts (no posts)
18. /prog/ - 142 posts (no posts)
19. /opsec/ - 125 posts (no posts)
20. /lacroix/ - 120 posts (+4 posts, surpassing /hikki/)
21. /hikki/ - 118 posts (no posts)
22. /glag/ - 110 posts (no posts)
23. /idol/ - 95 posts (+7 posts, surpassing /mind/ and /denpahell/)
24. /denpahell/ - 93 posts (no posts)
25. /mind/ - 93 posts (no posts)
26. /chemistry/ - 89 posts (+2 posts)
27. /*****with*****ren/ - 83 posts (+2 posts, surpassing /socialskills/)
28. /socialskills/ - 81 posts (no posts)
29. /feminism/ - 76 posts (no posts)
30. /jeff/ - 70 posts (no posts)

Top 8 most popular user-created boards of the week:
1. /originalcontent/ - 80 posts
2. /datamining/ - 20 posts
3. /yukigen/ - 12 posts
4. /blog/ - 11 posts
5. /femboy/ - 7 posts
6. /idol/ - 7 posts
7. /*****/ - 5 posts
8. /lacroix/ - 4 posts
P78730 User-created boards week 11 link reply
Top 30 most popular user-created boards of all time:
1. /utangatta/ - 980 posts (+4 posts this week)
2. /datamining/ - 737 posts (+2 posts)
3. /blog/ - 704 posts (+10 posts)
4. /imageboards/ - 587 posts (no posts)
5. /webmastery/ - 473 posts (+4 posts)
6. /loli/ - 324 posts (no posts)
7. /gaming/ - 319 posts (no posts)
8. /femboy/ - 295 posts (+7 posts, matching /senafag/)
9. /senafag/ - 295 posts (no posts)
10. /anime/ - 288 posts (+13 posts, surpassing /comfy/)
11. /comfy/ - 286 posts (no posts)
12. /darkside/ - 262 posts (+1 post)
13. /manhunt/ - 197 posts (no posts)
14. /fight/ - 196 posts (no posts)
15. /originalcontent/ - 185 posts (+26 posts, surpassing /yukigen/)
16. /yukigen/ - 184 posts (+5 posts)
17. /tierlist/ - 159 posts (no posts)
18. /lacroix/ - 152 posts (+32 posts, surpassing /opsec/ and /prog/)
19. /prog/ - 142 posts (no posts)
20. /opsec/ - 125 posts (no posts)
21. /hikki/ - 118 posts (no posts)
22. /glag/ - 110 posts (no posts)
23. /idol/ - 95 posts (no posts)
24. /denpahell/ - 93 posts (no posts)
25. /mind/ - 93 posts (no posts)
26. /chemistry/ - 89 posts (no posts)
27. /*****with*****ren/ - 87 posts (+4 posts)
28. /socialskills/ - 81 posts (no posts)
29. /feminism/ - 76 posts (no posts)
30. /jeff/ - 70 posts (no posts)

Top 10 (or 12) most popular user-created boards of the week:
1. /lacroix/ - 32 posts
2. /originalcontent/ - 26 posts
3. /anime/ - 13 posts
4. /blog/ - 10 posts
5. /business/ - 9 posts
6. /femboy/ - 7 posts
7. /nods/ - 6 posts
8. /yukigen/ - 5 posts
9. /utangatta/ - 4 posts
10. /webmastery/ - 4 posts
11. /*****with*****ren/ - 4 posts
12. /lost/ - 4 posts
P78737 link reply
where /tranny @

Thread 75596 in /datamining/

Yuki P75596 [NO JAVASCRIPT EDITION] Lambdaplusjs Open-Source Psychometrics Datamining Bread link reply
It has come to my attention that JavaScript is disliked on this imageboard. As a result I tried to find a way to administer datamining tests without a JavaScript requirement. Given the observed nature of tests online, I have devised the following method: aside from JavaScript-enforcing tests, it's been observed that a cornucopia of printable tests exist, especially under a format abbreviated "PDF" that apparently exhibits the behavior of compressing images, text, and more in a small amount of storage space instead of keeping them to their own files.
There's a simple command line tool called pdftoppm. It comes with many Linux distributions. I'll use it to split each PDF from some of the printable tests offered at the website Open-Source Psychometrics Project such that each page is converted into its own PNG. Then, I'll upload the pictures here and let prospective Lambdaplusjs lab rats follow the instructions for each test, spoilering pages with instructions on calculating the results when necessary to avoid accidentally influencing users' answers.

In this thread, the Agency is interested in thir***** data points for as many individuals as possible:
1. Score out of 40 on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory
2. Score for realistic career paths per the Holland Code Test
3. Score for investigative career paths per the Holland Code Test
4. Score for artistic career paths per the Holland Code Test
5. Score for social career paths per the Holland Code Test
6. Score for enterprising career paths per the Holland Code Test
7. Score for conventional career paths per the Holland Code Test
8. Roughly estimated IQ per a 25-question matrix reasoning test
9. Extroversion score per a variant of the Big Five Personality Test
10. Agreeableness score per a variant of the Big Five Personality Test
11. Conscientiousness score per a variant of the Big Five Personality Test
12. Neuroticism score per a variant of the Big Five Personality Test
13. Openness to experience score per a variant of the Big Five Personality Test
The relevant tests and all but one of their keys are attached to this post. The IQ test's key is spoilered on the next post because there isn't any way to spoiler specific files in a post with multiple files attached if you're not the admin on Lambdaplusjs yet.

[spoiler: I should've made this thread first instead of trying to get as many participants in my glowing as possible from a bunch of fellow OPSEC schizos who want to avoid enabling JavaScript.]

Together, we can get a good picture of where the average λnon stands for, uh, soyence and stuff. As always, have fun comparing and contrasting yourself with other λnons and their data.

[bold: My scores:]

On the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, I got 18/40. I don't really have much to say about this result. Considering where it places me on their graph, I'd say it's fairly accurate, [spoiler: maybe undershooting my narcissism a bit].

My scores on the Holland Code Test were as follows:
Realistic = 24
Investigative = 36
Artistic = 25
Social = 20
Enterprising = 14
Conventional = 30
Again, not really much to say here. It's all based on what I said I'd like or not like to do, so it can't be too inaccurate.

24 out of 25 of my answers were correct according to the key, presumably corresponding to an IQ score of 139 or above. To be honest, I find it sort of hard to believe that only 1 in ~200 people could get 22 or more of these right. Obviously, no online IQ test is going to be the most reliable, and matrix reasoning (and to a lesser extent working memory), while a proxy for IQ, is the only thing it's really measuring, but these people [bold: claim] to norm their tests on real people (more than most online tests could say), which makes it weirder.
I also have my doubts about the one answer I got wrong according to the key, and no, it's not just salt about getting something wrong on my part. [spoiler: That's what I want you to think, anyway.] I have reasoning to explain why I gave the answer I did. If you took this test and got it right according to the key, or potentially got it wrong in the same way I did, decrypt this PGP message (no public key or passphrase is required, I'm just using gpg's --store feature as a super spoiler), check my reasoning for me, and respond in kind:

My extroversion score was 8/40. Nothing to say about it, really. The score is accurate to me, and I think it's self-explanatory why the answers to the questions asked would influence the score in the way they do. The only criticism I have would be the fact that a few of the answers to the questions asked could easily change depending on a person's circumstances without their actual personality changing, but that applies to all of these to some extent.
My agreeableness score was 14/40. Again, not much to say here.
My conscientiousness score was also 14/40. I think my score would've been much higher if I took this same test in my pre-NEET days. The answers to the questions influencing the score are (in my opinion) the second most circumstantial on this test.
My neuroticism score was 24/40. Two things: One, judging by how each question adds or subtracts from the score, it appears that [bold: lower] scores on this part of the test correspond to [bold: higher] neuroticism, and [bold: higher] scores on this part of the test correspond to [bold: lower] neuroticism. You can see what I mean by checking it yourself. To be fair, they didn't state otherwise like they did for the other traits. Its question also have the most circumstantial answers on the test, with half (9, 14, 19, 34, 49) of what is supposedly this aspect of your personality shaped by feelings that are (most of the time) influenced by circumstances more than who someone is at their core. By its logic, someone with a gilded life with few current worries who would have a meltdown if they had to confront anything remotely traumatic could have a perfectly normal level of neuroticism, but someone with a perfectly average or even slightly above average breaking point who simply has to deal with 10x more shit than most people and feels no more sad about it than a normal person would could easily be considered to have a neurotic personality. [spoiler: This is reminiscent of how I was once diagnosed with clinical depression and put on anti-depressants for telling a (((psychiatrist))) how depressed I was over certain highly abnormal things happening in my life at a time when I was very *****, but I digress.]
My openness to experience score was 36/40. Same deal as my agreeableness and extroversion scores.
6 replies omitted.
P75771 Ma link reply
Extroversion = 26
Agreeableness = 18
Conscientiousness = 10
Neuroticism = 23
Openness to Experience = 33

Narcissism = 22
P75776 link reply
E16 A1 C25 N15 O32 how cute. I have the same O score as P75612

This narcissist test is worded horribly. Likely designed by unhinged empaths with extreme neuroticism partially severe psychosis rooted in stockholm syndrome for societal constructs
Most could not be attuned; inputting variable points “val” fractions for extreme precision of what my egos' [spoiler: s' not 's :^)] fee fees thinks the ballot is meant to datamine
17 rounded up, eternal sumer for cryptonarcissists
P75800 link reply
Lol, kid on the right got yaught
P76163 max link reply
hi everybody, its max again!! thought itd be fun to post my results since i saw this shit on the front page. here you guys go, enjoy. (yes, **THAT** max from /femboy/ on λ and λ² >:3)

Big Five:

E = 27
A = 35
C = 28
N = 26
O = 37


16/25 (kinda rushed it ngl)
equivalent of 111 IQ



P76166 link reply
Hey guys its max again (named after my last victim) and i just *****ed another ***** with my hubby ian

Thread 34307 in /datamining/

P34307 what is your inner animal? link reply
i went out with my friends and a stray mutt [spoiler: not a fellow countryman, i mean an actual dog, animal, walks on 4 legs] came near us
a girl petted him a little and he started following her
she thought he just wanted more headpats, but he wouldnt stop ankle sharking her no matter what
he only went away after she ignored him for a long time
the whole time i was like "omg literally me"
anyway, what is your inner animal? mines obviously dog
no dumb glowing quiz to answer this time
this is a self-assessed test
12 replies omitted.
P66344 link reply
12of11 do you have a PGP key?
P66351 link reply
P66352 link reply
my inner animal is brandons pussy
P75520 link reply
Boa constrictor
Yuki P75526 link reply

Moles Yuki Boy*****er
Live in darkness Lives in darkness
Non-social animals, only come together to mate Alone, just wants to live with his shota harem
Considered pests that are necessary to kill Considered a monster who is better off dead
Hide their activity from the world in tunnels Hide his activity from the world behind Tor
that very few other animals' can reach circuits that very few could de-anonymize.
People who are secretly operating against the Secretly sees people he'd be outwardly amiable
people/orgs/society they're outwardly aligned with, particularly in real life, as utterly
with are named after them worthless

I think I've found mine.

Thread 74467 in /datamining/

Yuki P74467 Lambdaplusjs Open-Source Psychometrics Datamining Bread link reply
Open-Source Psychometrics Project ( is another site full of totally soyentific Psychology-related tests perfect for us to waste our time on for my vested interest in datamining the Nanosphere. Compare and contrast yourself with other λnons on many things, including, but not limited to:
~ Which character among 2000 in goyslop media is literally you
~ Just how low is your low self-esteem is
~ How narcissistic, Machiavellian, and psychopathic you are
~ How conspiratorial your beliefs are
~ And so much more!

As far as I can tell, you only need to enable scripts in custom NoScript settings for only for all of the tests to work. Enabling fonts isn't necessary, but makes a few symbols visible if you do.

Links to the tests I took: (My results:

They gave me some character from a (((Netflix))) show I've only heard about a few times for my #1 match (Elliot Alderson from Mr. Robot). Text file attached with the full list of characters and how well the test thinks I match them. Notable to me are Winston Smith from 1984, L from Death Note, and Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Interestingly, the dark triad test rates me considerably less narcissistic and psychopathic than the test on IDRLabs did, but I remain far more Machiavellian than the average person here.
4 replies omitted.
P74541 link reply
I think Big Bang Theory is one of the most retarded TV shows to exist.

Stuart Bloom (The Big Bang Theory): 81%
George Costanza (Seinfeld): 81%
Rue Bennett (Euphoria): 81% [Acceptable and relatable]
Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion): 81% [This one too]
Theon Greyjoy (Game of Thrones): 80% [A rapist and a psychopath, cool]
A.J. Soprano (The Sopranos): 80%
Pete Hornberger (30 Rock): 80%
The Narrator (Fight Club): 79% [Relatable as well]
Dennis Nedry (Jurassic Park): 79% [Fat guy who gets killed]
Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal): 79%
P74542 link reply
Shit, I confused Theon with the other guy, Ramsay Bolton.
Yes, Theon, relatable as well. Very good character.

This test seems accurate, at least as far as I know.
P74543 link reply
>How are you both narcissist and low self-esteem?
That's what being a narcissist is about.
Their self-esteem is low, in fact, they don't even have access to their self, but they present themselves as something they aren't unconsciously.
Yuki P74576 link reply
My own results for the other tests taken in this thread so far (P74489 and P74505) attached. I skipped the EMAS and EFAS because I didn't see any twinks or other kind of men I'd realistically be attracted to (so didn't think it'd apply to me) and I'm not attracted to w*men, respectively.

>Your answer profile matches most strongly to the Analytical/Tough-minded temperament. This temperament is dominated by the neurotransmitter testostrone, which promotes confidence, aggression and rule based thinking. People with this temperament are competative and direct.
Seems like a bit of a stretch because of how high inhib I am in real life. Then again, I guess compared to the other three options, this is probably the least inaccurate assessment it could give me.

>Your score was 57. Scores range from a low of 30 to a high of 70. The exact average score is 50.
Sounds about right. I'm nerdier than average, but wouldn't exactly identify as one.

>Your score was 52 (range: 19 to 95). Higher scores indicate more agreement with the Protestant Ethic. The average score of college students using this scoring scale is 61 (McHoskey, 1994). The scores of people who have taken this test here on this website are somewhat higher. Their distribution is graphed below (n=4,139).

>Scores on each scale range from -16 to +16.
> Your score for Linear vs. Painterly was 3. This indicates you have a small preference for painterly works. In painterly works the brush stokes will be visible, this contrasts with linear works where shapes are bounded by lines and the goal is a photo-realistic depiction.
> Your score for Realistic vs. Abstract was -2. This indicates you have a small preference for realistic works over abstract ones.
> Your score for Masculine vs. Feminine was -12. This indicates that you have a strong preference for works of art that depict subjects stereotypically of interest to males (e.g. fighting, machines, ships, architecture, etc.) as opposed to subjects stereotypically associated with females (women in dresses, etc.).

>Zodiac-sign Associated Personality Scales Results
I already openly disclose my age range here. So as to not make any prospective doxxing attempts more likely to succeed, I won't be commenting on the accuracy or inaccuracy of this test.

>Full Scale IQ Test Results
Knew from the moment I saw P74505's screenshot that it was going to say my short-term memory was the worst, and my spatial reasoning the best.

>I'm pretty sure most people here will have similar results, except maybe that one belgian guy sperging about 5G.
/pol/ schizo would probably get higher results too. Maybe I should go fetch him from Ableonion to get in this thread.

>I don't usually look at women pictures for that long and 3dpd really is 3dpd

>How are you both narcissist and low self-esteem?
Well, according to this site's test, I'm only average in narcissism [spoiler: (IDRLabs rated me much higher than average)], but in short it's probably because I indulge in fantasies of being all-powerful while in reality I know most things are completely out of my control.

>Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion): 81% [This one too]
I was beginning to question the accuracy of that test until I saw this rating for (You).

Your conspiracy theory test results are actually quite a bit higher than I thought they'd be.

Thread 37313 in /datamining/

P37313 link reply
What is your dick size? Length in inches? Girth?
P37327 link reply
P37336 link reply
P37313 5.5 in.
P37337 4x4 here link reply
***** off
P50491 link reply
P73858 link reply
***** P73857. This was the original cock size thread.

Thread 70788 in /datamining/

P70788 What is your *****ual orientation? link reply
What is your *****ual orientation? Answer according to the chart below:

Hetero*****ual Heteroflexible Bi*****ual Homoflexible Homo*****ual
Excl.Teleio 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E
Pred.Teleio 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E
Neut.Chrono 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
Pred.***** 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E
Excl.***** 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E

* You can't be an exclusive teleiophile if you've fapped to loli hentai sometimes. You get dropped down to predominantly teleiophilic (or further if you have more
prevalent attraction to *****ren)
* For the purposes of this thread, the cut-off age between *****philic and teleiophilic attraction is 15. In other words, hebephilia is lumped in with *****philia, and ephebophilia with teleiophilia.
* If you've fapped to yaoi hentai or traps sometimes (as a male), that makes you at least heteroflexible.
23 replies omitted.
P71187 12of76 link reply
damn she looks just like a smug loli please tell me shes 13
P71296 link reply
shes only 11, she cannot consent-deshita yet desu
P71342 link reply
What's the *****ual orientation of being attracted to incandescent light bulbs? Those things are so *****ing HOT!

P71575 link reply
not even hot m8
Yuki P73813 link reply
4E. [spoiler: Looking at genderbent trap Alois sometimes makes me think I could be 4D, though.]

Thread 69330 in /datamining/

P69330 Loliyanwantsu Challenge link reply
Assign nanosphere personalities to japanese idol subcategories with a preponderance of the evidence level of proof including bibliographies to nanosphere archives

Now psychoanalyze their idol personas by the standard, A Manual on Psychiatry for Dissenters

Then psychoanalyze the theoretical fanbase by the same standard with some preponderance of the evidence

If relevant to the idol's category assign a general music gene by music and genetics, any upper level system will work but attempt using phylogenetic trees created from dynamic community detection of electronic music as proof for pin pointing the genes and with a beyond a reasonable doubt level of proof, then link the idol's psychoanalyst and general gene with a Music and Mental Illness correlation [spoiler: genetically why would tarddere nanon virtual cow idol be making gurocore so much]

Finding real life genotypes are mostly not relevant [spoiler: /int/ biomes are one exception where they are] supplement them with netizen genotypes by [spoiler: pseudo]anonymous format when necessary

Give a professional critic review of the idol's relevant categories and the theoretical review the fanbase would supply on a forum with 20% corrupt moderation and 40% snoo parasite hazard

Summarize this data into multiple statistical correlation and dependence graphs where the correlation is relevant at a 60% level [spoiler: not schizophrenic pattern matching but ignore strict correlation does not imply causation]

You may play with ml prompts and post the hallucinated solutions for hilarity if not too low effort

Thread 68938 in /datamining/

P68938 link reply
What is your favorite holiday, λnon?
1 reply omitted.
P68942 link reply
The one with lolis
P68943 link reply
christmas oviously
P68946 link reply
Cheese day
P68958 link reply
This. But only with quality cheese (the ones they hide in the deli section).
P68965 link reply
is dat trump and trumps two body doubles?

Thread 66924 in /datamining/

P66924 link reply
How many of these words do you know?

11 replies omitted.
P68624 link reply
what is that from?
P68631 link reply
>Asking to be spoon-fed
P68633 link reply
no spoon sorted ye COON!
P68656 Sage link reply
>>Behavior Research Methods

>i'm going to college for psychology
>i'm an expert on peoples behaviors besides myselfs
>look at my latest inspiring quote i put on social media
>you have to do positive things
>i have gone nocontact with narcissists

>> is a bitch and narcissist despite talking about how to not be one

Thread 30159 in /datamining/

P30159 Walltext awards link reply
The chad Trump wallbuilder vs the virgin Reagan walltearer.

Let us pay respects to our brave posters who typed all these posts only to be scrolled past.

Top 5 by length:
P7309 30820
P6569 30751
P6347 30381
P7327 30266
P10909 29820

Top 5 by word count:
P6569 6006
P6347 5949
P7327 5931
P28514 5897
P7309 5862

How data got constructed:
* Posts are first normalized, punctuation is converted into whitespace, then trimmed and then condensed into a single space.
* Only text, spoilers and bolded text is accounted for. Other text like PGP, latex and, more importantly, quotes are ignored.
* A "word" is anything surrounded by spaces.
* Length includes the final whitespaces.
* /spam/ and /test/ are ignored.
* For the top 5 I've manually rejected some non-posts, like posts containing nothing but "AAAAA".
28 replies omitted.
P66607 link reply
> * It's especially insulting when the internet archive made mandatory having to enable kikescript for the wayback machine, they should know how difficult it makes archiving sites.
Learn JS?
You only need JS to search.
^ Uses frames with actual page at
P66611 link reply
I know 小学生 and I regularly have to read scripts to actually bypass it (P27344, P27496) but that's not the point. They artificially put that "requirement" and many places have minified or obfuscated trash anyway.
P66612 link reply
Yucky beat you to it P56333:
!! [bold: The Wayback Machine]
~ You can view any webpage that it has archived on a noJS Tor setup, provided the webpage didn't require JavaScript to view at the time it was archived.
~ As with web proxies, the owners of the Wayback Machine know that you viewed a specific page (It's archived on [bold: their] website, after all) at a specific time. They don't know anything about you or your identity other than the fact that you're a Tor user, but you could make things worse by visiting multiple different websites through the Wayback Machine in the same browsing session, especially if one of those websites could be linked to you.
~ It's more limited in terms of functionality than web proxies (For example, you can't create accounts), but it's also less limited than web proxies in that it's less likely for websites to block it.
To view the most recent archive someone has made of a webpage: Simply enter[insert the URL here] in your browser's URL bar – it'll automatically redirect you to the most recent archive it has.
To view an archive of a webpage around a specific time: Enter[insert the URL here] – it'll automatically redirect you to the archive that's closest to the time you entered. Time is in UTC.
To make it create an archive for you: Enter[insert the URL here] – it should (most of the time) automatically redirect you to the archive it creates.
~ i am a gay schizo faggot
Yuki P66614 link reply
To be fair, the "/save/_embed/" trick to make it archive a webpage without JavaScript doesn't work for all sites and you'll often need to change circuits to bypass its rate limiting, so it's not exactly ideal: P61186 [spoiler: Glad to see my massive textwall thread being cited though, even if by a meanie.]

Thread 31201 in /datamining/

Yuki P31201 Lambdaplusjs Datamining Bread link reply is a site with a few good datamining tests centered around IB culture. The datamining the Agency is interested in conducting ITT involves how much of a boomer you are and how much of a normie you are.

The boomer test entails 20 questions asking about a few of your interests, what technology you use, along with a few other topics concerning the society around you at the time of your youth. From there, it will try to guess your age and give a quick description of the generation it assigned you to, as seen in my attached result [spoiler: (It guessed that I'm over a solid decade older than I actually am, lol)].

The normie test entails a total of 41 questions that are split into three parts. The first part concerns your perspective of the world, which is used to determine your place on the Y-axis. The second part concerns the actual level to which you are integrated in or outcasted from society, which is used to determine your place on the X-axis. The third part is pure datamining, and is, so we've been told, to make the test more accurate. You will get a result like the one I attached, with both a graph and a description of the category you fall into.

The tests can be found here:

Unlike IDRLabs, [bold: both tests on are free of any JavaScript requirement whatsoever], with no need to employ elaborate OPSEC measures or toy around with scripts in order to take it. Therefore, you can give your data to my agency without fear of being glowed by any other agency.

Together, we can compare and contrast ourselves with other lambdanons while giving out more and more PII for uh, science and stuff.
8 replies omitted.
P31625 link reply
im p sure i took this test b4
i think i got normie or was it failed normie?
maybe lame normie?
something like that
anyway, later (tm)
P31833 link reply
lol you nerds think it guessed your age wrong?
it overestimated my age by 3 entire decades
prolly bc i said i dont own a phone (too based to be a *****mer)
>you became an adult when synths became popular
i just said i played synths bc i couldnt say no instrument thats the closest to the music flash games i played as a kid
and as for the normie test
*****ing hell, almost dead center
i got cool normie, but im actually in the borderline between cool and lame
with only a very slight antisocial bias
i think it means im actually a giga normie
idk why this test doesnt have an "average normie" area at the center
P66006 link reply
> eighterway, does anyone here have a spare AK by any chance? I'd like to go to Ukraine, that's why
P31411 Haha American faggot, I see you didn't seeing as you are not dead. I would say kill yourself but you will probably be killed in a mass shooting so no need.
P66058 as expected link reply
[spoiler: yuki pls still give me a good night kiss despite being a wizard]
Yuki P66347 link reply
Damn, it's been over nine months since the OP already. [spoiler: The ***** have I been doing with my life?]

I retook the normie test and got Wizard this time, though very close to the borders with Edge Lord and Sperg. Comparing this with my result from nine months ago, I've gotten slightly more socially integrated, but have a significantly more antisocial attitude. It's fairly accurate both in the result itself and in measuring how I've changed.

As for the boomer test, I got the exact same result as before (as expected).

>[spoiler: yuki pls still give me a good night kiss]
Haha, of course, lambdanon.
[bold: *kisses cheek*]
[spoiler: Where are my (You)s? ;( P64686 P64688]