admin P1 link reply
P4 where is name email aaaah too simple link reply

Which one?
You are based for making this imageboard.
Random puzzle.
P5 link reply
file upload limit?
accepted file types?
admin P6 link reply
Part of the idea behind the link format is to make them easier to copy+paste. If it's all alphanumeric, you can select the whole thing by double clicking.
P7 link reply
When a new board is created, it should automatically get added to the menu bar and maybe sort them by pph or something relevant.
admin P8 link reply
The current maximum request size is 32 KiB. That includes all files and whatever else is sent by the upload form.
All file types are accepted, but any type not on this list will be treated as application/octet-stream and trigger a download prompt:
For this purpose, extensions are ignored; files are typed based on their contents. The original filename including extension is part of the URL.

Regarding rules, we'll see what works. My experience is that most mods ignore their own rules anyway and moderate how they see fit. I'd like to keep moderation minimal, but I'm not making any promises at the moment. My philosophy is to use methods other than deletion where possible, and to be transparent about what I do. Since it needs to be said on a Tor board, ***** *****ography will be deleted.
P9 link reply
add i2p
admin P10 link reply
With regard to user created boards, I want to be close to the 4taba model rather than the 8chan model. But if a particular board takes off and I like it, I'll add it to the list. I expect most people to use /All/ anyway.
P11 link reply
>no .m4a, no .opus

yeah, just mostly stay invisible and out of way, that's the best approach. basically, just do the opposite of what hoshi and hikari do and you'll be fine.
most *****s aren't malicious and will respect the no ***** rule since there's much better places to share it anyway and the ones that are malicious are feds anyway or other (((motivated parties)))
good luck with your project. it's kind of fun in its simplicity and with basically turning board names into tags. clever. speaking of that, it would be cool to allow posting to multiple boards simultaneously just like when using tags. i know that could be *****d, but still.
speaking of tags, are there any formatting tags we can use?
admin P12 link reply
Maybe. Tor is what I'm familiar with and my experience with I2P includes a lot of poor performance and breakage.
admin P13 link reply
>speaking of tags, are there any formatting tags we can use?
Markup is just post links, quotes,, and [spoiler: spoilers] (copy and paste to see how it works). I don't want to add too much because otherwise it gets like vichan where you have to add special anti-formatting directives in order to be able to type foo == bar and have it not wreck your post.
P15 link reply
>stil needing to manually enter the post number/post code into the reply field instead of just being able to click on it like literally any other imageboard
it's shit
P16 link reply
can you make this site Text Browser (Lynx Friendly)?
admin P17 link reply
I'll try. Is there something broken / unpleasant when browsing / posting from Lynx now?
P19 link reply
P23 link reply
Accommodating shitspammer will only bring problems and makes this site an enemy of who shitspammer is an enemy of.
P24 link reply
Hej Hej Monika
P25 link reply
P26 link reply
What's the name of this imageboard and what's the name of its software?
P30 link reply
Hikari can't consent
P31 link reply
Probably. If that's hikari, does that make it less or more true? Who would know?
P33 link reply
>muh hoshi and hikari
*****ing retard
admin P34 link reply
I haven't named it yet.
P35 link reply
>>makes this site an enemy of who shitspammer is an enemy of

oh noes!
P36 link reply
Why isn't she aiming for the ice cream and what's that stuff dripping down her hand?
P38 link reply
How do we post without bumping the thread?
P40 link reply
Sorry your imageboard is being dragged into that retarded war, admin.
Bias or not, P23 was right, the retard bringing his *****babble here will do the site no good. Might want to put a stop to the infestation.
admin P42 link reply
I deliberately haven't implemented this. For most situations where this would be appropriate, such as telling someone they've posted in the wrong place, the preferred method would be to post a reply in the appropriate place and link them. Backlinks show up cross-thread and cross-board.
P43 link reply
P44 link reply
Wrong. Go back to your cringe pico thread.
P49 link reply
He so mad he link to himself lol
P52 link reply
bad. you need a name, for both.
P53 don't listen to this faggot i quoted link reply
meh. you don't need a name for either, actually. just try to be a good admin and allow something organic to develop for the first time in the history of alt-chans and people will find their way here.
not doing so is why nanochan and other alts are dead shitholes; admins and mods always trying to force their snowflake brand of autism on the entire userbase until everyone gets fed up and *****s off elsewhere.
admin P54 link reply
I'm not great with coming up with names, so I'll take suggestions as I think about it. I'd prefer a name that doesn't reference other sites.
P58 link reply
Use i2pd instead, high latency is intentional breakage is just because java i2p is garbage.
P59 link reply
i2p's weakest link is its tiny userbase and just having it installed and running on your system fingerprints you to some degree by your isp.
it's not really a viable alternative to tor until there's widespread adoption which isn't happening anytime soon partly because their developers are cockmonglers
P63 link reply
my isp is retarded glow***** bot cry about it doubt anyone here even uses servertransportoptions with tor your opinion is garbage if you believe bare client tor isnt an instant fingerprint just like any other onion router you know i2p*
>tor developers arent cockmonglers and i2pd is developed by zzz
>russians being forced into using i2pd for le national darknet is a tiny userbase

tell me how i know youre bot or maybe im too hopeful for this little shitposter use how i2pd is a fsb asset next time :^)
P64 link reply
What is this place's name?
P65 link reply
simmer down, comrade. i don't oppose based admin from initializing an i2p service, i just have reservations about its security. i actually wish that it had a larger userbase with more global bandwidth because it's a safer transport for torrenting and muwire has a lot of potential too.
P66 link reply
Well, it's your site, so you can do what you want, but I actually think 'sage' is a useful function. Sometimes, I like to add content to a thread knowing that it's being actively monitored by multiple users without needing to bump it to the top of the page to get attention.
P68 link reply
do not confuse shitposting with anger and security like the broken router code *****ing your box for resources with anonymity never call anonymity a boolen
anonymity may overlap with security but they are not the same exact thing and if you say opsec you out your self as a altkike glow***** trying to construct an artificial side that will never exist
far as im concerned the basedcringeboy admins reply [[[you]]] means its an asset and basic shit like i2p freenet or lokinet never but please come back we need to track you even though those with a higher pay grade already remote neural monitor you nonstop but muh trans*****ual wageslave job
do not call me comrade if you wont post cummieisms or even at me
peak tier shitposting
good failure post reply would get dick infected again
P69 link reply
this is pretty nice
P77 link reply
not even a day old and already rulecucked holyshit lmao
P81 link reply
Did the feds attack your site already?
P82 link reply
It was probably hoshi and hikari. I told you they were evil scumbags.
admin P83 link reply
Why, was it down at some point?
P86 link reply
It's been confirmed it was hikari
P89 link reply
Mask filenames like nano does.
admin P90 link reply
How about making it optional?
P101 link reply
As long as it's the default.
admin P129 link reply
I've added .m4a.
.opus is included in .ogg.
P130 link reply
Maybe you could include a NSFW and SFW Overboard, so that snowflakes who can't handle female nudity don't get a seizure.
P131 link reply
Why was P127 moved and not allowed to be a new thread at /hikarilost/ ?
P134 Stop micromanaging link reply
This is the most common problem with admins and moderators. You always feeling like you should be 'doing something' in that role but you just end up meddling with the organic flow of a thread, a board, the entire site and it stifles any nascent culture that could potentially develop. Most people instinctively react to this by either rebelling or moving elsewhere. I hope you don't make that mistake.
P136 link reply
Obvious spam
P137 link reply
hikari mad
P138 link reply
P139 link reply
It's just a quote from shitspammer, who has made the most posts on this site so far, such as >>P134.
P140 link reply
No, you dense mother*****er. P133 is trying to taunt shitspammer. You are completely out of the loop, so you can't distinguish who is who because you're an obvious gnu/fag to the nano drama.
P141 link reply
dense mother*****er.jpg
And what is untrue about anything posted in P134 ?
If I wanted to spam this site, I would not have used the /hikarilost/ tag to create my P127 thread like the other obvious spammers here who want to take down your site and who are just spewing shit everywhere. I only created two 'boards': /hikarilost/ and /shitspammer/. Any other posts I've made elsewhere were relevant to that board, like this one.
P142 link reply
I agree with that 100%
P145 link reply
Imagine being that gullible and easily manipulated.
P146 link reply
Imagine resorting to ad hom when you don't have a valid counterargument.
P148 link reply
fart bro.jpg
Maybe he just needs to open a window right, bro?
P149 link reply
>If I wanted to spam this site

Is that a threat?
P150 link reply
What's the context of that?
P152 link reply
Still waiting for admin's response to P131 and P134
P153 link reply
Again, is that a threat?
P154 link reply
Need to see admin's ID in front of the post number and not someone impersonating them.
P155 link reply
lol you just outed yourself, gnu/fag, thanks for playing
P156 link reply
You were replying to a notorious dishonest faggot, who does not care about "culture" and "organic flow", his idea of both of these things is about what you can see here in action, very "organic". It's either that or posting scat and gay *****, attention whoring and singling out users in order to harass them. Retards like him roaming free stifles anything organic just as much as excessive mod interference.
P158 link reply
Right and "culture" and "organic flow" to you means spamming /a/ garbage in every thread on every board and deleting posts which don't absolve and justify the selfish desires of fat, ugly *****s who unironically enjoy harming *****ren.
P164 link reply
>fat, ugly *****s who unironically enjoy harming *****ren.
lmfao you disgusting faggot still think anyone will be fooled by this shit after your spamming of nanochan with bleeding *****ren and ***** ***** videos? Rope yourself, this is beyond pathetic.
P165 link reply
Right and ***** hikari deleted my post at least half dozen times because he didn't like being called delusional, not because my post broke any board or site rules.

Case closed
P166 link reply
shitspammerfaggot of all people trying to seem moral LMAO
P168 link reply
<bleeding *****ren and ***** ***** videos
>everyone i don't liek is shitspammer
P169 link reply
I bully *****s like hikari 24/7 which is why he spams that shit himself and tries to pass it off as mine. Class bad jacketting attempt.

Sorry, but your little game failed.
P170 link reply
Here you go again with the transparent dishonesty which fools no one at all. Try and explain what you see wrong with lying your ass off. You see nothing wrong with it.
P172 link reply
Yeah, except you literally are and posted that yourself, or purposely played dumb about it while being very much aligned with who did. The latter is far less likely obvious to anyone who has been observing the situation.
No one is fooled by your bullshit, including the act you put on trying to accuse anyone of enjoying harming *****ren as if that's something faggots like you would even care about.
P173 link reply
Nope, it's your little game that has failed, pathetic kike.
P174 link reply
Shitspammer, it's time for you to spit out some self-condemnatory words. What's wrong with lying your ass off, right?
P175 do nanotraplets really link reply
do nanotraplets really
P176 link reply
Come on shitspammer, in your own words, can you explain what is wrong with lying your ass off?
P178 link reply
These are the facts:

hikari is a ***** who jerks off to both ***** and loli
hikari spams hurtcore and then tries to bad jacket his enemies, meanwhile, other 3dpd ***** is left on the site for days and weeks (just check the logs to what endofunctor recently deleted after TWO MONTHS absence)
hikari deletes posts he doesn't like, especially if he thinks it was posted by his enemies, he's wrong most of the time and mistakes me for other posters, but i never let him know lol
hikari deletes any and all critical references to himself and his modding *****s
when nanochan was more active, he regularly flooded threads which triggered him until posting limit was reached
hikari is flooding this site now
hikari attacked this site with a ddos some hours ago

hikari does all of this and hoshi approves, verifies and condones it.

tl;dr hoshi and hikari are evil characters, not to be trusted
P179 link reply
Transparent lies fool no one at all.

Now come on shitdick faggot, why haven't you taken a break from your "safe butt***** with a bro" and answered the question? Honesty matters and lying is bad, can you give reasons why?
P180 link reply
site name scatannihilator
software name scathurtcore
P181 link reply
you forgot to attach one of your catchphrases to that post
"hurtcore won", am I right?

>other 3dpd ***** is left on the site for days and weeks (just check the logs to what endofunctor recently deleted after TWO MONTHS absence)
lol endocucktor deletes any image of a ***** as "*****"
P182 link reply
Yes, also "because hurtcore is winning" is one he liked.
P183 link reply
btw the constant spam of the bleeding ***** images, that was also hikari, right shitspammer?
P184 link reply
Come on shitspammer, why can't you say anything negative about your never ending practice of telling lies?
P185 link reply
shitspammer answer my thread on ur bort I NEED ANSWERS
P186 link reply
I'm not aligned with anyone, fat ***** loser. Go back to your lolicon and little girl avatarfagging.
P187 link reply
P188 link reply
and intentionally disingenuous, but that goes without saying
P189 link reply
I think he doesn't know how ridiculous that claim is. *cough* messenger

As if anyone is fooled for any time at all into mistakenly thinking you are not the one who posts it, you filthy *****ing faggot as addicted to lying as you are to amphetamines.
P190 link reply
go back to your /pol/ echo chamber of one, schizo
P191 link reply
>ur bort

Yes, it's your board. Elaborate on that.
P192 link reply
>little girl avatarfagging
lol i almost forgot P1
P193 link reply
Nanochan is one person
P195 link reply
P193 P193 P193
P193 P193 P193
P193 P193 P193
leaking piece of shit
admin P208 link reply
I don't want to run a site about other sites' jannies. If the site organically develops into that, it's going to organically shut down because I'll have no interest in managing it.

Another option would be to allow multiple threads but remove the board from /All/ like /spam/ is. Would you prefer that?
P210 link reply
You act like your site is swamped with a tidal wave of organic traffic and you can barely keep up with it or manage things lol
This site was dead until I showed up. P2 and P3 are both me along with most of the rest of the threads/posts/boards here. I could give a flying ***** if you don't move my post back to its original thread, nor whether you get bored and 404 your site, Patch style and, guess one else gives a ***** either. This is *your* opportunity to do something good, interesting and different, not mine. If you ***** it up by being a micromanaging idiot, hurriedly putting spoilers on barely nude tattooed whores or moving posts around like a neurotic fool when there's barely a trickle of traffic on your no-name site, then that's on you, not me. Traffic tends to follow me around, whether I post as a persona or an anon. It's not that I'm anything special, mind you, it's just more a symptom of alts being generally dead anyway and the few stragglers that remain are largely humorous, uncreative, boring dolts who contribute nothing of value. Let the haters hate, but I know that I *do* both create value *and* shitpost and bully sometimes and there's nothing wrong with doing that. If you think that there is then you can go back to facebook or reddit where your ilk is best suited.
P211 link reply
P212 link reply
If you don't want to run a site about other sites' jannies, then don't allow them. Don't listen to them and stop talking about this organic vegetable business.

You have no idea what the imageboard you run has to look like. You don't even have a name for your imageboard. Imagine having custom board creation for a dead imageboard. Look at your catalog, it looks like shit. That's what you get if you organically grow shit in your imageboard and allow shitface like the anon you're listening to or the cancer he brings with him post in it.
P213 link reply
This anon is right. Please take Nanochan as your model for success.
P214 link reply
imagine being a lowtier tranny glow***** forced to run an onions shittingboard for the worst crowd that literally *****d one of their site owners
then the userbase forces you between getting *****d or getting fired and thrown under the bus for messing around "metadrama"
P215 link reply
If the organic consensus of your site's users wants the site to be about other sites' jannies, then that's they way it's gonna be. If you don't like that, then you can try to force your own (((culture))) on everyone Nanochan style and become another boring, dead shithole where only anime and trannie issues get discussed 24/7 until the site implodes with cancer and even the regulars eventually ghost. Nanochan isn't even on life support at this point, it's just dead and being picked over for carrion.
You can't have it both ways, you either let chaos sort itself out or you become another trannyjanny that kills your own ***** in the womb.
There was a turning point some time ago where this flood of idiots suddenly discovered imageboards and the dark web and thought it was some safe space sekrit club for their autistic interests and sensitivities. It isn't. So, the more you seek shelter in places like this, the more you'll be hunted down like a wounded animal and cannibalized. If you need a safe space, then ***** off back to clearweb where the nannystate will protect you 24/7.
It doesn't even matter if I ***** off elsewhere or do something else with my time, because someone else will soon come and fill the vacuum. Most of you are just too naive and inexperienced to fully realize how the game is played.
P216 sage link reply
the site got listed a few hours ago by the imageboard autist its already dead
admin P222 link reply
Done, filenames are now optional.
P225 link reply
>I *do* both create value

it just happens to be a value less than zero, at all times.
P234 link reply
The problem with Tor imageboards, where they have a problem, is specifically: you, the individual you. The entirety of your activity on them, when you're spamming hurtcore, shit, gay ***** etc and when you're not. I thought twice about saying that because it feeds your deranged ego, but it is true.

There is not this crowd of like-minded pathologically dishonest ADHD cocksuckers and sphincter pushers you imagine.
admin P332 link reply
P347 link reply
Performance benchmarks when?
P356 link reply
why did you want to make an IB?
admin P359 link reply
First, I wanted to test out some of my thoughts on how to write an imageboard. Things like doing caching at the post level, and moderation that works more by moving than by deleting. Second, nanochan was going down the shitter at the time so I thought there should be a backup place to discuss technology anonymously. That one's less relevant now since nanochan seems to be improving.
P363 link reply
hey admin Ive heard you are pretty based... why dont you fix this then, uh?
admin P364 link reply
What browser is that in?
P365 link reply
something firefox-ish... but apparently it only happens when a post contains a piece of media getting blocked by noscript and being obscured by the noscript logo, once you allow it and the logo goes away it's fine
P891 link reply
Admin, would you mind allowing a /lounge/ like board that would end up looking like a /b/ or /free/ except without the unnecessary 3DPD *****spam and ***** honeypots?

The lack of visibility of /free/ makes me feel more alone than it already is here.
admin P892 link reply
I don't have any objection to that. If it's going to be visible, I'm going to move stuff that appears spammy or cancerous to overboard-excluded boards like /spam/ and /trash/, but that sounds like it may be what you want.
P894 link reply
That's great.
Also, I don't care about spammy and cancerous things.
P901 link reply
Who would've thought that darknet celebrity hoshi would visit this imageboard too to protect hikari?
Who would've thought that darknet celebrity denpa would visit this imageboard too to ask for a blogging platform?
Remember, denpa, darknet is a lonely place.
P904 link reply
You can follow the nano route and pick an anime character that you like and make a name with it.
I would also like to have a name, because "comfy white board" is not very recognizable when I want to find it in my ib list.

Very cool software nonetheless, I hope it will also be fun for you for a while.
P905 link reply

P911 link reply
>darknet celebrity
Back in the 20s, I was in a very famous imageboard...
I'm D*npa the avatarfag, D*npa the avatarfag
Don't act like you don't know...

And I'm trying to hold on to my past
It's been so long
I don't think I'm gonna last

I guess I'll just try and make you understand
That I'm more avatar than a fag
Or I'm more fag than avatar
P1112 link reply
P1528 link reply
>shio /b/ 2022-06-17 17:30:06 Toggled autosage on thread /b/77559 for reason: spam

Admin, just an advice. Don't associate yourself or this site with nanochan.
P1529 link reply
You seem to have *****ed up something on recent:
>Content Encoding Error
>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Server claims to send gzip compressed content but it's just sending null data.
P1530 link reply
Too late, they are all trannies with the exact same mindset: delete anything they don't like as "spam"
This is just another toilet to shit in whenever you're bored.
admin P1532 link reply
That's strange. I've turned off compression while I investigate what's going wrong, so it should be working again although it may load slower than usual.

This is a moderated site, but I don't classify things as spam just because I don't like them. Things outside /free/ which look like garbage to me get moved to /trash/ instead, or to /test/ if it has very little content and was likely a test or accidental post. Everything is logged, and if you have any objections we can discuss them here.
admin P1533 link reply
Seems to have been introduced by an upgrade of the lighttpd package. Downgrading to a previous version fixed it.
P1536 link reply
I take that you've chosen not to reply to my advice on P1528. I hope you'll follow it because nothing good comes from associating with nanochan as it currently stands.
admin P1537 link reply
The advice is kind of redundant at this point given the mods there don't want this site discussed. And nanochan isn't the only place I've talked about this site. On the more constructive side, do you have any ideas on how to recruit posters?
P1538 link reply
>The advice is kind of redundant at this point given the mods there don't want this site discussed.
Fair enough.
>And nanochan isn't the only place I've talked about this site.
I guess this is you plus some shilling on 4/g/.
>On the more constructive side, do you have any ideas on how to recruit posters?
Hard to know, it's kind of a miracle nanochan gained traction. Shilling is probably the wrong way to do it but then again without some amount it's impossible for others to get to know you.
Think of why do you post on imageboard X with more activity instead of imageboard Y with a few posts per day. Most people are not going to bother.
P1539 link reply
>Think of why do you post on imageboard X with more activity instead of imageboard Y with a few posts per day. Most people are not going to bother.
I meant to say:
Why would you post on imageboard Y with a few posts per days instead on imageboard X with more activity.
P1542 link reply
>at this point given the mods there don't want this site discussed.
*****mod team did what? Admin, where is your standing on this issue,
before it is too late? not baiting or anything.
>Think of why do you post on imageboard Y
Admin is around. xD
admin P1543 link reply
It was actually kind of funny. The flandre character pseudo-deleted an update post I made, then since he couldn't unbump the thread, he flooded /b/ with thread bumps to bury the thread a bit and make it harder to notice there was an update. I made another minor post, and then shio deleted it and set the thread to autosage. Whatever. I'm not going to actually spam nanochan, which is what it would take to have posts there that people not invested in mod drama would see. With that thread no longer getting updates, it basically severs my connection with that site. Anyone who's been there in the past year or so knows the mod team is deeply dysfunctional, and it would take some effort by the absentee admin to clean things up, which is probably not forthcoming. When it inevitably goes down for one reason or another, refugees are still welcome here.
admin P1555 link reply
Given that I have impeached the nanochan mod team's honor by calling them deeply dysfunctional, I must inform readers that there was a not particularly enlightening argument about and possibly including them which has been moved to P1545 on /trash/.
P1557 link reply
P1560 link reply
It's no miracle that nanochan gained traction, there was great demand from /tech/ for a tor-only imageboard, and even greater demand from /pol/ for a new 8ch. By the time /pol/ was taken down, the site had already reached critical mass from poos shilling the site on their youtube channels, and the imageboard became a relative household name on 4/g/.
Hakasukafag was a visionary in this regard: he made a tor-only, no-js, full-featured imageboard that was lean, fast, completely open, appealed to the right demographic at the right time. This is not something you could recreate with a different skin, a word-replacement from '>>' to 'P', and incessant shilling on /g/ threads. Though I mean you *could* do better than 2022 nanochan, but I wouldn't consider that to be worth my time cultivating, hosting and maintaining an imageboard for absolutely no monetary return. Your behavior with regards to what you do under your name as admin also seems to be quite immature especially for your rank, though that goes for the mods you're mad at too. A shame what tor ibs have become
t. old mod on nano
P1561 link reply
>appealed to the right demographic at the right time.
Maybe miracle is not the best word but that's exactly what I was refering to.
>Your behavior with regards to what you do under your name as admin
I'm not admin.
>A shame what tor ibs have become
nanochan would be ok if not for endofunctor being absent and letting current control hungry mods do what they please.
P1562 link reply
ah, thought I was referring to the guy named "admin" in that sentence.
>if not for endofunctor being absent and letting current control hungry mods do what they please
true, but I'm not entirely sure if this board is the answer. I liked picochan's approach better, whatever your views on /pol/ may be, but perhaps popularity may be of greater importance to this board.
historically, boards with deadbeat admins have a vastly longer lifespan than otherwise, see 4chan. endofunctor couldn't have been paying any more than $10/month for hosting, and even less than that in time managing the board.
P1563 link reply
You don't know what you're talking about.
P1564 link reply
Boards with deadbeat admins always have a shorter lifespan. Time elapsed until the admin doesn't feel like it's worth paying for it or protecting it against being destroyed anymore and shuts it down is short, can be days or even hours. The reason being the board is full of garbage.
P1565 link reply
Enlighten me, hikari.
P1566 link reply
Believe what you will, I have no reason to convince you, but lurk more altboards
P1567 link reply
Believe what you will, I have no reason to convince you, but lurk more altboards
P1568 link reply
>I'm not entirely sure if this board is the answer.
Me neither.
There are better ways to ensure mods like hikari don't powertrip and treat site as their own. If nanochan was a federated imageboards things would be way different.
P1569 link reply
P1570 link reply
Yes, yes, hikari, we know. You can't control site that way.
P1571 link reply
Call me a paranoid schizophrenic but I've always felt nanochan got compromised by the glow*****s as soon as sakamoto gave the keys to endofunctor. Look at it now, /pol/ locked and hidden, anti-freespeech rules, ahem, "guidelines" in place, and the *****s of the jannies are not punished probably because endofunctor is one of them in disguise. Anybody remember nanochan just before sakamoto got the keys to it? hakase was doing his level best to destroy it, I even remember him abusing his power deleting posts with reason "ok boomer".
P1572 link reply
Yes, the ***** of the mods. ***** directed at mods is indeed a problem. Sincerest sympathies.

Give me that *****ing computer. NOW. Stop saying it's yours. I want to host whatever i want on it. Watch your back btw.
P1574 link reply
It never stops being amusing how worthless meth-addled schizo faggot trash bitches and moans about one category and set of opinions it dislikes and wants censored, while bitching about censorship.
P1575 link reply
>Give me that *****ing computer. NOW. Stop saying it's yours. I want to host whatever i want on it.
Are you *****ing stupid? On a federated imageboard you can delete from your instance whatever you don't want. Users can then freely chose what instance they want to use to avoid moderators like you.
>Watch your back btw.
What are you even talking about?
P1576 link reply
>***** directed at mods is indeed a problem.
Ah, so it's the vicious cycle of *****: "I was *****d as a mod therefore I shall ***** my power."
A grownup mod would have two options:
a) If the admin don't stab you in the back, ignore the *****rs.
b) If the admin does stabs you in the back, quit.

You're welcome. Feel free to ask me for more life advice but be advised I haven't died yet so my life experience is incomplete.
P1706 link reply
My apologies if it's been asked before and I haven't lurked enough, but do you have a PGP public key, admin?
admin P1714 link reply
I just made one and added it to the /Guide/.
P1723 link reply

What does this name mean?
P1726 link reply
It's a v-tuber.
P1729 link reply
Imagine larping as an anonymoose character on a glowed honeypot
P1756 link reply

P1757 link reply
***** this PGP garbage and ***** you.
P1758 link reply

P1759 link reply
Is that for me?

I lost my PGP.
P1760 link reply
I don't know what the contents are but if this message is for me, then I indentify them as fren.
Sorry for the "***** you".
P1917 link reply
The first PGP message (P1756) is for you, admin.
admin P1932 link reply

P1950 link reply

P2276 link reply
Where is the database?
P2645 link reply
Admin, please move these two threads, and any new discussion in future that begins to talk about nanoshit, to /trash/. I don't want it in my board.

Also *****ing trash all facebook feels man and tumblr frog images.
If you don't want this imageboard to be a place where people discuss nanoshit drama endlessly, then do the sneedful.
admin P2649 link reply
I've moved the threads.

>Also *****ing trash all facebook feels man and tumblr frog images.
I don't like context-free bans on particular types of images, but I agree posts like P2641 belong in the /trash/.
P2650 link reply
Alright, thanks.
P2662 link reply
Damn it Denpa, you just bit the hand that headpatted you.
P2668 link reply
>better try again
P2675 link reply
*nom nom nom*
admin P2702 link reply
Might a better approach have been to move just the posts about nano?
P2704 link reply
I honestly think that would just be confusing since replies wouldn't be in their home thread anymore.
admin P2744 link reply
Somebody made a thread on "/nanodrama/". Would people prefer this be made a board hidden from /All/ and more or less left to its own devices or simply moved into /trash/?
admin P2746 link reply
Going to follow current policy and move it to /trash/ for now but this can be changed to the other option if I decide so after discussing it with users.
P2748 link reply
Just delete all the nano drama.
admin P2751 link reply
I should also point out that you can use /free/ for stuff like this if you don't want it in /trash/.
P2752 link reply
10/10 troll admin
>board creation enabled!
>j/k all new boards end up in /trash/ lmao

P2776 link reply
>he just now notices this behavior
P2804 link reply
>set "trash" to this site name
P2840 link reply
It always amazes me, how someone can be so smart, coding an imageboard from scratch and host it, and then be a complete idiot dealing with the people who post on it. "If the community doesn't grow in the direction I try to force it, I'll just kill the site." It won't and you will. Moron.
P2845 link reply
You claim to speak for who? Give it a rest
P2846 link reply
>Give it a rest
And you are?
[spoiler: If you're the admin, be careful what you wish for, you might get it.]
P2851 link reply
>"If the community doesn't grow in the direction I try to force it, I'll just kill the site."

Name one imageboard that doesn't strictly adhere to this philosophy.

Shitspammer warned you about this a long time ago but back then it was, "LOL GTFO, shitspammer! Endofunctor is king and hikari is b-based"

This site's fagmin was defended back then too, but now you're all whistling a different tune.
P2865 link reply
>This site's fagmin was defended back then too,
One gives people the benefit of the doubt at first. This chan looked good until when I've seen first hand the value of user board creation.
P2876 link reply
Then *****ing leave.
P2878 link reply
It never looked good to me.
P2880 link reply
I think I had a conversation with you here yesterday, I don't share the "*****ing leave" sentiment even though we disagree.
P2887 link reply
Scratch that actually, I do.
P2907 link reply
>f-*****ing l-leave
P3892 link reply
fake shio seems to be moderating nanoshit 24/7 just like shitspammer seems to troll nanoshit 24/7
really makes you think
P4322 link reply
You know how fighter pilots fly by wire? Fake shio moderates by wire and shitspammer trolls by wire. They be using bots.
admin P4591 link reply
Speaking of this, there have been a lot of low-effort insult replies lately. I don't want to micromanage replies, and people should be allowed to say they don't like something, but should I be doing more about the lowest-effort stuff?
P4592 link reply
Yes, faggot. We all know you are chomping at the bit to exert ever more control to kill all discussion and fun just like before. You don't need to ask for permission because you'll just do whatever you want in the end anyway, so go ahead and trannyjanny. It's what you live for when you're not posting math cringe.
P4595 link reply
Where do you advertise this place? Are you so desperate for more users you'd lure in dumb, entitled faggots like P4592 from whatever hellhole they came from? You reap what you sow.
P4596 link reply
he literally advertises on patch chans.
>You reap what you sow.
P4597 link reply
I think that the silencing other people by flooding and shock images needs moderation, and derailing does too though derailing is pretty subjective. But insults that don't damage communication other than fragile feefees are a part of the dialogue. Imagine people not contributing because their style of dialogue is more rude than what they are reading.
P4598 link reply
the funniest thing is he actually attaches screenshots of his cringe catalog to his shillposting as if to impress people lol
P4599 link reply
t. reads and responds to OP's posts
P4600 link reply
admin P4601 link reply
Well, it's not about how rude the posts are, it's about how little effort was put into them. I'm thinking about posts that merely reply to something with a template image, and maybe quoting their post or a one-word reply, like you see all the time on 4chan with soyjaks.

If I had to guess, I would say that guy in particular is from nanochan.
P4602 link reply
Maybe give /math/ moar prominence on your site. This is what drives the best content on every other successful IB out there.
Oh wait, there are none.
P4620 link reply
>it's about how little effort was put into them.
Holy shit you're onto something!
You're about to discover that you can justify your ***** of power by saying the posts in question failed to meet a nebulous, subjective, minimum quality requirement!
I do believe this would make for great set of rules!
Expanding on the existing
"I'm the admin and I'll trash whatever I don't like"
"I'm the admin and I'll trash whatever I don't like and think is low quality and/or low effort"
P4622 link reply
Low effort:
YWNBAW tranny dl8.

High effort:
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homo*****ual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
P4624 link reply
>High effort
Not if you copy-pasted it.
You need to write your posts by hand, silly denpa.
P4705 sage link reply
denpa decided that to get some clout by shitting up another board, and again writing textwalls. Is it because idolposter posted today, cuz today is Friday?
P4709 link reply
Where are your handlers? Schizos shouldn't be left alone without supervision.
P4710 Demps link reply
P4711 sage link reply
P4713 link reply
P4714 link reply
I wouldn't want to visit a mostly lawless shithole in the real world, so why I would I want to visit a mostly lawless shithole on the internet? Bad websites either have bad rules, or no rules. Getting rid of rules doesn't make for a good website, despite what mental midgets who post on self-described "altchans" think. Wanting "absolute free speech" is an e-***** mentality.
P4715 link reply
Your 3D avatars are a sight for sore eyes on these 2D infested chans
P4718 link reply
Lack of free speech is the norm.
Would be nice to have at least one exception.
P4720 Demps link reply
Why do you think others want the same thing you do?
Look at the attitude.
P4721 link reply
Be on the right side of history!
Be for free speech!
You don't need to be a ***** to yearn for freedom in this day and age!
P4722 link reply
There's plenty of exceptions. Any website were the admin is missing in action or does the bare minimum. It always turns out the exact same, which is an unpleasant shithole with nothing of value. The goal should be a website with a scope that includes what you want to talk about, because the goal should be a place to meaningfully communicate without interruption. No rules inevitably makes that impossible. I dislike reddit and discord because of their reputation systems, and them having rules I disagree with, not because they have rules.
P4723 link reply
>The goal should be a website with a scope that includes what you want to talk about
May I suggest stackoverflow or stackexchange?
Here we're on an imageboard. The birthplace of memes and trolls.
This is a place for freedom, and you may be perverting its free nature without even realizing it. Don't be that guy.
P4725 Demps link reply
P4726 link reply
Those aren't even intended for conversation(they have a q&a format) and have some of the worst reputation systems.
>The birthplace of memes and trolls.
Moot is an incompetent who prioritized growth and 4chan always sucked because of it. 4chan was modeled on somethingawful more than it was on futuba.
>Don't be that guy.
These are my thoughts. I don't expect to convince anyone, but I'll let them be known anyway. Had things gone differently, I think imageboards would be in a much better place than they are.
P4727 sage link reply
YOU'RE A *****!
P4729 link reply
>Those aren't even intended for conversation
Neither is the lack of free speech
P4730 link reply
i like where this thread is going
P4733 link reply
P4734 link reply
t. hikari the shitskin
P4735 link reply
P4736 link reply
>I wouldn't want to visit a mostly lawless shithole in the real world,
You probably wouldn't want to visit a max security prison either. Why not, though? Lots of RULES to ensure that all the animals get along! And none of that pesky freedom. Plenty of *****ing rules and zero freedom, that's why we're here on the *****ing darknet! To post as if we were on the clearnet with the cops breathing down our necks for tweeting hate speech lol!
P4739 link reply
By conversation, I don't mean people screaming slogans and flinging shit at each other on repeat, which is what every "free speech" imageboard is. It's a dumb meme people mindlessly parrot and the result speaks for itself.
The darknet is good for(theoretically) filtering out the normalfags which ruined the clearnet.
>To post as if we were on the clearnet
The human tumors who spam soyjack wouldn't post anything of value regardless of there being rules or not. They're no better than normalfags. Prisons are full of people who would be filtered and the point of rules is to avoid, not subdue them.
P4743 link reply
I'm convinced. Posts that seem like clearnet posts get the rope.
P4744 link reply
How do you judge something that arbitrary? Guess that means nothing but *****.

You can roll around in your shit and pat yourself on the back for it if you want, but I'm not interested, and the admin would be right to not be interested either.
P4746 link reply
It's been literal years since I've visited the clearweb, but rollerskatesfag is posting tiktok videos isn't he? Doesn't seem very dark.
P4747 link reply
Unironicopypasta memes
Borderline tween content, other than what *dolfag, who is clearly authentic, believes not to be illegal in her jurisdiction.
>hello anons, let us talk about how here on the darkweb we commit crimes commensurate with current glowy demonization of freedom and how untrendy rule 0 is, if we had intel on what that was. I. I knew. t. [email protected]
Angst like

I would say the project of this website is an experiment to see what could uncensored grassroots modern mathematics be like, if it existed. It's hard to say what that would or should be like, because we haven't had that.

Look at <redacted>, trying to <farm upvotes> on <stackoverflow-clone> so <xir> can eventually <be hired> by <amazon>. Basically not that.

Given that context we are asking what does freedom require we grin and bear?
P4749 link reply
I don't really mind outsiders hanging around at imageboards, but they could at least try to live and let live instead of trying to change the structure, or in case of hikari, ruthlessly take over, trying to fix something that never was meant to be "fixed" because of the way it's designed.
This is like going to Japan and complaining about how anime is *****ist.

What's the quote?
When in France, be an Algerian.
P4756 link reply
So how has this experiment played out? I always thought that a tor imageboard would receive an endless amount of spam and illegal images that could never be controlled. But this doesn't seem to be a problem here at least. I guess the slowness of Tor provides natural protection from spamming, making moderation feasible after all.
P4760 sage link reply
>The darknet is good for(theoretically) filtering out the normalfags which ruined the clearnet.
That didn't prevent denpa***** to infiltrate darknet imageboards. I seriously consider moving to i2p because of him. not only he is an normalfag, he tries to disguise himself as an ultimate shitposter, while bitching about his inadequacy, boredom and tranny rights.
P4761 sage link reply
>I don't really mind outsiders hanging around at imageboards
I fancy you to be an outsider here.
P4763 link reply
>he is an normalfag
I have no idea what "normal" even feels like.
P4764 link reply
And what will you do when denpa goes to i2p in search of more headpats? You'll keep running forever like a coward, when the solution is obvious. [spoiler: Headpat the denpa.]
P4766 link reply
Don't worry. I don't know how to.
I actually tried to access kelvinchan long ago, but I had no idea how to.

I've gone back to clearnet imageboards, but I'm not that active.
P4767 link reply
brb making a onion<->i2p bridge so that denpa can infest your sekrit clubs
P4768 link reply
>Don't worry.
You think I'm worried? *headpat*
>I don't know how to.
You'll learn when needed.

Look at all these meanies being mean and complaining.
But their secret is, they need us to be meanies with.
P4779 link reply
are there even any good i2p sites that aren't 100% russian language?
P4794 sage link reply
I hope those *****s will eventually run out of money or hardware and become a closed island, worse than china. Not that it would make internet much better.
P4832 link reply
I think on hidden services it's like this: Sophisticated spammer fixes the spam bot. Sophisticated hooster fixes the hoost bot. Repeat.
Most of the work from the spammer's perspective is configuration work. The spammer needs to do this configuration once for each trivial custom spam strategy.
This also has caused a denpa remission. Denpa's power is that xir does it for free, and is good at it in some sense. But denpa is one person. With one target, a coherent inferiorchan, denpa is godzilla. But with 10 diffuse chans, albeit with the same nanochan community with thoughts and threads running across them, each board gets something like 1/10th a denpa of targetted harrassment which is actually kind of nice sometimes, like seeing a crocodile when it's not killing a loved one.
From zir's own mouth, denpa currently gets a better exchange rate in zombiestan and basically drops by here for friendly catch-ups.

I think the stackoverflow business model successfully profited by destroying those suited to science, technology, engineering and skilled arts generally, through creating the misimpression that mathematical and computer skills were proprietary air conditioner repair skills.
-> Check the debug output of the broken air conditioner
-> Look it up on stack overflow
-> uncritically try stack overflow responses on air conditioner unit
-> If it didn't work the manufacturer will just send a new one, since the profit margin is ump***** thousand percent anyway
-> And the lifetime is two years
} Anyone not interested in or suited to this is made a pariah, while zombies who would want to do this have got opportunities (also called visas) they otherwise wouldn't to do it and eventually some of them get a promotion into management.

Pretty clearly, the deferred costs of stack overflow and the air conditioning company that make them so profitable in the short term destroy the world at an easily appreciable rate in obvious ways that are legally defined to not exist.

So I think l+j, inferiorchan, <fart noise> and cohort are where the future is happening and will happen. l+j particularly doubles down on mathematics, whereas time was hapase hated unix, or then a handful of openbsd developers qtddtoted something like a new generation.

This post brought to you by the irony of first being told mathematics is actually a branch of finance, and then realizing you have learned how to optimize air conditioning in weirdly shaped buildings
P6650 link reply
Time passes too fast. I remember the day admin posted onion address to loopchan and P 1 was only post on the board. I had just been released from psychiatric unit.
P11877 link reply

admin P11879 link reply

P11888 link reply
admin P11889 link reply

P11891 link reply
admin P11893 link reply

P11908 link reply
admin P11944 link reply
"something on your board with your tricode"
P11945 link reply
P11944 do you mean a tricorne?
P11984 link reply
admin P11995 link reply

P12004 link reply

Another vomit
P12005 link reply
P29665 link reply
P29666 link reply
admin P29667 link reply
P29681 link reply
P29682 sage link reply
sass pic
tl;dr What did admin P29667 say?
P29684 link reply
He's proud of his spoon collection.
P29695 Nice try, fagmin. link reply
Is this a new way to ban undesirable users from posting?

>Fresh boot
>Only one tab / program open
>plenty of temp memory

My machine froze. After a few minutes, black screen but cursor still works. Have to reset via the File context menu.
P80864 sage link reply
NGL the sheer amount of hidden quotes on P1 explains too much!
P104572 link reply
i don't need a mouse, therefore i don't need to click.
P104575 link reply

yeah none of my NetBSD / Debian rigs have mouse (only flat typewriter)

i have got me hand on the wireless one (its like walkie-talkies, AM Radio with buttons)
P104590 link reply
>like walkie-talkies, AM Radio with buttons
P104601 link reply

ngl fr fr +1
P104637 link reply
+upvote for intel-me free systems fr fr
P104669 link reply

>intel-me free

this is why original pentium won
P106607 vandalism link reply
Does lambda db linked on /Guide only include text database or does it include all files?

If so why does it include files?
I dont want ***** or some cringe anime on my machine thanks
P106612 link reply
jah admin should include on database with files and one without
just like minced meat with salt and minced meat without tbh
P106618 link reply

yeah and the one with handsome men pics
P106641 link reply
I found a dos vuln, do I report it to fagmin or feds?
P106670 w*ggers un*x vuln city + sage link reply
P106671 link reply
same admin has never addressed this before it would make sense to have a kosher database file included that doesn't include files.
I mean any real software includes appimages for portable use and .debs and .exe for installing the shit locally.
I would think there would be one for that dont want to install shit locally but i digress ig
P106814 link reply
How do I customize the spoiler message in pics attached to my posts? I see P106795 doing it but I don't see a field for it.
P106861 link reply