P106092 link reply
Are you my spiritual kin?
P106090 link reply
Funny, I was typing a post like this when this posted.
P106088 Timecapsule update! link reply
I haven't been here since years. How much has nanochan changed? Who is the current dictator? What are current demographics and interests?
P106030 link reply
When someone with half a brain reads what I wrote on this subject, they realize all the shills that have supressed this information are too dangerous to let live, because they interferred with something very very important to everyone's survival.

What these internet shills have done is like blocking a nuclear engineer from turning off a melting down reactor while trying to convince everyone that the engineer was an idiot. Everyone will want to torture and kill you guys when they realize what you did, even if you don't realize what you did wrong and someone else paid you to do it.

If you were rational, you'd step back and check if what I wrote was correct to the best of your ability while trying to exclude false information published by your own network.

And I'm not the only one that wrote it. I'm just the most recent one. It's been at least 30 years of deliberate censorship and campaigns to poison academia's basic pool of information on this issue. There's a trail of experts in genetic engineer blowing the whistle, then being fired, terrorized, censored, and then called an idiot by diversity ideologues and plants in academia.

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P106028 link reply
>If you want to make America great again, you have to make America White again, and that's not going to happen short of a massive war that no one has the spine for.
Noooooooooooo you see Trump can fix this! He'll send all the violent criminal border-jumpers to junior colleges and they'll come out as violent criminals with green cards! Trust the plan, man.
P106027 link reply
Chromosomal deactivation basically works like this, during fetal development the cells randomly select 1 of each pair of chromosomes from each parent to activate. The cells that picked the defective ones die or fail to divide or fail to differentiate along the stem cell heirarchy, so the body is more likely to be made of the cells with the functional chromosomes activated.

When one parent is shooting genetically damaged chromosomes that allow for fertilization, that doesn't mean those chromosomes will get expressed in the offspring at all. You can actually make a functional clone of a parent by simply having the sperm or egg donor carry chromosomes that always get nullified in this selection process. But even with that trick, the defective chromosomes end up being used for recombination (the production of gametes) and contribute to recombination failure due to chromosomal translocation errors from chromosomal non-homology (which is also called illegitimate recombination).

The timer on all of this is genome mosaicism. The first hybrid generation has intact unscrambled chromosomes from each parent and their gene expression is fine, no disease. But when they go to make sperm or egg, they produce mosaicized gametes that then increasingly fail each generation as the incompatible segments become more numerous, causing genetic disease if they produce offspring at all.

This is actually basic biology, basic genetics information. You SHOULD know this, but it wasn't spelled out for you because people hid basic information and mislead you. They mislead you into thinking species were different species because of different genes, when it was primarily different gene locations, different genomic structure. The conspirators to empire clearly recognized scientists were using that as proof race mixing was genotoxic, so the retarded Shitalians and Jews terrorized them because that's how they get their way and push their ideology, no matter how many people or nations or species it wipes out, because they're dumb and evil.

And it seems hybrid breakdown from genomic mosaicism, a blindspot in the Western academia, was selected as a choice biological weapon attack simply because everyone knew Jews and Roman Catholics would sooner conceal the attack vector than compromise on their ambitions of recreating the extinct Roman empire.

People say Middle Eastern terrorism is holding the world back, but then let some rambling insane Jewish retard stomp around their university threatening people for teaching basic genetic science, and that compromised the entire Western world's state policy in a very lethal way.
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P106024 link reply
This is a painting of George Washington, who was sterile.

His bloodline and his siblings' bloodlines all seem to have die out, with just the odd person showing up to claim they're actually descended from them.

This thing of empire didn't start yesterday. It's been wiping out nations for a long time as an ancient evil, an ancient psychological virus that starts with a flawed economic model and then through a series of societal reactions matures into a death pit for mankind to pour into and die.

It just takes 1 drop. After several generations the genome is too mosaicized, the probability of recombination failure is too high, to continue to reproduce.

You can stave off the weakeness and deformity in your offspring by reproducing with pure raced people that provide them with functional chromosomes each generation instead of reproducing with other hybrids, because chromosome deactivation can deactivate the defective ones, but that won't stop the sterility. If everyone did that, in effect they'd just wipe out more people.
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P106022 link reply

>Or just check the statistics on Jews that have recieved interest free loans across the world.

interest free loans aren't really interest free loans, the interests are already included so the banks won't lose.
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P106021 link reply
Imagine how many jaw droppingly mentally disabled people you could round up for nefarious reasons by offering them free loans if they pass the test to ensure they're a god damned retard.

Or just check the statistics on Jews that have recieved interest free loans across the world.

Incentive+idiot test, then you've got your counter culture of mentally disabled people that will help you rob entire countries and then end up as stateless refugees begging for anyone to let them in after they've destroyed their own homeland or just die out from sterility and genetic disease from race mixing, with their offspring being reviled for being uglier, dumber, and weaker each generation until they just die out, but not before recruiting the next suckers.
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P106018 link reply
>That's like saying "these Muslim Christians".

That's like saying "Christian Nationalist".

That's like saying "African-American".

It's like saying "our greatest ally Israel".

Yes, these are oxymoron terms because they are literally or contextually contradictory.

A "White Jew" is an oxymoron, because Judea is extinct. These people are mentally ill, can't be reasoned with, and despite pointing out the contradiction they still don't understand their identity is defective.

Some people don't have critical thinking skills, and they usually don't notice they don't.

The "White Jews" are the "useful idiots" the KGB defectors were talking about primarily. All you have to do to round up mentally disabled people is to make a club with an incentive, then create a test to screen out people with functional brains; then your organization of the mentally ill can really tear shit up.
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P106010 link reply

its a pol schizo thing I guess..

fancy allowing polschizo posts but not mine, potty fagmin...
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P105993 U wut? link reply
>White Jews
That's like saying "these Muslim Christians".
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P105991 link reply
>I too identify as an oppressed Middle Easterner and vow to terrorize Western nationalism using my position in law enforcement.

Do you see what's going on here? The promotion of mediocrity and mental illness is everywhere once you sit down and think about the situation. These people are mentally ill, recruited by a cult, placed around the government to sabotage. Israel's a doomed little shit hole that's going no where and they're tearing down the only countries they have ever known because they're mentally ill and surrounded by an abusive retarded cult whose leaders basically just make contracts with one country to sabotage another using their hoard of mentally ill followers. But the Jews as a group get nothing but death, because it was a pseudo nation with autogenocidal imperatives.
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P105990 link reply
then turns the population against it. Because convincing a cult's members they are persecuted but also better than everyone is abusive cult 101 to make them fear outsiders, the Jews initiate hostilities with the native population. But when that rabbi fear mongering turns into plotting attacks against the nation, then Jews actually get persecuted, not just rejected because they're ridiculous imposters.

>I identify as and oppressed Middle Easterner.

Unironically, these White Jews belong in mental asylums since they post a danger to the public.
Moved from /misc/105491
P105975 Any country selling user data globally is a puppet state, remotely operated by a foreign entity. link reply
Because basically if you sell user data (espionage activity), you are exposing the entire population, the politicians, the law enforcement, everything and that enables a foreign entity to pick people off covertly, recruit criminal trash across the society to be foreign agents (for free) by blackmailing them, as well as stealing all technological advancment (which has military and economic implications).

You should be prosecuting all the CEOs, boards of directors, retailers, etc. that sold user data globally for espionage, or assassinating them, because they're part of a spy operation.

In this situation, the country that doesn't distribute their populations data has a total advantage over the states that do and you can bet they're the ones that orchestrated this global remote control and occupation scheme.

And guess what, it's not the USA behind it. The USA exposes its people and infrastructure, China doesn't. CHINA got all the advantage from this shit, not the USA. Remember that when some C***** foreign agent in law enforcement tells you it's for USA interests before you shoot out their knee caps and hang them to die in a black site with the people that hired them.

They see you, because these corporations sold out, the law enforcement sold out, but you don't get to surveil them.

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P105968 link reply
If I knew Russian, and wasn't just being sent to die in Ukraine, I'd go today. I hate George Floydistan with words that can't fit into this box and the place is only getting worse. Two-tier justice system. Racial caste system. Weaponized FBI. Fake elections. Tanking dollar. Record inflation. Massive crime. Increasing food & housing prices. The Green New Scheme. Climate Alarmism. Race-swapping and the Blackification of everything. Banning of gas cars, stoves and taking of your light bulb. Whites replaced and pushed out of their own country via mass migration.

No matter who wins, the "country" is done. If you want to make America great again, you have to make America White again, and that's not going to happen short of a massive war that no one has the spine for.

At the same time, I know Putin hates the so-called country I come from so I can't completely trust him. Most of the hate is warrented.
P105965 link reply
i was in that thread on 4chan. the general consensus was it could be to lure more whites into the meat grinder. the other theory was that it was a genuine offer. i'm inclined to believe the former.
P105964 link reply
find god
P105963 link reply
the more i have seen the wickedness of things in this world escalate in real time over my lifetime. the more i am drawn to Jesus. it fills me with joy to see the message of Christianity being spread to even these darkest of corners of the internet.

Bless you anon, Amen.
P105953 Glorious nature of GOD link reply
Jer 10:12 - He has made the earth by his power, he has established the world by his wisdom and has stretched out the heavens by his discretion.
We can always count on God's power and wisdom, Be blessed and have a nice time.
#God is love # Jesus saves #Repent and be saved.
P105918 link reply
This is the expression people with functional brains have while watching the RNC convention as a clearly White man goes up on stage and says he's an oppressed Middle Easterner and the government has to terrorize everyone to accomodate him and his mental illness.

For the White "Jews", this is the reaction you elicit when you start screeching about your "Middle Eastern heritage", then you accuse people of being anti-Semitic when people are actively avoiding your mentally ill ass.

When the corrupt politicians get too much attention on their crimes, they promote these mentally ill people and then everyone focuses on that instead, as a distraction, because the political organizations orient themselves to the most immediate percieved threat not realizing their leaders are deliberately placing and promoting the crazy people. You want Trump in jail for raping *****ren and looting the country with "free money" loans to acquire billions in real estate? Well he's going to put insane Jewish retards all over the government to make you some bigger problems while claiming he's totally on your side even though he's behind that too.

You want to throw the Clintons out of the DNC, well they're going to promote some insane trannies that want to mutilate *****ren.

You want to throw the Trumps out of the RNC, well they're going to put some feral insane Jews into the FBI to run literal terror campaigns for an absolutely dead end pseudo-state called "Israel" that no one gives a shit about.

Moved from /misc/104355
P105917 link reply
>I identify as an oppressed Middle Easterner.

>You will sympathize with me and hurt people that reject me!

>You will collaborate against your own nation to accomodate me, an oppressed Middle Easterner.

Where have I seen this kind of disruptive craziness before?

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P105916 link reply
/pol/ schizo what is your take on this?
P105908 link reply
Bruh does that cocksucker trannypants whats his name arkenfox's user.js being involved need to tell you enough

P105904 Librewolf bows to Wokeism link reply
You too, Librewolf?

Woke mob does the "put in a CoC" bit. This gets them a foot-hold and shows them you can be pushed around.

>A Code of Conduct is a valuable tool for fostering a welcoming and inclusive community

Same Wokeist gets butt hurt over "master/slave" terminology.

>The term "master" has problematic historical connotations tied to slavery and oppression. Many developers and communities are moving away from using "master" as the default branch name in their projects.

And proof they are indeed communist Wokeists:
>We should be free to call out an remove racist, alt-right/fascist language where we see it!

You see that? I bet you didn't know that Librewolf was just crawling with alt-right KKK neon-nazi Hilter racists! Firefoggs went to hell with Wokeism. I'm running out of browsers but I have to stand for principles - these people will destroy everything if you let them.

P105746 Sco Unixware 7 link reply
what is your favourite time sharing system?
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P105679 link reply

i don't bloody care, jews are jews

as long as they don't believe in 'islamism' its fine
Moved from /misc/104355
P105677 link reply

Are you British and retarded? Then you too are an oppressed Middle Easterner, you're an Judeo-Anglo blah blah blah according to this cult.

Are you Black and retarded? then you too are an oppressed Middle Easterner, you're a Black Hebrew Israelite according to that cult.

Are you German and retarded? Then you too are an oppressed Middle Easterner, you're an Ashkenazi Jew according to that cult.

See how this really works? Bullshit pseudo-history, convince the retarded they're actually a member of an extinct nation, weaponize them against their own nation usually, be an army of useful idiots for some family like the Roths*****s.

But once you join the cult, you believe all Jews are the same people and you hybridize your bloodline out of existence, then a new group of retarded assholes start screeching they're oppressed Middle Easterners, because that's what happens when you let nefarious groups organize the mentally ill into a psuedo nation based not on actual unchanging identity characteristics.

It says in the Abrahamic religion that God specifically divided the people to prevent calamity, and Rome reworked that story into it being about a tower because it didn't fit their stupid plans, but you can still read between the lines if you're not retarded. That's how you know Jews are actually dumb.
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P105646 link reply
hot topic is fire my guy nocap
tbh its the only store not overpriced chinese wares ngl fr
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P105633 god is not great link reply

i think its classism mandates how people look. Look at Darren McGarvey for example, he's looks bloody ugly because he was a working class faggot
Moved from /water/105291
P105632 link reply

>men in bbc and men irl aren't the same

its probably because those who are on telly are well-bred or the bbc has strict audition?

men in 1860s daguerreotypes are also more handsome than most men today...

>photography could only be afforded by the rich during that era
Moved from /water/105291
P105631 men in bbc and men irl aren't the same link reply

everyone around me is ugly (only i the handsome man alive)

and I assume you would look like those unattractive people
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P105630 link reply

Did you hack my cam? How did you know I was ugly?
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P105612 link reply

you cant define one because u are ugly and do not have an iq of 802 like me
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P105566 link reply
P105565 link reply
P105564 link reply
P105549 link reply
P105548 link reply

check the pgp thread
P105546 link reply

shouldn't a plain text file enough?
P105544 link reply

check if the cues are correctly loaded into the machine.
P105536 link reply
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P105534 link reply
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P105530 link reply
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P105525 link reply
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P105521 link reply
P105513 live broadcast thread link reply
I do not know what is wrong with the teleprompter
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P105506 link reply

You mean besides hundreds of millions of people wondering why they're sterile and otherwise genetically damaged?

Like, wipe out is the last effect, but before that happens you get genetic disease, deformity, ugliness, retardation.

If you try to force a hybridized bloodline to persist beyond where it would normally have died out, your bloodline becomes grotesque retarded monsters.

See, recombination failure from genomic mosaicism works on probability and may never realistically reach 0% for sperm, just it continuously approaches zero as fewer and fewer sperm can fertilize an egg. For eggs, women, 100% sterility is a thing because there's a finite number of eggs produced from the outset that just die off before fertilization. So if you keep forcing births, you get monsters and have to bury a lot of sick babies. Usually adultry gives the illusion of continuity at that point, because the ending hybrid bloodline is too retarded to even notice they got cucked. It only happens in monarchies basically, because other people force the unnatural situation of people *****ing deformed retarded monstrosities.

That's my understanding of how it would work anyway. Research on the subject is prevented, people actively purge the internet of anything even hinting at it, or at least that's been my experience watching stuff disappear off wikipedia and then shills on the site argue for deleting the entire page to erase the history of it. And these people doing it want to genocide huge portions of the world, they censor information that's needed for states to make rational policies. If you don't know the rules of the game, you can't win it.
P105500 link reply
This is not sustainable.

The diversity thing, all the families here are being wiped out by one big lie, the viability of racial hybrids.

And the USA knew. It's probably a factor in why so many people are so willing to sell out, because they realize virtually everyone in the USA is already a genetic dead end.

Right now this fact is being suppressed, because various groups want everyone here dead.

How would the world change if you compiled all the evidence, then mass distributed the truth to the whole world?

You can't win a game if you don't know the rules. China knows the rules, the USA and it's allies don't. If this continues, everything will continue to skew in China's favor as countries around the world unknowingly exterminate their own people.

Your bloodline is dead, my bloodline is dead, pretty much everyone you know has effectively wiped out their own family tree because they were lied to. I'm not going to back policies that wiped my family out. I hold a grudge against the groups that lied to us in the first place. I want it to stop. Dying in a war is more humane than dying out from genetic disability over several generations and watching your family decline generation after generation until they just give up or end up all sterile.

P105499 link reply
Forget the FBI, all these really obvious crimes they don't do anything about, they never will because they're blackmailed and infiltrated by the groups doing it and they will control the hiring and promotion process to ensure ONLY people that go along with their corruption can work in the FBI. Corruption becomes entrenched in a way that you have to get rid of everyone in an institution to get rid of it. Once an institution is blatantly corrupt, the corrupt have already purged the institution of everyone that would oppose the corruption and set up barriers to non-corrupt entering the institution.

The FBI IS NOT going to carry out ANY of your anti-corruption plans for ANY of the corruption they are currently refusing to prosecute.

You will get nothing done without spilling blood covertly here. Every group that has gamed the system has already put THEIR agents across relevant agencies to covertly kill anyone trying to stop it. So if you're not going to meet them on the same level and covertly kill their people, you're just going to get kidnapped, drugged, and brainwashed until you agree to ignore the corruption, or just be killed and replaced with a body double.

Pick someone that's ideologically aligned, wants to kill racketeers and their *****, make sure they've already killed plenty and feel really good about it, then give them a billion USD, let them screen, hire, and kill (if they turn out to be a bad candidate that won't do the job) anyone they want from the Fed employee pool, and tell them "if I don't see Bloomberg's body parts scattered across New York and a housing price drop in 1 year, then you're going to be tortured to death for embezzling my black op money. No results in 1 year, YOU'RE DEAD. If there are any leaks, you and your entire employee pool are dead."

P105498 link reply
So no observable consequences, got it.
P105497 link reply

yeah you simply build a house using shoddy materials from third-world countries and sell it @ high price, cool init?

remember, to get stinking rich:

you need to be cunning (not to break the laws also)
P105496 Providing more money for people to buy houses only further drives housing price inflation. link reply
You need to understand how this situation happened in the first place.

1. Housing is a necessity.
2. Racketeers, landlords, illegally lobby for policies to make housing scarce (mass immigration, stopping building projects via captured city councils, making prohibitive building codes.)
3. If an commodity is necessary and scarce, buyers can no longer negotiate the price.
4. When a commoditiy is necessary and scarce and people are recieving loans or subsidies for it, the price of the commodity hyperinflates to the exact price that banks and governments are willing to fund on top of wages, because there's no limit.
5. Landlords, racketeers, are not affected at all by the cost of housing, because they don't pay it. They pay the downpayment and THAT'S IT. If they can rent it out, the renter pays the rest, if they can't, the bank takes it back with no further debt for the landlord, just a credit score drop that their 20 other rental properties virtually immediately restore. There's no risk, and a serial landlord pays about 20 thousand USD per house, if that.
6. Racketeers associated with banks, Jews, ***** rapists, foreign populations getting overseas loans, don't necessary pay any interest.

So if you give new home owners $25 K for a house, what happens is the housing price just goes up $25K, and that doesn't affect the landlords at all, it only increases the cost of the downpayment for them by a few hundred dollars.

To stop the housing cost inflation you have to do these things:

1. Covertly kill the racketeering bloodlines (yes their ***** too, they're psychopaths and will want the same lifestyle their parents got).
2. Remove the illegal alien population and shoot to kill the later ones that come to make housing not scarce.

Building more houses does nothing, the racketeers will just lobby to pay everyone else in the world to move here and there's a functionally unlimited number of people they can import.

Providing more funding for purchasing houses does nothing but further hyperinflate the price of housing.

You've got to pop the *****ing bubble, and the only realistic way to do that is to kill the bloodlines causing the bubble for personal gain. They already gamed the legal system already, they'll do it again and you'll just be fighting some other variation of racket killing the country in a month as they increase their fees to access something else they didn't produce. If you're not KILLING THEM, you aren't solving the problem of having a massive number of genetically criminal retarded scammers popping out ***** to plague the next generation.

The racketeers are international, plaguing all the nations. If you merely change the laws, they'll get another country to invade and do regime change. But you can kill the racketeering bloodlines covertly and they will all just clap as they see their peers drop off, more money for them, these are people that are missing part of their *****ing brains and they don't understand the connection between group outcomes and individual outcomes. Unless you tell them "I'm going to kill YOU" or "I'm going to stop YOUR racketeering income stream", they don't understand what you're saying.

You don't have to compromise with people you can kill. You don't have to deal with ANY of these billionaires or any of these racketeers, because you can just ear mark a couple billion of the DOD's budget to killing landlords and other racketeers and as long as it's a real blackop they won't have any way to lobby to make it stop, they won't know which Feds to kill to make it stop, they won't be able to defund it. Then the economy will work again, because you removed all the useless eater rats creating economic friction with rackets the Federal law enforcement refuse to arrest them over. You do that, you'll never have to run against Trump or any of his *****ing lackeys ever again, because they'll be dead and the entire USA rich will be totally REPLACED by people that run real businesses.

Even if you were a racketeer yourself, this economy has imploded and the more of your racketeering peers die, the more it recovers, then YOU can still have the free ride. If you don't kill 99.99% of them, the free ride ends. You can't have a functional economy or even defend your control over the territory if everyone's a useless conniving traitorous landlord. And for god's sake kill their god damned *****, they're psychopaths, they're missing part of their *****ing brains, you can't fix them and this is NOT A CULTURAL ISSUE!

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P105492 windows mitigation link reply
I wonder how you got rid of all windows 10 telemetry and install it on intel pentium MMX PC using a floppy drive?
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P105484 link reply
And plenty of people knew, and they tried to tell you at risk to themselves, but you wouldn't listen.

You race mix, your hybridized bloodline completely dies out. End of story. Your genes don't make it to the next millennia. You didn't follow the rules. You erased yourself from the book of life. Hybrids don't evolve, they're dead ends. /watch?v=ABYnqp-bxvg
P105483 link reply
It's something everyone can easily see, and the ones saying "nooo, it's definitely 1 human race" are just liars trying to avoid some deformed Roman Catholic retard from attacking them.

Italy, Spain, Greece, and tons of other areas around the world have had continous replacement immigration, to replace the dying population, for around 2 thousand years. They are erased from the book of life and have no descendants among the living after about 3-4 centuries because they violated the natural law, and nature doesn't care what they thought they were doing.
P105482 link reply
The concept that there is only one "human race" is Roman Catholic theology that has been forced into academia by Roman Catholic mobsters.

There isn't 1 human race, human is not a species, human is a Roman Catholic philosophy term, and the race mixed populations are dying out from genetic disease and infertility because of Christian ideology manipulating state policies to create a death pit that wipes out the population slowly and painfully and requires constant immigration to continue.

Even if you're just brushing the surface of the subject, there are at least 7 different species of mankind that can't hybridize to create a viable population. That's what the science actually says if you start shooting Roman Catholics and insane Jews in the back to remove them from academia where they can terrorize people into forcing their religion into science classes.

And surely on some level you realize that, because without abusing a ***** to say otherwise, it's self evident the different races are different species of creature.
P105481 link reply

It doesn't seem like it.

See, some groups are resistant to foreign admixture. It's usually primitive groups that are so ugly or emotionally reactive that people of other ethnicities don't want to reproduce with them. So while they can reproduce with each other and grow their numbers uninterrupted, the hybrids around them just die off. It's also very hard for this mass immigration stuff to work against them because when foreigners move in they just get killed over something stupid.

See, in order to wipe out an ethnic core with foreign admixture, you have to race mix the entire core. If you don't, the hybrids will die off and the viables of the ethnicity will just rebound. That's how Mexico, which was a Spanish Black slave colony which conservatively had 1/3rd of the population Black slaves, went from being 1/3rd Black to what it is today without the indigenous Mexicans being totally wiped out. The indigenous groups were so undesirable that they weren't mixed and because their reproduction wasn't impaired they bounced back as the mixed race people died off (are still dying off). If Mexico had had a viable Black ethnic core instead of mixed race Black/Arab/White/Amerindian, then Mexico would probably be a Black country today.

The thing about Spain is that all the Spaniards were pretty much doomed by the time they reached all their colonies. Because Spain is a Roman Catholic country, they've been wiping out their own population for over a millennia and it's just never recovered. Calling them Europeans is misleading, because they were highly mixed with Arabic at different points in history (like right now). This is why Spain's empire evaporated and Spain constantly has it's borders open to immigrants that are only expected to adopt the Spanish identity and Roman Catholicism, they can't support a population with policies that wipe out the population.

You see the same phenomenon of being resistant to wipe out from hybrid breakdown. No one wants to ***** them except their own group, so the admixture just doesn't compromise the ethnic core completely.

All the groups of mankind have a natural aversion to reproducing with other species, and even coming in contact with them (the uncanny valley effect). Sometimes genocidal diversity propaganda isn't enough to make someone want to ***** a chimpanzee because it's too far away from what they instinctively understand their species is supposed to look, smell, and act like.
P105471 link reply
I thought Mexico was depopulated by now due to the genotoxic effect of Euros bleaching the Mayans.
P105462 link reply

Most of the world is in the process of being exterminated.

I didn't even think about that before. Mexico took the mRNA vaccines too, didn't they? 1/3rd of their national population is in the USA, moving back and forth between Mexico and the USA, so it's going to wipe them out too. China stabbed them in the back.

I wonder if the Mexican cartels know, and if so how they feel about being wiped out by the USA's Federal cronies working with China.

P105461 link reply
When making a *****ually reproducing GMO organism population (this doesn't apply to bacteria or cloning species capable of reproducing without recombination), you can limit the number of generations it is capable of reproduction by just adding some junk DNA to enough of them to scramble the population's genome as a whole.

Then it's just a matter of the size of the distortion and the rate of genomic mosaicism that occurs per generation. The more generations pass, the more fragmented the DNA is, the higher the rate of recombination failure (the fewer egg and sperm are functional) and the higher the rate of non-lethal genetic disease (retarded, deformed, sickly offspring).

Once all the individuals don't have matching genomes, their genes don't line up on the chromosomes, you're done, they're functionally extinct and you can adjust the non-homology factor to customize the rate of their population growth and decline.

So there's actually urgency, if you want Whites, Japanese, and the other populations that took Trump's mRNA vaccine, to either mass sterilize everyone that took it or roll out mandatory physical map genome testing to see whose genome is scrambled and has to be sterilized and who can reproduce without poisoning the gene pool. Did Mexico take the mRNA vaccines too? At least some of them did in the USA. Everyone doesn't have to take it, it's a genetic weapon, if they have ***** it will spread through the gene pool to wipe out the rest of them.
P105460 Communist shills on my Lambachan? More likely than you think link reply
So the "Border Czar" that purposely flooded the country for 4 years with 3rd worlders to Black and brown up the country now is going to stop it? Are you kidding me?

You're paying 30% more in food prices, she's waging war on food producers for so-called "price gouging" and has called for price-fixing a la USSR and you think this won't result in bread lines and rations?


>Greetings, comrade worker: Candidate for Party General Secretary Kamala Harris has promised to punish the hoarders and wreckers driving up grocery prices.

>All hail the might of Soviet labor!

>That’s the latest bonkers proposal from Komrade Kamala Harris, unveiled in her marquee speech on the economy Friday — socialist price controls on groceries.


>mRNA vaccine, thanks Trump
Who mandated that and unpersoned anyone who dared not take it? Biden: "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated!"

Obvious troll is obvious. Back to WaPo with you.

Move to /propaganda/
P105459 Kamala Harris is unironically running on a much much much better platform than Trump. link reply
Her policies are at least aimed at addressing actual problems.

I don't follow Trump anymore, he's probably screeching about bathrooms since he's abandoned border security and foreign agents as a campaign promise because he didn't do it in his first term and every time he mentions it he reminds all the previous voters he's not going to carry out campaign promises.

Functionally that campaign promise if carried out won't work. There are somewhere around 60 million people in the USA that survive on racketeering profits and they're having *****. Each time these rats reproduce, they need more resources. Stopping institutional "investment" in real estate won't stop 60 million rats from living on the 4 houses they bought on loans to force someone else to pay for them to live.

Rats just chew a new hole in the wall when you patch up their old holes. Racketeers do the same thing, you stop one racket they'll just find another one. You have to kill rats and their rat babies to stop them, and it's the same with racketeers, which is why past reforms that merely banned rackets didn't produce a lasting fix in European history. We're talking about a genetic trait to be a racketeer, psychopathy, it's an exponentially growing problem of these rats and their offspring preying on the rest of the population until you systematically cull their bloodlines or the country collapses/is invaded by another ethnostate and they die with everyone else, or they die from hybrid breakdown.

Stopping institutional investors leaves them with all the assets they've already acquired through rackets to set up the next racket and the next racket.

And saying you want to stop institutional predatory investing (which doesn't solve the problem because they can all just do it on a smaller scale) is just going to get your group targeted honestly.

Biden's still in office, Kamala has at least some influence over agencies. If you want to solve the racketeer problem, set up a blackop to systematically kill them and their ***** across the country and dump a trillion dollars in funding into it. Then Trump and his useless eater investor cronies will disappear from the campaign trail anyway as they're picked off by a black op Federal operation.

You know what makes a non-White hate empire, diversity, and open society? It's when they realize these things wiped out their family like they were trash, that it harmed THEM. When you realize that race mixing was banned in the past for a medical reason, that hybridized bloodlines die out over time from genetic disease and are plowed under to make room for new people, and that these organizations pushing it had no regard for you and your family and decided to genocide you, then you hate them and you realize this model of civilization isn't sustainable and it consumes everyone in it.

If you want to have the population of the West survive, due to the introduction of sister species genomes and random genetic inserts (mRNA vaccine, thanks Trump), you're going to have to create a massive genetic screening service to check for chromosomal homology using full physical chromosome maps.

>Gene therapy procedures can result in illegitimate integration of introduced sequences and thus pose a risk of unforeseeable genomic alterations. The choice of insertion site, the degree to which the foreign DNA and endogenous locus are modified before or during integration, and the resulting impact on structure, expression, and stability of the genome are all factors of illegitimate DNA integration that must be considered, in particular when designing genetic therapies.


The USA suppressed knowledge of non-homologous recombination failure for the sake of the diversity agenda, and that was also the attack vector of the COVID pandemic scheme to scramble the genomes of the entire Western world, Japan, and other states and wipe them out over a certain number of generations from genetic disease.

These people treated YOU like trash they could just throw away. And that includes Kamala Harris, whose family will be totally consumed by genetic disease caused by diversity policies. And this thing of racial hybrids has been known scientifically for over a century, and it's been known even longer through religious teachings, because it's a simple observation any historian researcher could make that race mixed populations inevitably vanish from the world, with empires only capable of continuing as institutions if they totally replace their population with immigration every 3 centuries or so.
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P105457 link reply

>Ohhh, but you can't judge me on my past actions against the USA, that's not fair, bruuuuuuuh. You can't JUUUUUUDGE people, BRUH.
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P105456 link reply

They literally published recordings of Musk committing a Federal felony with a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison under the Logan Act.

Fed shit don't do their jobs with these obvious crimes because they're accomplices to the crimes.
Moved from /misc/105416
P105455 "Trust me, bro." link reply
Different dynamics come into play depending on the number of people that are involved in a social interaction.

1-a fixed number
1-an infinite number

And different dynamics come into play when you're anonymous or not while interacting, with basically non-anonymous interactions introducing the dynamic of terrorism.

And that's not rocket science, that's common sense stuff. These sites are structured totally wrong and it was deliberate, the original mass social media sites didn't require your legal name, there weren't easy to use facial recognition programs, and if you wanted to sc***** all the profiles you'd be limited by internet connection speed and storage space.

Facebook required the real identity online dynamic, and any idiot could see that would cause facebook to be used for terrorism to intimidate people across the world, with only a few countries like China being exempt because they don't let rival nations just mass surveil and remotely terrorize their people.

Facebook meddled with the USA's communications, with the help of foreign agent Feds, to introduce mass terror through the internet for ultimately the C*****, and that was called cancel culture, where the C***** directed mentally disabled people across the West to run an internet intimidation and terror campaign targeting businesses, individuals, organizations, all while breaking up any Western interest organization online using the mentally disabled and foreign mods hired by facebook and the like.

China gets to mess with USA's shit, has access to everyone, can hire vicious dipshits to run terror campaigns like BLM, and the USA can't do the same thing. The POWER dynamic the "tech bros" introduced was clearly in China's benefit and we can see VERY VERY CLEARLY the negative impact it's had on the USA's economy, tech, academia, military, and government policy. Zuckerberg-Chan sold the USA's political sphere to China, and that's become crystal clear. And because he's not dead with his C***** Triad wife, it means the Federal agencies are still being completely controlled by C***** foreign agents.

You know how I know people like Trump are foreign agents? Zuckerberg and the other C***** operative tech bros aren't dead. Right now Trump's making Musk an advisor for something, Musk gutted his *****ing companies transferring the IP and production processes to China. He TOTALLY AND EXCLUSIVELY works for other nations and then uses PR to convince people he's on their side in the West while repeating endlessly "just trust be, bro", "you can trust me, bro".

He HANDED OVER the valuable parts of the company to the biggest competitor of them. And there's reason to think he's directly coordinating with the C*****, such as the business model of Starlink facing opposition in the USA being followed immediately by China mass launching low orbit satellites and saying they required it for their domestic telecommunications system. The real objective seems to be to make all the missile threat detection systems in the USA defunct because they can't recognize a hostile projectile with a hundred thousand low orbit satellites flying across the country. And he flagrantly violates the Logan Act, meeting directly with the C***** before laundering money into USA politics.

Musk's not dead, Zuckerberg's not dead, all these other C***** foreign agents aren't dead, that's how I know the Federal agencies are still occupied by the C*****. These people are totally disposable, there's no legitimate reason to not just assassinate them for their previous sabotage campaigns, throw their and their scum ***** bodies in a dumpster fire, and put new people in that won't sell out to rival nations.

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P105433 cbbc link reply
i have ***** streaming every evening
P105429 link reply
Is a joke, ok? I'm bored.
P105428 link reply
Where to watch real ***** (and free)? All I see is shit and on top of that you have to register or pay. LOL
P105425 link reply
bro wheres rfk jr frfrfrfr
P105418 link reply
P105405 link reply
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P105368 link reply
Jews were the original diversity hire to corrupt institutions.

Even today there's a desperate media attempt to make Jews seem smart and worth hiring al la diversity scientist propaganda you see everywhere.
P105367 link reply
Psychopaths don't understand what group funds are or that it's stealing from a group when they embezzle or steal it for themselves or another group (while getting a kick back).

Because they don't understand what a group is, they don't understand who a group's funds belong to.

That's why when Congress is giving away foreign aid they don't realize they're STEALING from Americans.

P105366 link reply

Trying to pigeon hole someone like me into making 1 of 2 terrible choices is really tempting fate.

I'm not voting for either. Neither candidate represents my interests. I'm not giving my consent to either of these groups. What they're doing is illegal and a fake election doesn't make it legal. They have to be brought to justice.

Fake elections don't make criminal activity legal.

It's only the cronies of the USA's retarded regime that say they can't be held accountable because they paid people in the media to say they won and it was democracy. But I bet China or Mexico will crucify them and their ***** as they invade to get the remaining Whites to support the invasion.

Trump's a criminal. Biden's a criminal. Kamala's a criminal. And so on. CNN and Fox aren't legal authorities, and because they are so retarded their regime will lose power one way or another.

They all belong in jail, and frankly hell. Their *****ren belong nailed to a cross. And this stupid regime has nothing to offer, because they can't keep it together. There's no viability to any of their stupid shit. It's impossible for them to stay in power and keep covering each other's asses. One way or another, they lose, along with all their backers, and are erased from the world.

Here's your options:

A. Go to hell for voting for a known ***** ***** trafficker.

B. Go to hell for voting for a person that will hybridize the entire population to death, wiping out everyone.

C. Don't be a collaborator in any of it. Don't give your consent for what they're doing and save your dignity.

P105365 link reply
The price hyperinflation and attempts to limit it are because of rackets (fake businesses that don't produce anything but extort a profit) not being stopped by law enforcement and the government generally.

1.) When a racketeer can force the population to pay for nothing, labor and businesses getting scammed then have to charge more, which causes inflation to spread across all the markets that require labor or these other targeted businesses to function.

2.) Once you have transferred the wealth to racketeers, they don't invest in real businesses (except when trying to form a racket through cartel or monopoly over a commodity where they buy up all the companies of a type or force them out of business), and so when they get rich they don't add to market competition at all. Since they're the only ones with disposable income to invest, new business creation basically stops except for foreign financing. With no competition, prices of cartel owned industries can go to infinity because there's nothing to force down the price for necessary commodities.

Trying to cap prices will do nothing to resolve the problem, because the racketeers will just hop from racket to racket, all of which are capable of tanking the economy.

As the population of racketeers grows (and it's a genetic trait that makes someone a racketeer, psychopathy), the amount they try to extort multiplies with their population growth.

So you see, there's no substitute for culling the racketeering population. What you're talking about, price capping, is like trying to patch rodent holes in a wall without actually killing the rodents. They'll just dig a new hole to get to what they want until you kill them.
P105362 link reply

You mean they're robbing the town's finances under the pretense of the public good.

"oooh, it's just so immoral for X, let's take all the cities' funding and give it to my group".

That's called stealing from the city's budget and making up a pretense like any criminal lurking around a house they want to burgle.

And it only happens when the law enforcement are also corrupt. Political corruption only happens so blatantly when the law enforcement of the jurisdiction have become totally corrupt.
P105361 link reply

Which isn't done for the reason they say it's being done. None of them care about trannies, gays, or minorities. That's not why they do it.

It's a humiliation ritual to force out people of integrity and ensure that everyone there will go along with things that don't make sense.

It's like a hazing ritual, if you want to join the club you got to strip naked and let the senior members put anything they want (undisclosed) in your mouth. By doing that you're selecting for a certain kind of no integrity person that will go along with anything you tell them to do.

The purpose of all these crazy things are to select lackeys that don't think independently while excluding people with integrity and common sense.
P105360 link reply
DEI always means hiring someone less than the most qualified person. It's sole purpose as a policy is to promote mediocrity by staffing institutions with mediocre or outright oppositional people under the guise of being something for the public good, which is an institutional sabotage tactic.

Open society is the default political position of a kind of mentally disabled person called a psychopath, because psychopaths lack conception of the higher-order concept of a group, a nation, a society, etc.. All the open society rhetoric weaponizes the country's retarded to dismantle the things it needs to function, such as borders, laws (including economic ones), plans for the nation's next generation, and because they're mentally disabled, they never understand why it's a problem. Psychopaths are backed by enemy nations and hyped up to make them arrogant, when a viciously retarded person that doesn't even know what a country is suggests a policy that will wreck the state, the C***** spy they're having dinner with chuckles and says "oh, you're sooo much smarter than all the other people in your country, they just don't understand you're so much smarter and it's sooooo much better to cooperate with China by transfering all the country's technological advances to China. You are so smart, I want to buy a hundred million of your company's stock so you can buy some politicians."

Saboteurial movements are organized by recruiting the mentally disabled and mentally ill in a country to tear it apart as a cold war strategy. The way they create organizations staffed only with the mentally disabled that don't see the problem with what they're doing is the same as building an abusive cult, which is pre-emptively deterring people with functional brains from joining the organization, then financing it from abroad or with agents already in the country.

So first you say something really *****ing stupid that only the perfect kind of dipshit for your organization would agree with like "Israel is our greatest ally" or "diversity is our strength", then when you've got a following of mentally disabled people with USA citizenship, you dump a few million in their org to hire lawyers, finance events like protests, start a news station, and they tear up the country for you and because they're retarded they never see the problem with anything they're doing.

You don't have to create problem people in a country that doesn't practice eugenics or exclusion, you just have to fund them and they'll carry out the sabotage you want. When you see these politicians on TV saying absolutely retarded stuff and everyone around you is saying "what's wrong with them, they're *****ing retarded", it's because they actually are and there's a group trying to take down the USA by backing them with their foreign intelligence network, keeping them out of jail, laundering money to them, networking all their retards to do as much damage as possible and force anyone competent and loyal out of the system.

P105359 link reply
>Get what you need now, before the economy tanks. Prices are only going up.
+Get your assault rifle before they ban them.
P105349 link reply
P105343 link reply

they aren't really made for slow terminals, unlike screen.

but yeah i'm sure people have stopped using serials now
P105339 link reply
Just use Tmux now.
P105337 link reply
I can't tell if you are a defeatist or a communist. Here's your two choices in the next (likely rigged) election;

A. Wokeism, communism, open-boarder, inflation (worse than now), tanked economy hell, political prisoners, racial caste system with Whites at the bottom, endless war for Ukraine, more George Floyd {movies, games, shows, TV}, feminism

B. A moderate formally NYC Democrat that sometimes says something people find unpresidential

P105331 linux help link reply
>screen is terminating...

Does this mean I have to buy a new one?
Moved from /misc/
P105329 The reason corrupt politicians and officials say stupid things is to clear out the intelligent people of integrity. link reply
It's an abusive cult forming tactic to consolidate only people that will go along with stupid plans.

Basically, they say something really false and all the intelligent people with integrity then walk out of the room, and what's left is the idiots and psychopaths that will go along with anything the cult leader wants to do, purging the group of anyone that isn't willing to be a conspirator.

So, everyone backing Trump at this point is a trashy retarded no integrity person that will follow his clique of serial ***** rapists and human traffickers while claiming to oppose those things.

His followers should be killed at this point.

With that one statement, he ensured everyone voting for him and backing him is 1.) an idiot that thinks AI means we need mass immigration and 2.) a traitor that supports mass immigration.

So that's the people that are still backing Trump, and it would be better to just kill them because they're all traitorous retards.

I agree that the Trump followers are now a cult. He's using cult tactics to select for only the dumbest most evil following.

Trump was always controlled opposition, that's why he is complaining about the Mexican vote now when he had the tools to invalidate Hispanics voting in USA elections and remove them from the territory. It's a problem he wants to have, because he's just a useless blackmailed retarded ***** rapist living on "free money", stolen wealth from the USA's population via loans and bribes for his useless family.
Moved from /misc/
P105328 link reply
I would believe you, that's what. Also, the USA is gone. The Trans Socialist (Banana) Republic of George Floydistan has been at least socialist (if not communist) for years now. Now, Kackling Kamala has introduced the idea of Soviet-era price controls. Get what you need now, before the economy tanks. Prices are only going up.

P105326 What if I told you that many forms of economic transactions occuring in the Western economies are actually crimes? link reply
Like, market speculation for instance, buying things you don't intend to use while playing no role in facilitating the economy like transporting or storing things.

What if I told you that's a historical economic crime, a form of racketeering used to extract value from an economy by criminal activity of holding commodities and services hostage to cause a price increase and get a cut of the profit of others?

And that even people that trade stocks for profit from volatility, as well as dealing in stock options, were all bonafide economic crimes with the sole purpose of robbing others through market manipulation?

It's inconcievable, isn't it? That countries like the USA, which we're told is the example of capitalism for the world, could have drifted so far away from the actual economic model because of criminals and the mentally disabled in law enforcement, and in the process corrupted the gene pool beyond the point of any sort of recovery or continuity.
Moved from /misc/

P105313 Pronouns link reply
>The presidential campaign for Kamala Harris is now including special pronoun options for job applicants, as part of their commitment to diversity and inclusion.


You still can't pick White/man. I'm a hu/hu (but just for now).

P105289 link reply
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P105286 George 319M IQ 802 link reply
yeah and they know how to construct the circle equation by staring at a dumb saucepan (like meee!)
P105285 link reply
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P105214 link reply

>conflate the Goth cringe culture with the historical Goths in Europe

ACE! Bring Beau Brummell's fashion and style back!
Moved from /misc/104355
P105210 12of7 link reply
that cat is hot af i want to ***** her
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P105209 link reply
Maybe you could make the Democrats the party of Goth rights and conflate the Goth cringe culture with the historical Goths in Europe so they get Federally protected status as they start making crazier and crazier political demands?

Is Goth an ethnicity or a religion, you could just leave it ambigious like you did with the "Jews".

Then you can tell all the Federal agents to terrorize everyone that complains about the "Goths", killing all the people with integrity within the Federal agencies so Trump and Clinton can keep raping Federal agents' ***** in front of them and then having them kill them to get the job while printing out money for themselves and the enemy nations that back them.

Then you can all be killed by a Chinese backed invasion because you helped crazy people and criminals destroy the country you and your family needed to survive in the world.
Moved from /misc/104355
P105205 link reply
Every political party in the USA gets a dash of crazy forcibly included to create enough disorder that people are too busy fighting bills to cut off little kid's genitals or give all the money to a dead end fake state called Israel to notice the politicians running are all blackmailed ***** rapists/murderers and racketeers.

It's called distraction, like someone setting off a bomb on the other side of a city before a big heist to draw all the police away.
Moved from /misc/104355
P105203 link reply

>I wonder if the Democrats will counter by promising a Furry Rights bill

we need rights for furfags also
Moved from /misc/104355
P105202 link reply
Trump forcing people to include crazy delusional traitorous people into the Republican party.

>You have to accept them and all their mentally ill delusions and agendas!

I wonder if the Democrats will counter by promising a Furry Rights bill and 300 million for Furry Identity Awareness in schools to recruit a batshit retarded mob to defend their corruption.

Moved from /misc/104355
P105194 jewish men are so attractive link reply
I had never seen them in my life, lambda orbs never stop me from learning new things. I always thought 'its over, well-bred men will become extinct in near future and left with halfies"



i like that hat and that frockcoat, to be honest
Moved from /misc/104355
P105191 link reply
Someone walks past you dressed like this.

How can you interpret that as something other than severe mental illness and delusion.

Then they tell you they're Middle Eastern (holy shit they're real *****ing crazy) and you start laughing and they scream they're being oppressed. And they keep screeching and trying to get people to attack you for them like a mad bearded tranny until you agree they're an oppressed Middle Easterner.

>People keep rejecting us! It must be the anti-Semitism!

They're a cult of mentally ill people. People leave the cult when they realize it's all bullshit, only the most mentally derranged stay and the government doesn't have the sense to break up the cult despite rampant *****ual ***** and terrorism within them. At the end of the day they're mentally damaged people and you can't actually fix crazy.
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P105190 link reply
>take your oppressed Middle Eastern cosplay to the next level, newb.
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P105189 link reply
>ya'll don't know, i go to the synagogue on those days and blend in just to get some

Which is easy, because "Judean" isn't a real nation that exists in the world anymore and it's not linked to any real ethnic group. You just have to be delusional enough to not show signs of disgust while walking through a room of totally delusional people larping as an extinct Middle Eastern nation.

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P105162 link reply
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P105125 international Telegram link reply

No, your shadow ain't orbs, but it could be the concrete one, calling a big blak glob an orb is like calling a rubber an eraser. Keep in mind orbs are just sparky microscopic creatures luking inside green cornflakes with striped nuts, black sausages. When you touches those green cornflakes, they sting you like jellyfish. That sparky sensation latches into your brain that it yields achingg pain.

Also, there another variant, the glowing one (they were originally green). Now they have been painted in millions of colours. This kind of orbs tend to stay on lantern slides, magic mirrors.
P105124 link reply

your sh muh let me type from terminal
P105123 link reply


>Jews were never intelligent

but jewish men are more handsome than most british, yankee men today. Most have been affected by woke cancer culture...

yeah but compared to 19th century men, jews couldn't surpass
P105122 link reply
Jews were never intelligent and were just promoted as diversity hires by malicious groups that understand promoting mediocrity destroys institutions of rival nations.

Most of them don't seem to understand even the theory of how capitalism is supposed to work. Every dollar in a racketeer's hands is economically damaging to the real economy, because they don't make real investments.
P105121 link reply
There aren't more jobs because racketeers don't invest in real businesses unless they're doing a cartel or monopoly scheme.

Because they can set up a racket and make more money, they don't invest in starting real businesses that produce anything or provide a real service.

Racketeers having all the money means actual investment and business creation totally dies in a country. Once they capture the wealth, new inventions and services just vanish. They're the death of capitalism.

For a someone investing in a real business, they seek out ventures that produce value.

For a racketeer "investing", they seek out profit even if the business model is illegal or doesn't make sense. A racketeer doesn't see a problem with investing in "asshole insurance" as long as the government mandates everyone buy it. Value creation isn't part of their "investment" strategy, because they're not actually capitalists, but just criminally minded scammers elevated in status by a media and government that's lost it's marbles.
Moved from /losingjobs/
P105120 link reply
What are the shadow like orbs?

I see them sometimes and they sometimes bump into stuff, moving physical objects the run into.

I see them sometimes darting around in my room, usually along the floor.

I assumed they were just an optical issue from staring at the wall too long until one day I noticed they bump into stuff and move it a little.

They're just like a shadow, they don't obscure the stuff behind them, and they're pretty fast. Sometimes I see them zipping down at angles, but they also seem to be somewhat intelligent, moving around objects as they zip around the floor.

The way they behave reminds me of a roomba a little. I saw one that bumped into something, changed direction, then bumped into more stuff, then I lost sight of it. I wonder if they're some kind of interdimensional drone.

One night I was walking in my house and I heard a noise, like a "whelp", but it sounded different from anything I'd ever heard, and when I turned around I saw a pillow falling over on the couch like something had just run away from that spot. I thought it could be a pet of mine, but they were sleeping elsewhere. I didn't see a shadow orb, but I wonder if that's what that was. If so, they can make noise.

I think the rational approach is to collect more observations, then make a hypothesis and then come up with a test.

P105117 link reply


the sound of your saucepan in a microwave
P105114 link reply
I get sleep paralysis sometimes, but I end up being the scary one and nothing else shows up. I have a feeling of unease, but I just float around the room throwing psychic stuff in every direction until I get bored and wiggle my hands to wake up, which sometimes takes a few tries because of false waking up.

Basically, I just sometimes get a sense of unease. I suspect it's infrasound or something that causes it.
P105113 link reply
>do you put your clothes back on while sleep walking?

i never do that, I swear!
P105112 link reply
Actually the composition of AR-990 is also the cause of the apocalypse of 3018. I tried to warn people here not to ***** that tiny little thing as you could worsen the ordoid. Yeah, and it's irreversible. Now the jews has their own secret labs for experienting orbs too! This is not only forcing the yank ruling elites to be followers but also forcing everyone to be slaves like those *****s for sale.

What we have to do now is we need to NOT be followers. Put that sash onn and learn how to rule your backyard pebbles before it's too late. You need to learn the qualities of being a handsome ruling elite. At this point, you can rule your own empire. Send more troops! Get the bierwurst ready! Yeah, that's all you need...
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P105111 link reply
do you put your clothes back on while sleep walking?

That's decent of your subconscious.
P105110 i hate it link reply
everytime i wake up and I am fully dressed although i had made sure that I took all my clothes off (left only shirt on) before I went to bed. How do I stop clothes from returning while I'm sleeping?
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P105105 link reply
A psychopathic idiot doesn't understand legal systems.

When you say laws are just for members of the nation that's making the laws, they don't understand how you can apply laws to one group and not everyone on Earth because they don't understand the distinction between members of a nation and non-members of a nation. They can see the individual people and mentally assign characteristics to them, but they can't conceptualize people as a group category.

So it's like if you had a retard that can recognize an orange is an orange, but when you tell them to put all the oranges in a pile they put things that aren't oranges in the pile. It's a unique strain of mental retardation, a non-verbal learning disability that prevents them from solving certain problems or performing certain tasks.

A Fed genetic retard psychopath can recognize someone is a certain ethnicity, but they can't conceive of that ethnicity as an organized group and therefore can't respond to that group when it becomes a threat.

A Fed psychopath can recognize an individual is Chinese, but can't intellectually categorize them into the Chinese nation because of their unique genetic learning disability. So when a Chinese spy walks up to a Fed psychopath in a Federal institution and says they're not a member of the Chinese nation, the Fed just has to take their word for it because they genuinely don't understand what nations are or how to identify their members.

If you defined the order for the Feds "keep out people with squinty eyes" they'd be capable of doing the job because they can conceptually understand the task. But if you tell them, keep other nations out, they just stand around because they don't understand what you ordered them to do.

P105104 link reply
A psychopath cannot correctly identify members of a rival or enemy nation.

A psychopath cannot predict outcomes from interactions between nations.

A psychopath cannot logically connect group outcomes to individual outcomes.

A psychopath doesn't know what a nation is, and therefore cannot understand their job in national defense work.

A psychopath is stupid, cannot reasonably predict outcomes for themselves because they don't understand the social concept of groups, and because of that they'll follow many orders without questioning them (with the caveat that they'll work as a pawn for anyone that whispers in the retard's ear) since they cannot predict outcomes, are used to not understanding why they're doing anything they're ordered to, and cannot understand what's in their best interests as an individual.

A psychopath is a genetic idiot, and they're born that way, and it's not a cultural problem, it's a genetic problem we can effectively eliminate.

Psychopathy naturally produces national blindness. Psychopaths only interact with everyone on an individual level because they don't understand what groups are, group motivations, how groups interact (positively or negatively) or the benefits of being part of a group. This is the imperialist political ideology, and a mental disability recognized by Western medicine.

P105103 They're actually genetically brain damaged link reply
Right now we have people working in national defense that let literally Han Chinese people walk right in, steal tech, collect intel on their opposition, kill opposition, and issue orders to Western social media companies to censor all criticism of China.

If you strap the people that let them in to a chair and rip off their fingernails and gouge out their eyes with red hot screw drivers, they'll tell you they didn't understand the Chinese person was Chinese.

That's what we're dealing with, and the origin of all imperialism, diversity, empire political ideologies. It's a direct manifestation of the psychopathic mental disability, a product of their cognitive limitations.
P105102 link reply

Socialism was originally defined as a term as being when a government owns property, such as natural resources, land, productive enterprizes.

And every country in the world does that, you don't distinguish between political ideologies in the real world. You're some kind of mentally disabled person.

Now, every person that pushes multinationalism in the state they depend on to live is a psychopath, and they think it's a good idea because they are mentally disabled and don't understand the concept of nations in the first place.

It's not trying to frame a political ideology as being pushed solely by people with bad traits in this case, the political ideology of empire IS a symptom of psychopathic mental disability that doesn't allow them to understand the dynamics between groups or what they are.

Every psychopath on Earth is naturally an imperialist, because an imperialist is what you call it when a person can't distinguish between nations or understand how they interact.

Psychopaths don't understand what social groups are, neither do imperialists, imperialism is the default political position of a psychopath because of genetic mental disability.

It's not just an opinion we're talking about with imperialism, it's the way a genetically mentally retarded psychopath sees the world through a broken lense, a broken brain.
P105098 link reply
Ultimately, this civilization wide promotion of the genetically retarded results in the population being wiped out by itself.

It is not the natural order and will disappear on its own in time, but your nation might be wiped out with it if you tolerate the genetically retarded taking over with the help of malicious ethnostates support.

The Romans are dead, their descendants are all dead, and it wasn't even necessary to fight a war with them, they did it to themselves.

And only the ethno-nationalist civilizations and populations will remain, if anyone does.
P105097 GNU/sage link reply
Lol no. You're trying to write psychopathy into an ideology you dislike: international socialism. This is a complete mismatch.
P105096 link reply
The unresolvable frustration you feel with the political process in the USA is identical to the unresolvable frustration you would feel living with a severely retarded person you can't distance yourself from, because it's the same thing.

Because you've been primed to interpret this situation as a cultural one, that everyone has the potential to be as retarded as the USA government's politicians, you can't come to terms with the situation or resolve it.

If you think it's a cultural problem, that anyone can make such stupid decisions, then you lose faith in everyone around you and then give up.

If you think it's a genetic problem, a problem with an actual solution because you can exclude genetic retards and their offspring, then you can screen people for mental disabilities and have faith in the people you have already screened.

Remember that when some Fed tries to convince you corruption is an inseparable part of civilization as a means to try to get you to walk off into the woods and die alone. The Fed is a genetic retard that doesn't understand civilization, the whole thing is confusing to them and they don't know what's going on and assume it was always like this because everyone's retarded like them and would sell out if they had the opportunity. The psychopathic Fed retard is a genetic dead end no matter how this situation plays out.

P105095 link reply
Since psychopaths don't understand the concept of nations, they can't understand the distinction between nationalism and imperialism.

That's why you see bizarre things like people that simultaneously say imperialism is bad, but diversity and inclusion (which are identical to the imperialistic ideology) are good. Just changing the term of the ideology completely throws them off, because they never understood the distinction between nationalism and imperialism in the first place.

They don't understand what the words mean because the term relates to groups they can't conceptualize.

"Imperialism is bad, what we really need is to stop the imperialism and do imperialism!" - Every SJW brain damaged libshit.
P105094 link reply
The psychopathic mental disability defect is kind of like if you asked a retard to juice some lemons and the retard dumped lemon head candy into juicer, breaking it, and when you tell them "no" they don't understand why or what they did wrong because they don't understand the distinction between lemon head candy and lemons. And after you explain it to them, ask them to do the same task again, they mess it up again dumping lemon scented cleaner into the juicer and don't understand why you're saying it's wrong.

When you're talking to a psychopath, they don't understand what you're talking about relative to nations, civilization, or society. They don't understand your political demands correctly. No matter what kind of reform you're asking for, they either are against it or misunderstand it to mean for all of mankind.

When you talk about nations, they just sit there and pretend they understand what you're saying.

You can have a room of psychopaths and tell them you want to genocide the nation that gave them life, the nation they are dependent on to live, and they'll just smile and clap because they don't understand what you're saying and are trying to blend in. They are very responsive to cues that someone thinks their stupid, trying to conceal their cognitive disability from others, and just go with what they think they are supposed to support because they don't know what you're talking about. So to con them all you have to do is present these cues, "oh, nationalism is so stupid and outdated", and they will go along with it because they think if they didn't it would out them as a retard.

P105093 link reply

the problem is your saucepan is so rusty
P105091 link reply
Even when you say "our people", the psychopath interprets that as "everyone in the world" while deluding themselves into thinking they understood what you said.

They don't understand what the word "nation" refers to.

That's how you get the psychopathic politicians saying "our nation" while refering to Mexicans, they don't see the distinction.

That's how you get psychopathic Feds watching literally Chinese, Arabic, etc. spies walking right into Federal facilities, they don't recognize them as members of other nations because they don't know what nations are.

That's how you get Feds that think their job in national defense work is to terrorize Whites for invading foreign national groups. Because they don't know what the word "nation means", they don't understand their job description as national defenders, so when they're given a traitorous order to attack the nation for an enemy nation they don't notice that's the opposite of their job.

When an institution promotes psychopaths and staffs itself with psychopaths, the collective mental disability changes the behavior of the institution because everyone there doesn't understand what their job is relative to the group the institution serves.

And like I keep repeating, this is a genetic disability, they're born like that, and you can actually cull it from the population with a eugenics program and it will virtually eliminate corruption in your national institutions. It's not even a very complex problem, you have millions of people being born with a mental disability and all you have to do is identify, sterilize, and blacklist them from all critical sectors so they can't continue to do anymore damage. In the West (and this isn't a solely Western problem), once you cull the psychopathic Whites, presumably the new hire Whites will clean house of people that aren't supposed to be in Western institutions in the first place, they'll do their jobs because they understand what their jobs are unlike the past 40 years of deliberate sabotage of only hiring and promoting genetically retarded people that don't understand the job description.

It's not an impossible problem to resolve, but you need to know the problem is genetic and not cultural to solve it.
P105089 Psychopaths don't understand what you're saying when you talk about legal rights. link reply
It's because they're missing a concept, but have spending their lives pretending they understand and deluding themselves into thinking they're not mentally disabled.

When you're talking about legal rights for members of your nation, the psychopath interprets that in 1 of 2 ways, maybe more.

1. They oppose it, oppose legal rights for anyone.


2. They think you're saying your nation's resources should be used to secure those legal rights for everyone in the world, which is a waste of your nations resources, exposes your nation to enemy groups because they've been given legal rights and therefore access to your civilization, and is an extrajudicial over-reach that can only be described as a world domination attempt because if you implement your nation's laws globally you're positioning your government as the ruler of the world.

This is part of why you see psychopathic politicians, CEOs, etc. always getting it wrong even when they're trying to carry out the national will for personal gain. They actually don't understand what you're even saying because of their genetic mental disability. They don't know what a nation is, the distinction is lost on them, they don't understand how that stuff works or what it's about and won't tell you they don't understand what you're saying because then they'd be called a retard and removed from the group.

They don't know what the words mean when you are talking about civilization, society, nations, and they're born with this mental disability of not understanding really important social concepts; it's the undermining defect that causes all their bad behavior. They're born idiots, and you can't fix them. Even when you try to make it really simple so they understand, they will constantly lie to you and say they understand like a retard pretending they can read when they can't.

When I say we (as in the Western people) should have freedom of speech because it's necessary for a nation to make informed decisions, the psychopathic retard thinks I'm saying to give everyone on Earth unlimited access to our communications systems to run any kind of malicious influence operation they want.

When I say malicious foreign propagandists should be denied access to Western telecommunications and be deplatformed in the West, the psychopathic retard that never actually understood what I was advocating for says "that's hypocritical! You were just talking about Free Speech and now you're saying to ban malicious propagandists".

And my response is, "You're mentally disabled and self deluded into thinking you're a person with a functional brain. and you are so dumb you didn't even understand correctly what I wrote, but you deluded yourself into thinking you did."

For a psychopath, they don't understand anything you're saying relative to groups of willingly associated peers defending and advancing each other, because they cannot conceptualize it. Because of that mental disability, whenever they try to make policy their genetic retardation only understands any imperative in terms of the entire population of mankind. The entire globalist rhetoric is geared towards and exploits the cognitive limitations of a mentally disabled type of person called a psychopath. Since they don't understand groups, don't know what they are, they cannot predict any problems from them.

If you list the ways psychopaths end up making dumb decisions in certain situations, it's actually very large and you can see that this is a genuine debilitating mental retardation. And we should sterilize them before they cause more problems and remove them and their brain damaged ***** from the civilization, which they didn't understand in the first place.

Moved from /misc/
P105083 If you love God, you must hate evil link reply
People often involk the name of Jesus to do cucked shit, invariably to further their own agenda. These people should open their Bible to the Old Testament once in a while. Christians have gotten weak; the only verse they know is "turn the other cheek". Even the Pope doesn't follow his own religion.

As far as guns go, criminals will always have guns. They don't follow laws because they are criminals. Banning guns just means only police and criminals have guns. It's a pretty simple concept. If we could wave a magic wand and make all the guns go POOF! away, even from the criminals, then that might be a solution we could at least debate about. But it's not possible. People forget that the 2nd amendment wasn't there for self-defense or hunting. Those things were already understood to be allowed. It was there keep the government in line. It worked up until around 2010, before the nation lurched left under Obama. There weren't many mass shootings before that time. Most people only recall Columbine.

Notice they're all wearing the same shirts. That's a paid-for protest.
P105079 link reply
The mentality of a Christian is actually purely motivated by adverse mental states and differs very little from any kind of traitor.

On the promise of getting into a heaven after death, they do things they know are traitorous and bad for the nation. They're sell outs trying to get something in exchange for selling out the nation that gave them life.

They're motivated by petty emotions of personal gain and they don't care how many people they harm in the process.

The difference between a Christian and a normal traitor is the normal traitor at least gets paid. Christians are just a stupid traitor that doesn't even get anything for selling out.
P105077 link reply
How many times has the USA's population defeated groups trying to ban guns?

Over a thousand times. But each and every time, instead of recognizing the anti-gun groups are traitorous and have violated the USA's Constitution by trying to pass or passing Constitutionally illegal laws without a vote to amend the Constitution, all the Feds let them stay, all the conspirators. So they just plot again and again.

There are no arrests of politicians and their backers for Constitutional violations, because the Feds are Christians and Christians turn the other cheek to evil and facilitate it, and they think it's immoral to expel or kill populations that are trying to kill them.

A Christian themselves doesn't usually try to kill you, they just let in the people that will and attack you if you try to say they can't.

A Christians' evil ideology means they can't be trusted to fulfill any governmental role at all. They turn the other cheek to evil, so they won't do law enforcement. They welcome invasion, they won't serve in the military. And they refuse to kill the enemies' *****, so they'll sabotage any military or law enforcement victories against enemies in the West by preventing the war from being won or the psychopathic predatory family from being exterminated.

But we have a blindspot, we trust anyone that looks White and assume they have a functional brain and are on our side. Even if we recognize the Christian White is completely traitorous, because they're not saying directly they want to kill us we don't kill them first, then they open the gates to enemy groups and facilitate psychopathic predators.

We have to connect the causality of Christian populations and the evil they facilitate and exclude them.

We have to remove the enemy groups the Christians have been running defense for and lump Christians together with the enemy groups they facilitate.

We have to recognize Christians are evil and remove them. We shouldn't tolerate evil anymore.
P105076 The reason corruption scandals never end in the Western world. link reply
It's because when the Western people stop a plot by some malicious foreign backed or criminal group, they don't remove the PEOPLE that were behind it and their offspring from the country and institutional systems like economy and telecommunications, so they get to plot again and again until they succeed.

There is nothing that these adversarial groups defend more viciously than the position that NO MATTER WHAT they do to harm the Western people, you have to let them stay. That core saboteurial concept that you can't exclude them is the foundation of all this corruption, if you get rid of that and throw them and their offspring away for good, locking them out of the civilization, locking them out of trade, locking them out of the communications system, locking them out of the territory and gene pool, then their plans all come to an end.

If you're actually trying to resolve these problems, why don't you ask yourself why all these politicians that claim to represent you insist on keeping the enemy groups in the country forever and refuse to remove them and respond viciously whenever someone suggest actually removing the enemy groups.

The West has no exile or removal otherwise process for bad actors in the civilization because Christians and Jews say "no, you can't keep your enemies out" even though it's impossible to run a state for long if you don't.

Christians are liars and historical revisionists that have impersonated our ancestors and claim that we have always been Christians and that was the cause of our past success. But the ancient Romans, the ancient Christian populations, all went extinct and we're genuinely not descended from them because racial hybridization is genotoxic and when your family starts beating the drum of Christianity they exterminate themselves within about 300-400 years as they welcome the foreigners and then hybridize themselves out of existence forever, erasing themselves from the book of life eternally because they chose evil over virtue. The Roman Jesus is the antiChrist, the propaganda figure is the moral inversion of the Gaelic Esus while keeping the same superficial religious symbolism.

Calm down, try to see this situation from outside your own perspective. How are you supposed to resolve this problem while telling yourself it's absolutely not an option to remove the PEOPLE causing the problem? You can't. And that's why this hasn't been resolved already.

Moved from /misc/
P105071 link reply
P105070 link reply
P105069 link reply
P105068 link reply
P105067 link reply
P105066 link reply
P105065 link reply
P105064 link reply
P105063 lovely performance link reply
P105062 link reply
P105061 link reply
P105060 link reply
P105059 link reply
P105058 link reply
P104973 link reply
a handsome seafarer like me wouldn't allow meself to board a flimsy wooden ship
Moved from /vain/
P104952 link reply
Jewish men are also decent (if you are not being so political)...
P104951 frankly, he .... link reply
shouldn't role-play as a serial killer on BBC One orb Theatre. I have never seen killer this handsome.

I guess its due to the fact that French men are the most attractive now, compared to yanks and most whites. *****s, pajeets will continue to look like hair-less ape shit.
Moved from /orbactors/
P104925 WaPo "reporter" wants White House to silence Trump and Musk link reply
I can't believe mods moved this. How can people follow a conversation?


>"I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue...it's an America issue...What role does the White House or the President have? Any sort of stopping that, or stopping the spread of that or intervening?"
P104874 link reply
P104873 link reply
P104780 link reply
>Dubai and Saudi Arabia conspiring

I should probably say ex-King.
P104778 link reply
I wonder if it was the UK's Royal Family and traitorous rich living most of their lives in Dubai and the UAE conspiring against the EU by blowing up the Nordstream pipelines while Saudi Arabia jacked up their resold oil prices.

Like, you have thousands of UK elite living in the Middle East, spending all their time plotting against Europe with Muslims, then the UK blows up the Nordstream pipeline during a time when the EU was restricting oil imports from Russia.

Hmmm,.. hmmm,...

And now King Charles and his appointee Keir Starmer are terrorizing Brits to move in Muslims.

A lot of countries and companies were impacted by the Nord Stream stunt, which was probably to manipulate oil prices for the Saudis, but apparently carried out by the UK government.

P104767 link reply

>|dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress

write to an 8 incher floppy drive?
P104766 link reply

>leather sash


might need a bigger sash pin...
P104763 link reply

so I can let those vibrating orbs vibrate next to me ears. Put Madfinger on and the vibrator will go wild...
P104756 link reply
>we have to support Israel
> textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue.replace(/\bIsrael\b/, '(((Our Greatest Ally)))');

Where can I find a list of jewish lastnames cause ^ above from the (((Coincidence Detector))) is not that great I need just last names.
P104755 link reply

printf "When some viciously retarded wretch tells you that we need to go back to "free market" and the government shouldn't regulate the economy, they're saying to dismantle the economy and they're so *****ing dumb they don't even understand the concept of what an economy is or how it works.

And you should recognize they're retarded, and you should ask yourself if it's really a cultural thing, if they're really just misinformed or if they're genetically derranged or chemicals have corroded their brain.

Under normal circumstances these idiots would just blend into the population and go along with the crowd, but under the influence of malicious foreign groups they start tearing down the civilization they depend on to survive, thinking in their scrambled little brain that they're doing something good. And I'm starting to think that we don't need all these weak link and liability bloodlines always being ready to sabotage the nation without realizing what they're doing.

It hurts to realize that people I thought were peers are actually an inferior creature that doesn't understand what's going on and is a hazard. There's an instinct to want to be part of a group of peers and realizing just how many people don't have functional brains is isolating and demoralizing. But the problem is really that they keep being included and that means the people with functional brains are being exposed to all the problems retarded populations create.

It's a mistake to try to reason with people that clearly aren't capable of it. What we've been doing of trying to change people's minds is like trying to wrestle a timed bomb shaped and painted like a banana from an orangutang that doesn't understand you're trying to help them and wants to fight back.

We need eugenics and exclusion for Whites to survive. We can't keep letting genetically retarded or foreign populations call the shots and terrorize us into going along with stupid agendas. We're going to have to kill them to survive. Every time some boomer retard gets in your face and screams "to fix the economy you have to dismantle the economy and we have to support Israel" we're going to have to stop trying to reason with them (which is a futile effort because they don't have a functional brain) and just poison them instead to keep them from tearing down the state we need to live.

You can be too stupid to be a member of a nation, because being a member of a nation has obligations that requires a certain amount of intelligence. If they are some unthinking golem, we just have to kill them to protect the nation from the damage they do. Maybe it was caused by chemical poisoning, or maybe it's genetic, either way we have to kill the people doing it, we can't allow them access to do anymore damage. These traitorous morons are getting in the way of our survival. We have to kill them to survive. " > /tmp/polschizo.txt

dd if=/tmp/polschizo.txt of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress
P104754 link reply
that sucks but like why are you using sound cards they = vuln city un*x notabugwontfix

Heres a real question to I test if my PSU is working propper it should be more then enough watts for my unit.
P104750 yes " I'm wearing my leather sash and frockcoat today." |dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress link reply
leather sash?
P104744 Hi-Fi panny link reply
YES!, my saucepan has got Dodi surround sound now
Moved from /hifi/
P104738 link reply
>yeah, i would accessorise as I can. remember, go big or go home

I suggest: wear honour badges with woolen sash, if you have ones. Don't forget a walking stick, for self defense. I'm sure faggots would need to flog thine clothes (which are almost like most-wanted museum pieces)
P104730 So no one's going to talk about Saudi Arabia being functionally out of oil, but still manipulating Western states and China? link reply
Like, in the past people said "oh, you just have to play along with the Saudis because they control the oil", but now they don't have any meaningful oil reserves and they're still manipulating policies out of Western leaders.

Like, do they not know? Are their advisors working for the Saudis and hiding the obvious?

Saudi Arabia has been pumping oil for about a century at an insane rate, their published oil reserves for the past 20 years have been obviously fake, they are now buying oil from other countries and reselling it to disguise that they're out of oil and have become unnecessary to the global economy, hoping to scam the world by being an oil middle man and speculator.

Is that why King Charles is so traitorous? He thinks the Saudis still have oil and his ***** are going to become sheiks in a Saudi neo-Caliphate after selling off the UK? Like, his family is going to lose all their assets and titles because of this. The foreigners aren't going to back them, and they burned their bridges with the UK population. You can't say that's a rational informed decision. How many of his advisors have connections to Saudis and conflicts of interest?

The things I mention indicate Saudi Arabia is functionally out of oil, and they are bluffing in order to keep exerting geopolitical inluence. In addition, other countries have more oil than Saudi Arabia even claims, and therefore more actual influence over global energy markets.

I haven't noticed anyone talking about it in the media and governments seem to be unaware.

Moved from /misc/
P104728 link reply
It only takes a few psychopaths on a leash in a rival organization to cripple them.

Saying your group can't survive because of FBI terrorism of White Nationalists isn't actually true, you just need to make sure you have a few blackmailed Feds on a tight leash willing to kill other Feds covertly if they target your group and you can get other groups to do it by making temporary deals with them. The anti-White FBI agent targeting your group won't understand why their Mexican peer invited them on an investigation of dog fighting and then pushed them in the pit and laughed at them while they were mauled to death, but they won't be targeting your group anymore.

Organizations like the FBI, the UK government, etc. etc. are full of blackmailed psychopaths and it doesn't take a whole lot of work to clip your leash onto them and get them to kill anti-White peers and cover it up.

When you see institutional corruption, you need to be able to switch gears from democratic processes to cold war processes. If you keep wasting your time on elections and shit when you're dealing with a gaggle of corrupted psychopaths and malicious foreigners occupying an institution that weren't voted in in the first place, you're not going to get anywhere. But if you switch to cold war tactics, mafia tactics, then you can change the institution relatively easily by just gaining leverage over a few people and covertly killing anyone that doesn't tow your line and transferring their wealth to your group.
P104716 link reply
And the Whites with functional brains need to group up and organize, screening potential members for mental disabilities and White ancestry before admitting them to the group at all.

We're not going to survive without organization.

The entire "going out in the woods alone" thing doesn't allow for survival.

The issue isn't that everyone is bad, the issue is that you haven't been exclusive enough in an efficient way while still moving to build a network.

Usually people with functional brains in this dystopia try to interact with people, have a lot of bad experiences, then isolate themselves. But that's because they weren't discriminatory from the outset and kept exposing themselves to untrustworthy people that showed their true colors eventually.

We need to learn the difference between ignorance (people that have been surrounded by disinformation their whole lives and literally don't know the situation) and the mentally handicapped.

With people with a functional brain, you expose them to new information and let them process it for a week or a month, then they change their position.

People with various mental disabilities or mixed loyalties don't necesssarily do that.

It does not matter how much you explain why nationalism is important to a psychopath, because they're mentally handicapped and don't even understand what you're talking about when you say "nation". We need to be able to rapidly identify, exclude, and dispose of people like that.
P104715 link reply
P104714 link reply
When some viciously retarded wretch tells you that we need to go back to "free market" and the government shouldn't regulate the economy, they're saying to dismantle the economy and they're so *****ing dumb they don't even understand the concept of what an economy is or how it works.

And you should recognize they're retarded, and you should ask yourself if it's really a cultural thing, if they're really just misinformed or if they're genetically derranged or chemicals have corroded their brain.

Under normal circumstances these idiots would just blend into the population and go along with the crowd, but under the influence of malicious foreign groups they start tearing down the civilization they depend on to survive, thinking in their scrambled little brain that they're doing something good. And I'm starting to think that we don't need all these weak link and liability bloodlines always being ready to sabotage the nation without realizing what they're doing.

It hurts to realize that people I thought were peers are actually an inferior creature that doesn't understand what's going on and is a hazard. There's an instinct to want to be part of a group of peers and realizing just how many people don't have functional brains is isolating and demoralizing. But the problem is really that they keep being included and that means the people with functional brains are being exposed to all the problems retarded populations create.

It's a mistake to try to reason with people that clearly aren't capable of it. What we've been doing of trying to change people's minds is like trying to wrestle a timed bomb shaped and painted like a banana from an orangutang that doesn't understand you're trying to help them and wants to fight back.

We need eugenics and exclusion for Whites to survive. We can't keep letting genetically retarded or foreign populations call the shots and terrorize us into going along with stupid agendas. We're going to have to kill them to survive. Every time some boomer retard gets in your face and screams "to fix the economy you have to dismantle the economy and we have to support Israel" we're going to have to stop trying to reason with them (which is a futile effort because they don't have a functional brain) and just poison them instead to keep them from tearing down the state we need to live.

You can be too stupid to be a member of a nation, because being a member of a nation has obligations that requires a certain amount of intelligence. If they are some unthinking golem, we just have to kill them to protect the nation from the damage they do. Maybe it was caused by chemical poisoning, or maybe it's genetic, either way we have to kill the people doing it, we can't allow them access to do anymore damage. These traitorous morons are getting in the way of our survival. We have to kill them to survive.

P104713 Historical revision and misinformation as a means of corrupting decision making. link reply
>The USA, which was founded by racist Whites that didn't consider non-Whites to be even the same species or subject to the laws governing Whites, was also started as a nation of diversity!

>Capitalism is what you call it when you have a "free market" with no laws, despite that not even qualifying as an economy because laws are required to prevent people from simply being robbed at knife point to get what they want!

Basically, the malicious historical revisionists spew media and twist the arm of academics to replace the definitions of things that worked in the past with whatever garbage they want.

Here's what "capitalism" is. It's an economic model invented in the Netherlands to replace private loans with limited liability shared ownership, it's the share or stock system and it's only possible because laws were passed making it a legal transaction and legally enforceable.

Capitalism made it so people could invest with smaller sums of wealth so they could get some of the profits from ventures like ships, because at the time people would become sailors and buy or build a ship with a financial backer and then make a profit and give most of it to the financial backer. Without the share system of capitalism, only bankers and the extremely wealthy could afford to invest in a business like that.

Capitalism was crowdfunding with legal stipulations like the share holders getting a percentage of the profits, the CEO or operator having a legal responsibility to work in the share holder's interests, voting rights on the CEO and whether or not to liquidate the company, and rights to the companies' assets in the event of liquidation.

Capitalism and "free market" with no government involvement are antithetical because capitalism only exists in the framework of a government enforcing the laws of the share holder transaction.

Basically, a lot of sabotuers of the West actively produce disinformation to rally dumb people into attacking their own national institutions and believing that the things that worked in the past are bad and tearing down their own state is good.

Economically the push "free market", which is no market because you don't have a market without laws you have a gang of bandits standing on every road demanding everything in your pockets, and free shit for foreigners, because both of those destroy the West economically.

Politically they advocate anarchy (which is not even a political position because it's not a directive for any government) and attacking their own national population in preference of malicious foreign populations.

Every time I hear someone say free market and say government shouldn't be involved with the economy at all, I grit my teeth and resist socking them because they're so dumb, literally advocating for destroying their own economy, that I want them dead. It reduces my faith in mankind as a whole every time I see one of these dipshits and they're not hanging from their feet from a tree with their guts hanging out, because to me it's like someone saying "well if you really want your car to drive really fast you've got to take off the wheels and get rid of the engine". They're just so stupid they're dangerous, they literally have not spent 15 seconds thinking about what an economy is before opening their genetically mentally retarded mouth.

The historical revisionism, the redefining terms by these political hacks, media, and academia, it's like switching out all the chemistry text books across the country with Taoist alchemy books and saying it's the same thing, it's an act of sabotage, and we should treat it like that's what it is.
Moved from /misc/
P104712 a re-peat link reply
>riband is meant to be worn in formal occasions

but i wear it everytime i get fat to show ppl that aristocrats do not have to exercise.

>uni interviews

yeah, i would accessorise as I can. remember, go big or go home
P104706 link reply
Once you understand that these are basically communists trying to censor any dissent against them, it becomes easy to understand. Totaltarian regimes use their power to silence those that would speak against them (and thus threaten their power).

In the Trans Socialist (Banana) Republic of George Floydistan, the communists have power over almost everything at the natioal level (and some states) except the Supreme Court (and they are working on that now as we speak). They are aligned with the leftists in the EU. Remember, the slogan is "workers of the *world* unite", not "workers of the *nation* unite". Thus, you can translate the document like this: "if you do this thing that we don't like and makes us look bad, we'll have our people over there hurt you".

It's not about having compatible laws. It's about power.
P104702 link reply
attack surface*
P104701 How was the global internet supposed to work when connecting states that don't have Free Speech policies? link reply
Don't even have free speech policies for their own citizens?

Like, controlling what people can say is extreme political control. So how is that supposed to work connecting 200 or so different countries, many with their own insane dictators, and giving them extralegal control over what other countries say?

Like, right now the EU and UK and possessed by insane and traitorous dictators that are going further than China did, demanding legal extradition of anyone in the world for criticizing their regime for starving their people to death, exposing them to dangers, robbing them, etc. and these derranged corrupted political cells and their maggot politicians are trying to control the politics of countries much much larger than them.

I'm just saying, the global internet doesn't even work on paper with the legal arrangements the countries have set up and it doesn't work practically to connect hostile nations to your entire *****ing telecom structure to hack, surveil, intimidate, censor, meddle, and engage in scams. Like, the very first thing in network security is denying access to adversaries.

The EU, UK, Russia, Israel, China, India, etc. etc. all do not have things even resembling Free Speech policies.

I'm not a Trump supporter, this isn't about that.

I think that because the internet developed on the back of telephone communications, which are 1-1 communications, the USA didn't think the whole global internet thing through and just expanded it the same as telephone communications.

You can't do a whole lot of damage using an analog telephone communication network. You can do prank calls, waste people's paper with junk faxes, DDOS a phone line. The internet obviously is not the same thing, it's a massive attack service for industry, personal computers where people store basically all their documents and work, for communications between the population and it can be use for surveillance. And you can't break someone's analog phone by calling them, you can break all the vulnerable computers through the internet.

If you were deciding what to do with the internet as a standalone thing, not as an extension of the phone system, I don't think you would have thought a global internet was a good idea. I don't think anyone that wasn't a saboteur of some kind would say "hey, let's connect China to every *****ing device so they can spy on us, meddle with our politics, and break our shit if they want".

The more people you connect to a computer network, the more vulnerable your network and your organization becomes. And in this case, where one state is demanding political control over another state through "global" communications companies, it's become a national sovereignty liability to be connected to a global internet where social media companies can be abusively sued by foreign states to manipulate politics globally.

The USA not critically thinking about WHO they give novel technology needs to be fixed because they're endangering unironically all of mankind. And it's unnatural, it's not rational, it's not sustainable. If any third party was watching you proliferate tech like you do, putting WMDs in the hands of basically chimpanzees, they'd see your species as an existential threat that cannot be trusted with anything.
Moved from /tech/
P104692 link reply
P104691 The good ol' days link reply
im sure one day the bbc will fully adopt google's data-mining techniques or make everything DRM-protected, forcing online viewers to create their own accounts.

online tv is not really privacy friendly, unlike the good ol' terrestrial (DVB-T) or anything on HF / VHF band 'cause broadcasters can't really track their viewers. Viewers have to let them know (by sending reception reports). The BBC 'TV-detector' van is just an outright hoax...
P104690 link reply
the bbc automatically ties your newly created iplayer account to your address 'cause they can check if u have paid for the license and what kind. If you've got a black and white licence, you can't use iplayer / own colour DVR / VCR. Yeah, business (and surveillance).
P104689 link reply

yes you are an orb, you can. orb highways don't have borders. Unlike the world of humanoids, everything is business, and surveillance.
P104688 i love cbbc (not the current hq) link reply

no, its like a theatre with cbbc and cbeebies (as daytime entertainment)

i think im gonna stop watching cbbc soon as the new hq is a cringe coon.
P104687 link reply
I would take a whole BBC inside me to become polymath
P104686 link reply

agreed, its like a theatre without binoculars
P104685 one drop of bbc one and you are a polymath link reply
yeah, bbc one gives you knowledge like crime watch has become today's entertainment (theatre is dead) and one bloke actually shot former yank president. Also, we've got the poor souls to role-play as fishermen during the day-time (everyday).
Moved from /news/
P104676 link reply
yeah, i still like to wear me fine three-piece frockcoat with silky / woolen sash while posting though.
P104674 lambda is dead link reply
back when fagmin was schizo sorting things, it was fun posting. Now its just dead. All the spoon villains (the three Js) are gone

lambdaplusjs will now be like most boring imageboards, no spoonsorters.
P104673 300 years lateer link reply
Oh dear, im still the only worthy and handsome man alive on this humble planet
Moved from /misc/
P104663 link reply

truth nuke really is truth nuke
P104661 winning link reply

bbc ngl fr
P104659 link reply
iykyk tbh ngl
P104654 link reply
tbh im more interest to know what kind of kush he smoking in that pipe ngl
P104641 - link reply
P104636 https://www.sofiaceli.com/about/ link reply

this post really explains how post modern men are trash and will nvr be good for me
P104625 link reply
You got me. My eyes read "CVE". In any case, I run SIMH guests as "nobody". You can use Linux caps to allow the emulator to attach to the networking interfaces as long as they exist already and are pre-upped.

setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin=eip vax
P104623 simh users you are *****ed - unattended memory execution found link reply
Stay away from simh now as techlore has found security vulnerabilities: The CVS-672313-009 unattended memory access on both BIOS and OS level, like Google chrome webm holes but worse. If you really wish to use PDP, get microPDP from eBay and enjoy RTOS or any unix systems of that era.

simh was also used in yankee agencies to summon the B-17 Bomber for Atari home consoles. This caused people to die with cancer even more, steeping up the curves like coronavirus, two years ago.

You have been warned...
Moved from /tech/
P104617 link reply
P104600 link reply
please explain why i am such a worthy man
Moved from /misc/
P104599 link reply
Yeah in summer I could save a lot of electricity so I leave my PDP-11 on (to be able to dance with my orbs and, danceto the heatwave also)
Moved from /tech/
P104566 link reply
P104565 its a pan-out! link reply
Isle of Man
P104564 the beat link reply
sauce and pan and sauce
sauce...pan and sauce
P104561 link reply
lovely performance
P104560 link reply
P104559 link reply
P104558 link reply
P104557 link reply
P104556 link reply
P104555 link reply
P104536 today's guests link reply
boom boom"
P104452 link reply
Day #6 of TOPS-hood

Today I set up LAT and DECnet. SMTP works too, amazingly. I didn't think a system from the 1960s-1980s could mail a modern Linux system but it did.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Admin. Code tags. Now.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
$ n***** tell tops20 show exec char

Node Volatile Characteristics as of 10-AUG-2024 22:11:33

Executor node = 1.19 (TOPS20)

Identification = DECnet-20 Version 4.0
Management version = V4.0.0
Loop count = 1
Loop length = 127
Loop Data type = mixed
Incoming timer = 30
Outgoing timer = 60
NSP version = V4.0.0
Maximum links = 65535
Delay factor = 48
Delay weight = 10
Inactivity timer = 120
Retransmit factor = 10
Routing version = V2.0.0
Type = nonrouting IV
Routing timer = 600
Broadcast routing timer = 40
Maximum address = 1023
Maximum circuits = 20
Maximum cost = 100
Maximum hops = 16
Maximum visits = 20
Max broadcast nonrouters = 64
Max broadcast routers = 32
Maximum buffers = 80
Buffer size = 576
Segment buffer size = 576

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Admin add code tags>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Note the Identification string. The product is called "DECnet-20" on TOPS-20. Here's LAT:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more code tags>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
$ lat***** show servi

Service Name Status Identification
---------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------
TOPS20 Available KLH10 Panda TOPS-20, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>code done>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

There's a few files in PS:<SYSTEM> you need to edit to enable DECnet. Ask if you want to know.
P104421 link reply
P104420 link reply
P104419 link reply
P104418 link reply
P104416 link reply
P104414 link reply
P104412 link reply
P104411 link reply
P104410 link reply
P104409 link reply
P104394 link reply
P104365 NEWS from the bbc link reply
I can't find that censorship thread now.

Moved from /misc/
P104364 Yeah, link reply
I look like a monkey.....

[spoiler: I'm still handsome]
Moved from /sadtruth/
P104362 link reply

>Tune into BBC Two afternoon weekends

I was going to add "when there are no sporting events but I forgot...
Moved from /misc/104355
P104360 link reply

Tune into BBC Two afternoon weekends; They have got many great cooking shows. Like ***** [spoiler: Nadiya] Bakes, and the one (forgot the name) featuring a folk surrounded by light bulbs at the opening.
Moved from /misc/104355
P104357 link reply

cry upon it 'cause they aren't half as good as BBC Food. We watched a lot of Saturday Kitchen.

Lol had no idea why I put saturday night since its a daytime show.
Moved from /misc/104355
P104356 link reply

cry upon it 'cause they aren't half as good as BBC Food. We watched a lot of Saturday Night Kitchen.
Moved from /misc/104355
P104344 international telegram link reply
Yeah, I remembered the days when we saw pikes in the river
Moved from /misc/
P104343 link reply
my dog humped me after i slit my wrists
P104338 link reply
P104330 link reply

i prefer SAUCEPANS!
P104329 link reply

i prefer mecca since its halal tbh
P104328 link reply
p sure it would be post nut ngl tbh
P104322 Q = Quantum 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply
>Mention the Grover's algorithm

wut bout my dog Rover and his red rocket ?
is that post quantum when he lowkey cums on my leg after humping it ?
Moved from /qresearch/
P104319 link reply
saul goodman*
Moved from /roastme/104302
P104318 link reply
VAXXED and balding also call me saul ngl
Moved from /roastme/104302
P104313 rip literacy link reply

>has the law changed though

yep, since you're referring to the a *century old law.

decade = decca = 10 years ago
P104311 link reply

>has the law changed though

yep, since you're referring to the a decade old law.
P104309 lambda is free link reply

i'd get hanged for 'lacking of decency' lol

has the law changed though
P104306 international telegram link reply
Yeah, I' have a strong desire to put my slimy sausage into Mr. Guppy's butthole
P104302 link reply
I may look like a monkey [spoiler:but I am handsome]

cbbcing from

Intel P5, NetBSD 10 consttyE0 VESA 32 colours
Moved from /roastme/
P104291 link reply
you should cbbc at the right time god damn it!
Moved from /tech/
P104282 WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL link reply
This is how you TELNET from a DECSYSTEM-20 to a VAX8650.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. For more information read
the file TELNET.DOC. Bugs should be reported to Mark Crispin at
Internet address [email protected].
Trying... Open

Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) VAX Operating System, Version V7.3

P104279 KLH10 & Panda instead of SIMH and v7.x link reply
Day #5 of TOPS-hood

As it is, the Panda distribution no longer runs (32-bit only) on a 64-bit system and no longer builds. However, there is a community run continuation of the KLH PDP-10 emulator here:


You can build that, take the RH20.RP07.1 disk image from the Panda tarball, and use it with the newer emulator that will build. The result is that you get the fully installed system without having to build it yourself. For some reason, that RP07 disk image will not run on SIMH's pdp10-kl. You can run TOPS-20 on SIMH's pdp10-kl, but you have to build the system yourself. This is what I did before.

The Panda dist has much more stuff, including Unix tools, fingerd, telnet, and ftp. I've just scratched the surface after several hours with it.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>admin add code tags>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
finger [email protected]
OPERATOR System Services 0 SYSJOB Detached
1 OPR 2:21 13 Job 0, OPERATOR, SYSJOB
2 SYSJB1 Detached
3 RESOLV 2:21 14 Job 2, OPERATOR, SYSJB1
4 FINGER 2:21 15 Job 2, OPERATOR, SYSJB1
5 SMTJFN 2:21 16 Job 2, OPERATOR, SYSJB1
6 MMAILR 2:21 17 Job 2, OPERATOR, SYSJB1
7 IMAPSV 2:21 20 Job 2, OPERATOR, SYSJB1
8 FTS 2:21 21 Job 2, OPERATOR, SYSJB1
9 EXEC 10. 5 System Console

No new mail, never read
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>admin add code tags

Unfortunately, the whole thing has to be run as root to do networking. It will not attach to a pre-made TUNTAP like SIMH or Qemu will. This includes Linux caps or setting the network helper binary setruid.

Here's the .ini file for it (change for your network).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>admin add code tags>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
; KLH10.INI for TOPS-20 (*****U KL10B with extended addressing)
; u: operator
; p: dec-20
; See 'install.txt' in the source distribution for explaination of
; this file.
; https://github.com/PDP-10/klh10

; Define basic device config - one DTE, one disk, one tape.
; Use two RH20s because TOPS-10 doesn't like mixing disk and tape on
; the same controller (TOPS-20 is fine). We're running TOPS-20 so
; both can go on the same controller.

; Main console
devdef dte0 200 dte master

; Define rh20 controller and call it 'rh0'
devdef rh0 540 rh20

; Define disk 'dsk0' and tape 'mta0', types, and attach to first
; controller, named 'rh0'
devdef dsk0 rh0.0 rp type=rp07 format=dbd9 rw path=RH20.RP07.1
devdef mta0 rh0.1 tm03 type=tu45 fmtr=tm03

; Need KLNI to avoid LAPRBF BUGCHKs - use valid address if known
; devdef ni0 564 ni20 ipaddr=
; The (NetBSD/FreeBSD/Linux) version with tap(4) and bridge(4) creates the
; named tap device dynamically and bridges it to the default interface.
; If you want it differently (for instance routed instead of bridged),
; you can create the tap yourself and it will be used as it is.
; tap0 can use AA:00:04:00:0A:04, decnet 1.10 for now
; tunaddr should point to gateway (Linux host)
; dpdelay might need increasing (in seconds) to give network interface time
; KLH10_NET_BRIDGE must be set to "br0" in the environment
devdef ni0 564 ni20 enaddr=AA:00:04:00:0A:04 ipaddr= ifmeth=tap+bridge ifc=tap0 dedic=true

; Load disk bootstrap. boot.sav = disk boot code, mtboot.sav = tape
; boot code
load boot.sav

; Fix "System is remedial" message
; boot>/e
; dbugsw/ T1 0
; 147(press ESC key)g
; Now ready to GO
; 'devshow' command will list all known drivers
; ; EOF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>admin add code tags>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Finish the setup by following the README in the Panda tarball.
P104272 link reply
P104266 link reply

gold! and did u remember crackerjack?
P104260 link reply
>Play School

bbc play school
P104259 link reply
ever woke up in the morning and watched Play School? Yeah those were the days.
Moved from /memories/
P104247 link reply
>The Americans are stupid.

agreed, they boycotted tea
Moved from /tech/104246
P104246 i thought this was gonna be a cbbc thread turns out ita a [blank] link reply
[spoiler: BBC Click]

yeah I remembered when i first got a penguin cd (claimed to be a unix system for personal computers) it came with X11R7. I chucked that thing into a dustbin because I had no clue what it was until Twitter rebranded as X. I know what it is...

[bold: image caption: The Americans are stupid. Come up with nonsensical names of their shitware]
Moved from /tech/
P104242 this is the side effects of link reply
a saucepan with very few orbs
Moved from /tech/
P104230 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply
ngl i really dont get it but again i'm not Jamie K. Muller
Moved from /webshit/104222
P104226 link reply
Moved from /links/104225
P104225 borrowing this site link reply
just for personal matter....

if you dont mind, fagmin

Sincerely yours,

George The Handsome Poster of Lambdaplusjs
Moved from /links/
P104224 Oh, please... link reply
Don't cry, my dearest bottle....
Moved from /virtue/
P104223 link reply

Yet another schizo thread.

Well, go monochrome then.
Moved from /webshit/104222
P104221 international telegram link reply
I shouldn't allow meself to ruminate and drown in the river
Moved from /misc/
P104220 VV link reply
Its called wipster programming fr fr
Moved from /tech/96631
P104219 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply
So lokinet is a VPN?

The boomer in video is talking about LLARP but should be talking about AARP fr fr
Moved from /tech/28194
P104218 VV link reply

try changing the integer to a boolean or a vector
Moved from /math/102051
P104213 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply

How do I install DuckDuckJew browser in picrel ?
Moved from /tech/13518
P104211 link reply

Onlu jamie k saucepan
Moved from /tech/22358
P104209 VV link reply
You mean Jamie K. Mullers *Man-in-Middle* when hes *****ing a *****?
Moved from /tech/22358
P104208 VV link reply
yeah thats kinda sus and i read it takes like resource heavy vulns to reproduce builds
Moved from /tech/102813
P104207 link reply

>shoving a clean dildo up your ass

lets do that to the man in the mirror
Moved from /tech/22358
P104202 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply
>That's with Grover's algorithm

wut bout my dog rover and his red rocket ?
is that post quantum when he lowkey cums on my leg after humping it ?
Moved from /tech/51872
P104194 link reply


heaven knoes ngl fr fr
Moved from /monero/104071
P104190 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply

seems pretty good but its not even included in whonix or tails so you know its sus or mostly mid ngl
Moved from /tech/51430
P104189 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply
haz anyone on god on god even built from it from source and verified the builds hash or is it legit fake and gay reddit tierware
Moved from /tech/102813
P104182 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ link reply

Worx fine one my LCD but not by CRT unless i lowkey take HRT tbh
Moved from /tech/103973
P104163 Script kiddies link reply
Day #4 of TOPS-hood

I left the login port open to the internet because I know no one know what to do with it even if they did figure out the login details.

Damn script kiddies flooding my TTY line. They got defeated by an OS from 40 years ago.

*BUGINF "TTYSTP" at 8-Aug-2024 23:20:14
*Line has been shut off because of excessive input rate
*Additional data: 11
P104152 link reply
darn! I shouldn't've slipped
Moved from /summerice/
P104150 Getting a TV licence needn't be a drama link reply
get yours today: tvlicensing.co.uk
Moved from /misc/
P104149 Getting a TV licence needn't be a drama link reply
get yours today: tvlicensing.co.uk
Moved from /misc/
P104145 link reply
i need a new toaster that supports netbsd.

Sneaking a chopping board into my saucepan doesn't really work because it refuses all ssh connections
Moved from /tech/
P104141 Dunkin Donuts link reply
It's shit anyway, but now I get a new reason to hate them. I still can't believe people wait in a drive-thru line for their mop-water coffee.


P104134 whose mouth is this? link reply

>yeah the empire strikes back

the saucepan strikes back

>star wars

may the force be with your NetBSD saucepan
Moved from /monero/104071
P104132 🟦 🟦 🟦 J 🟦 🟦 🟦 E 🟦 🟦 🟦 W 🟦 🟦 🟦 I 🟦 🟦 S 🟦 🟦 H 🟦 🟦 🟦 link reply
Moved from /telly/104107
P104131 VV link reply
yeah the empire strikes back was the best star wars movie ngl
Moved from /monero/104071
P104118 link reply
P104116 VV link reply
wat bout VISA V mode ?
Moved from /misc/104106
P104115 link reply
P104107 disorder cope link reply
yeah i dont mind me eyes become squared from watching bbc three
Moved from /telly/
P104106 I am poating frpm link reply
cirrus VESA mode

I am so handsome
Moved from /misc/
P104104 link reply

to force really is to force
Moved from /monero/104071
P104099 link reply

that's like you are implying that you don't know how to use a sophisticated saucepan connected to a flat teletype and the usb rodent
Moved from /tech/59647
P104098 link reply
P104063 link reply

thanks, my dearest orb
Moved from /refrain/104023
P104062 Gee Gees - Boy Band link reply
[bold:more than a saucepan!]

more than a saucepan to me!
Moved from /music/
P104059 sage link reply
>your sausage
>rich like cream

move to /jyhad
Moved from /menonly/104032
P104044 bump link reply
Moved from /refrain/104023
P104037 Gee Gees - Boy Band link reply
[bold:more than a saucepan!]

more than a saucepan to me!
Moved from /music/
P104032 The H Boy Band (menonly) link reply
your sausage
rich like cream

don't take money
don't suck corn

just lend me a credit card to buy saucepans!
my sausage is strong and stiff

it's gonna go in your mouth!

[bold: That's the power of love
feel the power luh-uh-uhve
Moved from /menonly/
P104023 link reply
I shall not allow meself to drown this time
Moved from /refrain/
P104021 link reply

bbc.com of course!
Moved from /jyhad/104018
P103984 link reply
P103983 link reply
P103982 link reply
P103981 link reply
P103979 link reply
P103978 link reply
P103977 link reply
P103963 CA med schooll gets rid of White portraits link reply
>Dalhousie Medical School in Nova Scotia, Canada, has taken down the portraits of its former deans for being too old and white.

>The school reasoned that the deans were no longer representative of the school’s student body, which includes black and indigenous individuals, according to an announcement from the Dean of Medicine Dr. David Anderson obtained by Do No Harm. Moreover, the school claimed that “students, faculty, and staff” had felt unwelcome in the area in which the portraits were hung.


What happened to "inclusion"?
What happened to "diversity"?

I was told these were our strengths. Of course, it was all anti-White bullshit from the start. Now the White man is being removed from his own countries, often by his own traitor fellows.

Today it's pictures, statues, and being denied a place in public. Tomorrow they will round you up and put you in a camp with a number on your arm.

P103956 Pentium won! link reply
Moved from /tech/
P103936 link reply
yeah admin is p gay ngl
they always poast stalin shit and cringe replies like this

+ Stalin was brought into power by jews (((bolsheviks))): instance #24183201.

+ Hitler was funded into power by central bankers (((jewish))) including the ones that founded the federal reserve: instance #19130084

+ The jews in Israel have said that Hitler was not wrong in what he did but who he killed (((zionism))): instance #148812390

If you mean anti nazi then yes cuz jews = nazis and its easy to tell your ashke[bold: nazi]
Also nazis = jews cause hitler was funded by jews

You can call it all you want but you still got the conservative vaccine and will be eating calamari clots with size of shrimp soon.
Moved from /fagminisjewish/
P103932 fapping/.. link reply

so H O T
P103931 link reply

>The Hairy Bikers

a bit tad too ***** though

unlike Tony Sympson, more attractive.
P103930 link reply

>older decent pussy (better if they do yoga fr fr) = money saved and relaxing comfy times

i prefer old decent cocks like The Hairy Bikers
P103929 POST card link reply
your not using your disp-vm correctly tbh
Moved from /misc/103043
P103926 link reply

Moved from /jyhad/103276
P103923 link reply

yeah which gives windows posters a cancer
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103922 link reply
yeah Jamie K Muller really needs to stop ngl
Moved from /tech/7244
P103921 POST card link reply

indeed and denpa is legit a Trojan Horse to talking KESIMPTA® and CABENUVA
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103917 link reply

ngl fr fr
Moved from /tech/103848
P103916 link reply

yes, 'cause imma handsome poster
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103915 POST card link reply

Indeed very stunning a dashing while also stating FACTS!!!
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103913 move to /bestoflambda/ link reply

the best post of the year
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103912 link reply
seems like a good idea unlike disp-vms for boy*****ing ops
Moved from /tech/7244
P103911 link reply
throw denpas into the trahscan
kill ***** criminals like denpa and Jamie K Muller
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103909 RSA SecurID link reply
fr fr dawg no even mid even tbh *ngl*
Moved from /tech/103848
P103903 link reply

yeah disp-vm with Jamie K. Muller

Moved from /tech/103848
P103902 link reply

agreed, I flippin' hate denpa like I hate ***** criminals now.
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103901 link reply
>3. Your provider will absolutely cooperate with LEO; there's not much you can do about it.

you use a disp-vm and it will solve this tbh
Moved from /tech/103848
P103898 link reply
P103897 link reply
P103896 link reply
P103895 link reply
P103894 link reply
P103890 link reply

>The entire internet runs on virtualized infrastructure

i though the pony express was in charge of data (messages) delivery
Moved from /tech/103638
P103887 link reply
'Tis a very good world that we live in,
To lend, or to spend , or to give in;
But to beg, or to borrow, or to get a man's own,
'Tis the very worst world that ever was known.
Moved from /misc/
P103886 link reply

that's why we need a saucepan outfit...
Moved from /misc/103738
P103883 link reply

>Did you read this site? It talks good a lot about OpenBSD, I feel like people link to this as a 'gotcha' because of the provoking theme.

more like saucepan theme
Moved from /tech/103638
P103865 your nerve is your saucepan link reply
P103845 link reply
Everybody may've heard a story
of a handsome highway man of glory
makes no sense

but I think should call meself a dandy
cause i'm being a panny
a hundred year old grandpa, I ain't!


dun dun dun dun


there's book about me going down the Es***** with the pan.
To get me a new orb socket in me hand
in my finest powered wig!

[bold: I'm a handsome highway man
I'm sure there's something dandy about mee!
Moved from /misc/103844
P103844 yet another filler to keep the board going link reply
reposted cause the post didn't show up (site's glitch i guess)

[bold: I'm a handsome highway man
I'm sure there's something dandy about mee!

I told John Palmer to keep me wig clean
so I can go down to Es***** without a flea

[bold: I'm a handsome highway man
I'm sure there's something dandy about me!
and when you've flicked the switch, I suddenly got me rope
there is no 'hope'

as I'm [bold: hanging from a rope!]
Moved from /misc/
P103841 link reply

same but didnt read cauze too saucy
P103838 i agreed link reply
>I'd say 'shill'
whereas i would say SAUCEPAN!
Moved from /jyhad/103276
P103834 link reply

shut up! Boomers won so do the victorians...
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103825 link reply
P O R N O L I T A P H O TO F U C K L I S T 2 0 2 4


P * A * N *

welcome site

Moved from /hotmen/
P103819 link reply

Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103814 link reply
Yeah that why your not even p cool and are using narcissistic disp-vms and not TENS fr fr
Moved from /jyhad/103784
P103813 link reply
i didn't install any in my disp-vm and my uptime says 0 ?
Moved from /tech/7244
P103812 link reply
Not really tbh
he forgot to use a disp-vm when he plotted the insurrection ngl
Moved from /misc/103043
P103810 link reply
>- 32 - 128 mb memory is enough for daily use (1 gb for hosting)

not enough for disp-vms
Moved from /meta/69735
P103808 oops! idid it again link reply
im breaking your pan
and i lost the pebbles!
oops! you think im in orbs!
I'm a handsome useerr!
Moved from /misc/
P103804 the best forum of the year link reply
[bold: lambdaplusjs]

- no registration required
- smart captcha
- no javascript
- 100% transparency
- never feel lonely because there is a handsome poster posting 247
Moved from /misc/
P103802 link reply
the power of NetBSD
Moved from /misc/103801
P103801 link reply
00000000 49 20 61 6d 20 73 75 63 68 20 61 20 68 61 6e 64 |I am such a hand|
00000010 73 6f 6d 65 20 6d 61 6e 20 77 65 61 72 69 6e 67 |some man wearing|
00000020 20 61 20 77 6f 6f 6c 65 6e 20 66 72 6f 63 6b 63 | a woolen frockc|
00000030 6f 61 74 20 74 6f 20 62 65 64 0a |oat to bed.|
Moved from /misc/
P103800 link reply
00000000 6d 79 20 73 61 75 63 65 70 61 6e 20 69 73 20 66 |my saucepan is f|
00000010 6c 79 69 6e 67 0a |lying.|
Moved from /misc/
P103799 link reply

also doesn't match my saucepan
Moved from /tech/103638
P103796 Alexander Hamilton link reply
[bold: Artist] Robert Field
[bold: Date] 1806
Moved from /filler/
P103795 based saucepan link reply
Moved from /misc/
P103781 sage link reply
>its unusual
No, it's normal. It has always been the same 6 to 10 posters talking with themselves all the time. Somebody new rarely showed up, and even rarely stayed.

>generate more posters
No, you generate more meaningful activity.
P103778 this site is so dead link reply
its unusual, teach me how to generate more posters
Moved from /deaddeaddead/
P103774 CMD files link reply
Day #3 of TOPS-hood

%File not found, Creating New file
00100 terminal vt100
00200 terminal lowercase
00300 terminal no raise
00400 $

$type login.cmd
00100 terminal vt100
00200 terminal lowercase
00300 terminal no raise

Using line editor and setting up a CMD file (like LOGIN.COM on VMS or ~/.zshrc on Solaris).

This system seems to be short on software. Maybe the Panda dist has more "stuff". It mentions LAT, DECnet, and T*****IP but I don't see the two former and the later doesn't connect to anything.

P103714 vandalism link reply
based on (((Qubes))))

jah mon
Moved from /misc/103498
P103710 vandalism link reply

BBC raping jewki's bussy disp-vm nocap str8 up bussin
Moved from /misc/103498
P103703 link reply
ngl based tbh
Moved from /misc/103498
P103700 link reply

***** off coon!
Moved from /tech/102813
P103699 link reply
It mean In-Q-Tel *****d a ***** on a nval base with Roger Dingledine and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
P103694 jewki link reply
That I just *****d a *****
P103687 link reply

shut up faggot
Moved from /tech/102813
P103681 What did Q mean by this? link reply
>This is now a thread about Kate Bush's bush.

can I get a qrd?
what did op (Q) mean by this?
Moved from /qresearch/
P103662 link reply

Q predicted this!
P103661 hi max here again link reply
Just vaxx maxx and Q predicted this
Moved from /misc/103498
P103631 Suggestion link reply
you need saucepan gear to survive in hostile environment
Moved from /misc/
P103630 link reply
This is now a thread about Kate Bush's bush.
P103629 link reply
I thought you were going to ask me about Kate's Bush for a second (if you know what I mean).
P103628 Harley-Davidson lost link reply
I didn't see this one coming.

>Some 1,800 employees were trained on how to become an 'LGBTQ+ ally,' he said, while some sessions singled out white (sic) men for specific diversity-training.

>The company also introduced employee resource groups (ERGs), which separate staff along racial, gender and *****ual identity lines.

>Additionally, Starbuck said the motorcycle company is gradually cutting its number of white (sic) employees, suppliers, and dealers.


This will go over like a lead balloon, as their base is straight, White males. Good job, retards. I hope you go bankrupt.
P103626 link reply
>The communist only cares about the system itself (communism)

yeah just like you only care about your dingle dongle.
that dingle dongle is yours so it is 'yourself'!
Moved from /misc/103043
P103624 more like 'hard' quiz link reply
tell me about Kate Bush's flying chicken,..
Moved from /toughquiz/
P103620 one day... /hopesdotyeah/ link reply
im gonna do heel-walking while wearing saucepans in-place of shoes.
Moved from /fight/103617
P103613 unix.general link reply
I am handsome I use Terminal Emulator
Moved from /tech/
P103611 link reply

sorry, sire, for i do want to appear controversial in this matter but:

you need to remind yourself to shut thine saucepan lid first...
Moved from /misc/97791
P103608 link reply
well its typical to see a priest in a 'priest' hole
Moved from /misc/
P103607 link reply
>CRT is *****ing gay you faggot!#

the real crt is not, its tubey
Moved from /tech/56795
P103606 vandalism link reply
>I will not use some edgy discontinued enterprise linux like Solaris which is vuln city and *****ing gay as hell.

wut about Stellaris tho?
Moved from /wtech/103545
P103605 vandalism link reply
Just get a shotgun you dont need a {digital-camera}
Moved from /tech/100182
P103604 vandalism link reply
jah mon
Moved from /jyhad/103431
P103603 vandalism link reply
I'm gunna shoot the president in his stupid little ear
Moved from /tech/93578
P103602 sage link reply

trannies = FACTS!
Moved from /tech/56795
P103601 link reply
CRT is *****ing gay you faggot!
This is not fallot 3 fr fr
Moved from /tech/56795
P103600 sage link reply
Shut up faggot go ***** your twin flames ***** cuz you do the two tooo
Moved from /misc/93311
P103594 Hacked *****U link reply
do they make your orbs become slimey?
Moved from /tech/
P103593 link reply
P103591 lambda soap lovers (not soap dodgers) link reply
>Antibacterial Soap
>carbolic soap

are you still using it? Have they been outlawed in your area yet?
Moved from /bath/
P103587 link reply
P103586 so hot! link reply
Moved from /loli/
P103585 link reply
>16 minutes ago

sounds like 3 hours for me

fagmin's cheating
P103584 link reply
now you can cry, if you'd like
Moved from /notrefrain/
P103577 link reply
please dont cry
Moved from /calm/
P103568 link reply
the board is dead again!
Moved from /deaddes/
P103567 link reply

docker is rubbish i never get it installed on my system, no matter how thorough I followed the instructions, because the orbs would complain, docker's repo has shoddy packages. I only use saucepan bash that summons nine striped nuts in one go.
Moved from /wtech/103545
P103566 link reply
ooo! the tension is mounting as I am the only handsome man here.
Moved from /misc/
P103549 George 319M link reply

and be a 70yrsold+ *****ren lover like me
Moved from /misc/93311
P103541 link reply

a 'thing' that you like to crawl on. I know you orbs are saucy so don't try to pretend that YOU DO NOT KNOW A THING!...
Moved from /corns/103527
P103540 link reply
WTF does "corn.d" mean my nigga
Moved from /corns/103527
P103537 link reply
ask his orbs for e-mail address perhaps?
P103536 link reply

yeah BBC Two
Moved from /meta/69735
P103533 link reply
How do I contact Jamie K. Muller for purchase?
Moved from /shippingcon/
P103531 398mqq link reply
Moved from /ilovecaptcha/
P103530 lord meat link reply
can i replace chipotle sauce with hp sauce?
Moved from /misc/103498
P103527 corn.d link reply
please chew me corn gently
Moved from /corns/
P103524 ARPANET here I come link reply
Saveset ""DOCUMENTATION files"" 5-Dec-83 1244
Loading files into PS:<COBOL.DOCUMENTATION>
SJ 0: **** MAILS(4) 11:03:31 ****
SJ 0:
SJ 0: [SCHEDULER]: Waiting for UPS:
SJ 0: **** OPR(3) 11:03:31 ****
End of Saveset.

Total files restored: 16
Total pages restored: 81
Saveset ""BINARY files"" 5-Dec-83 1244
Loading files into PS:<COBOL.RUN>
SJ 0: **** MAILS(4) 11:04:31 ****
SJ 0:
SJ 0: [SCHEDULER]: Waiting for UPS:
SJ 0: **** OPR(3) 11:04:32 ****

This system has version control, but uses '.' instead of ';' like VMS does.
P103522 Version 7 dist zipfile link reply
Day #2 of TOPS-hood


Might be better to start with this, until I know enough to build my own system.
P103520 link reply
I wish I had got all me pebbles and orbs
Moved from /hopesdotyeah/
P103519 link reply

only genius person like me call it TOR 'TSR'
Moved from /misc/103043
P103518 brainlet link reply
ooo ooooo oooo
oooooo oooooooo

>allows anime spammer posts outside /free/,/spam/
Moved from /misc/103505
P103516 link reply
P103515 link reply
P103514 link reply
P103513 link reply
P103512 link reply
P103511 link reply
P103510 link reply
P103509 link reply
P103508 link reply
P103507 link reply
P103506 link reply
P103504 jannies link reply
P103501 link reply
I'm hungry for orbs
Moved from /orbs/
P103497 link reply
a versatile but a small publishing company.
Moved from /misc/
P103486 Jamie K. Muller link reply
nah *****ren are going back to school so its harder to ***** them
Moved from /free/103463
P103484 JamieKMuller link reply
Ask @JamieKMuller I hear he rents out *****ren you can ***** through one of his LLC's last I checked
Moved from /misc/93311
P103481 link reply
i memeber when i *****ed a ***** cause i do the two tooooooo
Moved from /jyhad/103276
P103478 Be1oved link reply

try *****ing a ***** fr
Moved from /jyhad/103281
P103477 *****ing them *****ren fr fr fr fr link reply
>powers of 2

cuz i'm a sinner cuz i do the 2 two
Moved from /tech/102813
P103476 Be1oved link reply
you mean jewki fr fr
last i heard it was cus they were a sinner cuz they do the two too
Moved from /news/101645
P103475 TOPS-20 link reply

Very little (working) info on this. The last version install seems to be broken.

[From OPERATOR on line 45 to all: SYSTEM IN OPERATION]
SJ 0: OPR(0) 3 OPERATOR OPR TI 0:0:0

, TOPS-20 Monitor 4.1(5471)
Job 4 on TTY42 2-Aug-2024 23:32:28


Total of 8 files
Killed Job 4, User OPERATOR, Account , TTY 42,
at 2-Aug-2024 23:33:08, Used 0:00:00 in 0:00:40

Damn these line-editors!
P103474 link reply

get a peble to cheer you up. I were like you never found me true love. I now found me true love (its my pebble)
Moved from /misc/93311
P103473 international Telegram link reply
Ever seen a bloke put a battery-powered fan inside his stovepipe hat to cool his head off at the Ascot?
Moved from /inbound/
P103472 international Telegram link reply
Ever seen a bloke put a battery-powered fan inside his stovepipe hat to cool his head off at the Ascot?
Moved from /inbound/
P103464 dead board link reply
must be... erm
holidays (where everyone is on-vacation)? let me check the calendar
Moved from /ljsiskill/
P103463 dead board link reply
must be... erm
holidays (where everyone is on-vocation)? let me check the calendar
Moved from /ljsiskill/
P103462 international Telegram link reply
Well, the last time I watched panthom ride film was on the bbc. They didn't call it 'phantom ride' though. It's like journey...railways or something. That was a long time ago when our telly was black and white
Moved from /inbound/
P103456 each time i look at the mirror link reply
when i look in the mirror, I couldn't resist an urge to say 'you're so worthy and handsome' to the man in the mirror then I started to get 'hard' afterwards (it was my bierwurst)
P103450 link reply

interesting fact, me intel-586 orb.
Moved from /inbound/103448
P103449 link reply
At a time when many are shamed by their sizes, that's perfectly acceptable and not shameful at all.
Moved from /inbound/103448
P103448 international Telegram link reply
Yeah, I am a man and I am proud of how long my sausage is (6 inch).
Moved from /inbound/
P103447 link reply
P103446 link reply