P56795 CRT link reply
>you will never know the thrill of telneting into a vax8650 running Openvms 7.3 under an amber CRT a la late 1980's and asking the area router what nodes it knows about

Actually, you can.


How cool is that? It can green screen, too.
P56813 link reply
i love how 20K soyboys actually see nothing wrong with this. a CRT will never look like this by eye, that can only be seen with a camera.
LARP within LARP.
*****ing retarded wiggers just see shit like
>broooo its text mode
>brooo terminal
>broooo CRT

oh yes and since this is a macfag tread
>broooo typefaces
and dildo themselves about the fact that they were graced by le ancient boomer technology
12of7 P56829 link reply
I actually have a 4k monitor that I guess is CRT (dunno, it's one of those boxy monitors), tho I have yet to use it and my dad advised me against due to him having his eyes hurt like hell after an hour of constant use

so yeah, I have a 4k crt type monitor, won't post proof cuz I'm lazy af (tho one day, when I'll need to see footage at 4k, I shall use it, tho it's heavy af)
P57725 link reply
This. That shit looks nothing like a real CRT. The glow is far exaggerated. An LCD is full of excessive blue light. An LCD has nowhere near the contrast of a CRT. The black level of a terminal cannot be emulated at all on an LCD, if you take even any random $5 CRT from the thrift store it will be immediately noticeable how black the background on a terminal is compared to with an LCD. And the natural blur of text which makes sharp one pixel line text more pleasant to look at of a CRT cannot be emulated by an LCD because the pixel density is too low. Scrolling on a CRT is more legible because there is no motion blur. LCDs feel worse to type on since they almost all have input lag.
There are no 4K CRTs. The highest you can get on the high end models is 2048x1536, maybe the top of the top could do 4K, but none of the aforementioned modes mattered because they were to blurry to use. If your CRT supports 2048x1536, you would still use maybe 1600x1200 at most.
12of7 P57818 link reply
P57725 well, just checked on the back of the bitch (photo) and this is what I've got as serial number go:

ASSEMBLY P/N 210314-001
SPARE P/N 214201-001
Model No: PE1041

it also says that's from Japan Nagasaki

will test it sometime in the future cuz why not, tho I'd have to clean it of spiderwebs, spiders, dust and whatever other bs is inside of it

can't find anything simnificant on the internets about it, just that my dad mentioned that when he got this monitor it was 4k, everything looked hella smoll with win95 and later xp and that his eyes started hurting at 1hour after looking basically continuously into the screen

glhf to any autist willing to find info bout this before I tinker with it lol
P57819 link reply
nice stolen gt-s7390, gypsy
12of7 P57822 link reply
lol, I have it since a long ass time ago bought from a SH store, I've posted about it on the nanosphere before dumbass
12of7 P57823 link reply
out of curiosity, how come you still have internets? did the HAMAS miss your local internet cables or what?
P57824 link reply
cringe gypsy
P57828 link reply
There was no 4k in the modern use of the word. The terminal emulator is to mimic these:


The amber most certainly is realistic.

Or the DEC vt220:


DEC got bought by Compaq then HP (around 2000?) then it became HPE.
12of7 P57860 link reply

just called my dad a moment ago to ask about stuff and the monitor and I got info on it

it's a 3000 x 2000 pixel monitor, sorry for inducing you in the wrong direction with the 4k stuff, my mistake
still, way bigger than regular CRTs
P75489 Themes link reply
I found some themes (profiles as it calls them) for this you might like.

Also, if you are getting ^H for backspace (which won't play well with VMS), change it to ^? here:

or whever you have default.keytab for QT applications.

You can change the strength of the effects. Today I'm using crt-asciinema-green.json.
P103569 DECSYSTEM-20 link reply
TOPS-20 with CRT (as VT100).

P104653 +upvote link reply
Why should I get a CRT and where can I even get good one

Do you play games with lightguns or sumthing and like need a CRT for that?