Thread 124556 in /jyhad/

P124556 link reply
Read this somewhere. Thoughts?

The stupid and narcissists are everywhere, among the working classes of course, but increasingly you can find them displacing the erstwhile elites, spawning hordes of mindless politicians, idiot business tycoons, narcissistic media personalities, vacuous celebrities, illiterate best-selling authors, athletes with far more brawn and brain, repetitious pop singers and even ignorant academics. Their cacophony drowns the few voices of wisdom, expertise and experience and their sheer number overwhelms all systems of governance and all mechanisms of decision-making.

Imbeciles and Narcissists are a menace to the continual existence not only of our civilization but of our species. We may end up being all homo, no sapiens.

The percentage of stupid and narcissistic people in the general population may not have changed. It may even have decreased.

But in terms of absolute numbers, there are more stupid and narcissistic heads now than the entire human population only a century ago.

Modern medicine makes sure that the retarded, the narcissistic and the plain dim-witted live on to a ripe old age. That we are faced with the daunting prospect of idiocracy is the fault of the malignant transformation of the democratic ideal in the recent onslaught of media, both old and new.

Start with democracy. In the not too distant past, stupid people had the right to vote once in a while and thus express their completely inconsequential opinion were it met at least in the ballot box.

Alas, the inane idea of one person, one vote, never mind how pinheaded, unqualified, narcissistic or ignorant that person is, that idea has invaded and permeated hitherto hierarchical environments such as government, academe, the workplace and the military. With technology at their disposal, the stupid and the narcissistic repeatedly interfere with and disrupt the proper functioning of every system.

Even the generation and transfer of knowledge have been so-called democratized as crowdsourcing yielded enterprises such as Wikipedia, the so-called encyclopedia that anyone can edit, add to and delete from.

Internet search engines rank results not according to the merits and authority of the content but by the number of votes cast by, you guessed it, mostly dense people who now congregate on social networks.

This widespread and much-loaded vandalism reflects the utter collapse and disintegration of the education system, which turns out illiterate, nascent and irrational graduates having annihilated its standards in order to embrace them as students in the first place.

The stupid and the narcissistic, dimly aware of their innate inferiority, are instinctively anti-elitist, anti-intellectual and anti-excellence.

But while in the past these remained mere sentiments, today they have become an ethos, code of conduct, a set of values and ideals to live by.

It is politically incorrect and impolite to claim any type of expertise, advantage or superiority.

Equality is running amok. Everyone is equal, doctors and their patients, professors and their students, experts and laymen alike.

Continue with technology.

In an act of self-preservation, past civilizations had confined the stupid and the narcissistic to certain settlements replete with their drinking establishments, entertainments and sports arenas.

There, in these isolated enclaves, the intellectually challenged could safely torment each other with their vulgarities and rampant uninformed idiocy.

But the advent of radio, television and most egregiously the internet has changed all that.

Now stupid people have unmitigated access to the kind of technology that allows them to pollute the airwaves and contaminate the broadband with their inferior analytic capacity, low brow output, trivial observations, monosyllabic exclamations and hairbrained queries.

Thus, the new media have transformed stupidity and narcissism from mental endemics to viral epidemics.

Wise and knowledgeable, indeed may still broadcast.

And it is true that the stupid merely narrowcast, but the stupid have the upper hand.

What with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and YouTube, decimating the traditional print of electronic media.

This technological empowerment is the crux of the problem. There are no barriers to entry, no institutional filters and no irudite and experienced intermediaries to hold back the avalanche of doltish balderdash, the tsunami of nonsense, the flood of misinformation, factoids and conspiracies that now corrupt our intellectual space.

Commercial interests inevitably and invariably cite with brainless masses.

And why? Because these masses have a superior aggregate purchasing power. The privatization of education is one manifestation of this creeping materialistic decadence.

The mindless nature of television programming is another. The empty one liners that comprise most conversation on social networks are its culmination.

We are surrounded with clothes harassed by the lame-minded, criticized by narcissistic simpletons.
10 replies omitted.
12of7 P124728 link reply
the post a statement of the world's social problem through the eyes of an extremely fed up individual that is sick and tired of being surrounded by idiots that contribute nothing to the betterment of our world
or something like that
dunno, too socially innapt to express my thoughts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
overall, I understand the meaning and I fully support the extinction of subhumans
side note: IQ can be increased through learning and academics, yet humanity (as a characteristic) cannot be increased, only simulated, and those that simulate humanity are psychopathic/sociopathic
P124739 link reply
>Then destroy his arguement with constructive reasoning instead of writing some idiotic driviel based on where it came from.
You are right but I suffer from denpa fatigue and the pharmaceutical industry has no remedy for it.
>I know of at least five different eye witness accounts on hospitals being told to say a death was due to SARS-COVID when it was not. Most hospitals used to be good for stiching you up or mending broken bones via splints. Some would give you good nutrition advice and not push drugs, but that was back in the 70's. Nowadays its a bunch of migrants who can't even make a splint good and barely can apply saline solution to idiot diabetic drunks coming in from their liver failing or other dumb shit that would be easily solved.
I just don't think public hospitals are meant to cull the general population, science has become a religion so it attracts a lot of dumb people.
P124750 link reply
>dunno, too socially innapt to express my thoughts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>and those that simulate humanity are psychopathic/sociopathic

very good insight nanon also why do you use ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
P124837 link reply
Just like every project needs an impact assessment and cleanup, civilization needs to clean up after itself too. Humans use tech to create civilization things, then they also need to manage the impact, such as empowering stupid or malicious people. Basically eugenics for some baseline IQ is necessary for the thing to not crumble. Things like that.
P124842 link reply
>The stupid and narcissists are everywhere, among the working classes of course, but increasingly you can find them displacing the erstwhile elites, spawning hordes of mindless politicians, idiot business tycoons, narcissistic media personalities, vacuous celebrities, illiterate best-selling authors, athletes with far more brawn and brain, repetitious pop singers and even ignorant academics.

Promotion of mediocrity is an institutional and societal sabotage tactic. Why?

1. It demoralizes the population about their peers when it seems their peers are electing and promoting the mediocre.

2. It sabotages institutions by forcing everyone that's better than the mediocre in charge out. See, when you put an idiot in charge, they don't like people saying they're doing things wrong and so they remove the people that are saying it's wrong, leaving only people dumber and less qualified than themselves or which are apathetic to the institutions objectives working under them. Once the mediocre control an institution, the job of the institution doesn't get done and so in addition it CONSUMES the society's resources on top of not satisfying some objective the society has. (Think the USA military, doesn't defend the borders of the USA AT ALL, NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT, but also steals hundreds of billions of dollars a year from tax payers that could have been spent on hiring people to defend the borders.)

3. It confuses the shit out of most people who are not experts but having no where to turn to for information give the promoted mediocre "experts" the benefit of the doubt.

The promotion of mediocrity is a SABOTAGE TACTIC, not an accident.

>Start with democracy.

Real democracies have exclusion policies (for example, Mexicans, members of another nation, don't get to vote in real Western democracies because they're not members of the nation) and law enforcement that prohibit with force activities that undermine democratic processes such as voter fraud (people that aren't members of the nation voting to influence the outcome of another nation's decision making processes), intimidation (terrorism), hoaxes (media lies), assassinating candidates, foreign nationals running in democratic republic elections, obstruction of speech of the national members, etc..

In a functional democracy, people that do not meet the criteria of being a national member, such as traitors, their offspring, people that carried out criminal schemes against the whole nation, dual citizens, foreign agents (people that are subordinant to orders or laws of another nation) do not get to vote, do not get to participate in the nation's decision making processes, do not get to access where it is being carried out, and the law enforcement kill them if they attempt it for foreign influence.

Democracies NEVER EVER EVER have minority rights, because that undermines the ENTIRE POINT OF DEMOCRACIES when the minority voters get their way instead of the majority. Minority rights in a democracy is DIRECTLY OPPOSITE of democracy as a means of determining and carrying out the will of the MAJORITY. In a real democracy, you can EXILE EVERYONE THAT VOTED AGAINST SOMETHING or decide to kill them all, and ancient Athens, the historical example of democracy everyone references, DID EXACTLY THAT many times banishing families and types of people.

>Alas, the inane idea of one person, one vote, never mind how pinheaded, unqualified, narcissistic or ignorant that person is, that idea has invaded and permeated hitherto hierarchical environments such as government, academe, the workplace and the military.

The USA used to have a system that did not allow people with clinical retardation or madness to vote and applied it. But since the law enforcement didn't do their jobs, this is now applied to simply political opposition of the anti-White element of society (Jews, Catholics, foreigners) by law enforcement throwing them in a mental hospital without any charges and then those people being deprived of sleep or drugged until they have a psychotic episode (which is recorded and then used in court to declare them mentally unfit, think Chelsea Manning.)

The USA DOES still prevent felons from voting.

>Equality is running amok.

Originally that statement of equality of men applied to what the USA's founders recognized as men of their species. They did not consider non-White males to be men or mankind.

Originally the statement of equality was in reference exclusively to legal standing because the USA was founded as a counter republic to Great Britian which had legal apartheid between the nobility and the common people. The founders weren't stupid and wouldn't have put something obviously not true into their founding documents, obviously there are differences between individuals and all men aren't equal in all regards.

Later, when the meaning twisted into an idiot test and only the people deemed idiots were permitted into gatekept institutions, as a form of institutional sabotage. Someone working in the Pentagon goes up to someone applying for a job and does something like says "take all yur money and put it on the table" then they set down a penny and asks "are these two sums of money equal!?" and if you say "yes" they take your money and leave the penny and say "you're hired!" basically. They want to make sure you're either a real *****ing idiot or you'll lie and go along with anything they say, that's the purpose of the idiot tests, to find accomplices for corruption.

>This technological empowerment is the crux of the problem. There are no barriers to entry, no institutional filters and no irudite and experienced intermediaries to hold back the avalanche of doltish balderdash, the tsunami of nonsense, the flood of misinformation, factoids and conspiracies that now corrupt our intellectual space.

What? Youtube has barriers to entry (selected by the algo and propagandistic sleeze working in youtube) and censors, but look at what they promote. A hypothetical free internet with no obstacles to locating stuff would allow you to selectively pay attention to what you want. If the FBI prosecuted published hoaxes in media, you could easily just look up an article about something and get only factual information because it's a Federal crime to do a hoax in media publications. In order to enforce laws on the internet though, you need to have jurisdiction over the internet, which no country really does because it's become an INTERNATIONAL cooperative and anything that's illegal in your country can just be hosted in another country.

When you see the bad personalities on youtube talking nonsense, I suspect that's literally youtube promoting them, not their organically getting followers, as a means of youtube promoting mediocrity to sabotage civilization.

The problem with technology is when you let it fall into enemy groups' hands and they use it against you. The problem isn't the internet or technology essentially, it's Jews(Israelis), Roman Catholics (Vaticanese citizens), Chinese (Chinese), psychopathic thieving trash, people that aren't qualified to be members of the nation, etc. having access to the internet and internet companies which they easily take over with mafia tactics. If they weren't in your country, didn't have access to computers, most of the problems online wouldn't be happening.

Thread 67429 in /misc/

P67429 hapa onaholes link reply
The hapa race must be enslaved and put to the service of the superior quapas.
Hapa girls must be used as baby making machines, each white male and asian male will have the opportunity to choose one hapa girl and she will be your personal ***** slave as long as you keep breeding quapas.
Hapa girls will be stripped of all rights and won't have any say in the matter, raping, mutilating and beating hapa girls will be completely normal, all this will be written in law.
This will help solve the low birthrate problems in many parts of Europe and Asia such as Italy and Japan, it will also solve the modern social problems of incels and hikkikomoris making the world a better place.
Hapa bois must be categorically prevented from reproducing, their sperm is defective and they are infected with mental illness like autism and schizophrenia, their penis and balls must be cut off after birth, their teeth removed as soon as possible so that they provide better mouth pussies and the only food they should be allowed to eat is liquid soy.
Hapa bois must categorically prevented from having any power or role in society other than being onaholes for the superior quapas' enjoyment, since early age hapa bois must be bombarded with cuck propaganda, in schools they must be separated from the other bois and put in special classes where they are taught their place, the only job they should be allowed to do is the one of onaholes and public toilets to be freely used by the other superior races.

In the future eurasian dual-state quapa system hapa bois will be used as onaholes at the service of the superior white quapas and asian quapas ubermensch.
P67441 link reply
based quapas won
P67616 link reply
Half White, half Japanese would be OK. Definitely better than a buzz-cut, blue hair 300lbs "liberal" White woman.
P68122 link reply
P69855 link reply
I remember this one from Nanochan.
P124530 link reply

Thread 120435 in /anime/

P120435 learning japanese link reply
How did you learn japanese? I already know kana but i don't know how to proceed.
>inb4 use anki
it's a piece of shit python software that requires qt6 and rust and ninja + glibc to compile and downloads shit while compiling. I can't even build it on a non glibc system with sane defaults, the bloat is a requirement
24 replies omitted.
P122430 link reply
>The Nix part is interesting. The OS part (another systemd based linux distro) is not so

the Gameboy SP part is way more interesting. You can mine shitcoin with it
>ok boomer

Id be more proud if people call me a traditionalists or the "vile" Victorian (which ***** today considered as "cringe"). I still like how boomers appreciate victorian fashion, giving positive reviews on The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff
>>auto-mining anime sentences on mpv with plugins
>That's interesting. You might be able to use ffmpeg to extract the subtitles into text
>files and then grep them. It would be some work though. I don't even know if grep
>understands moonrunes.

Anime enjoyers should be burnt infire like Tiktokfags.
>>for spaced repetition there is also an app called kakugo on f-droid, it's pretty good
>Anki can be gay about the order it reviews the cards in. Maybe I'll have a look.

Anki is bloated also, requires GUI, I think we need a cli solution
P124501 link reply
is it bad if I feel the need to associate every kanji I learn to a single sound? if not, how should I establish which reading to favor?
P124522 link reply
no, it's fine. remembering the shape is the hard part, what you initially associate with it is secondary (apart from "it has to be correct".)
I started out using P122267 by just memorizing a couple hundred meanings in English, only then I switched over to JP readings - the "first pass" cost me 2 months, the second one just a week.

anyway, if you must pick one, kun'yomi is the easiest. if there's only on'yomi then whatever you see in material you read.
P124524 12of7 link reply
i would advice ya'll to not learn japanese 'cuz templeos only fonts like romanian and italian. pretty soon the AI apocalisp will come and you wont be able to run anything other than templeos unless you want ***** planted in your on board hard drive in the nic
P124525 link reply
aye 12of7lacker when will you start learning italian?

Thread 114462 in /idoru/

P114462 days idoru hasnt gone bye forever link reply
idoru likes attention
he cant get enough of it
which is why he not go bye forever even though he say he would back here P11739
itt we count how many days he stay since the day he supposed to leave

its 747 days since the ********** overstay his welcome
7 replies omitted.
P124423 >B-b-b-b-b-b-b-bye f-f-f-forever................... link reply
776 days
P124488 link reply
>776 days
Please, o+x to that days file of yours.
P124495 link reply
Such an attention whore he disappears for weeks at a time. [spoiler: It doesn't make me worry or anything. Baka.]

>Please, o+x to that days file of yours.
Very good. If I ever do a a+x I promise to do it at a federal building instead of a school.
P124497 link reply
>[spoiler: It doesn't make me worry or anything. Baka.]
No homo.

Thread 76430 in /originalcontent/

Yuki P76430 λ+女子小学生+/originalcontent/+/meta/ link reply
This thread is dedicated to original content and memes about Lambdaplusjs, the wider Nanosphere, and the posters and moderation therein.
117 replies omitted.
P124402 link reply
>seethe admissions are not an argument bucko

wow both a ********** and a herd*****
>jewki is likely to come back randomly the next iteration down the line and i thought i saw *****shi whoring for mod on multiple sites recently
idc what those two jewish **********s are doing right now i just want them to stay gone along with idoru
P124405 link reply
damn that is alot of seethe i cant read someone translate for me
P124406 +*****wiggers link reply
im jew
P124489 link reply
>who should headpat me [spoiler: more]
I still don't know who you are, m80.

You did like the little bitch of mine that you are though.
P124491 link reply
headpats now tbf

Thread 124472 in /wtech/

P124472 link reply
>extends Thread
Moved from /tech/

Thread 120822 in /tech/

P120822 link reply
>Your feedback will be definitely cascaded to the concerned team for further review.
P120844 link reply
picrel is you if you give feedback
P124430 ☣🃏🐾👌(𝘾𝚊𝙥𝙩𝙘𝙝𝘢 😻'r) 📵 btw I use Emacs link reply
>needing a help desk when you have @help ?, *:info, $ help, meta-x info, or # man.
P124470 link reply
you might wanna google that phrase (and then discover that the posts are from years ago) before you're so about yourself while being wrong for the 3000th time, boomer.

Thread 98325 in /tech/

P98325 What computers support flashing BIOS internally? link reply
My Questions?

What new or newer computers support flashing of Coreboot without the use of a external programmer?

What Thinkpads do people suggest that support 16GB ram and can be flashed internally with Coreboot or Libreboot?

Does Coreboot and Libreboot disable/remove the CompuTrace DXE module or blobs?
Do you have to use a tool like these?
25 replies omitted.
P123896 link reply
BIOS is a corps' attempt to control what users are running on their devices. It has been implemented as they planned in Android phones and perfected in iPhones.
P123966 link reply
Agreed. Though I can't come up with better alternatives.
P123967 link reply
P124212 link reply
Is Dasharo any good and does it come with option to store my Monero keys in the BIOS?
P124464 link reply
Dell Latitude E6400 and Apple MacBook2,1.

Thread 124326 in /misc/

P124326 12of7 link reply
how do ya'll rinse your mouth after washing? i drink a mouthfull of water and release it into the toilet. this prevents the sink from stinking a few weeks later
2 replies omitted.
P124368 link reply
>release it into the toilet
Didn't know you had toilets in Russia.
P124372 link reply
just *****ing turn the valve thing after spitting in the sink
P124437 link reply
Contrary opinion; don't wash your mouth or brush your teeth. Small buildup on the bone of the tooth protects against acidity from sugar and glucose in alchohol. The buildup ideally is from a carnivore diet so fat buildup on the teeth. Eating a healthy balanced diet without garbage means your bone health and gut biome is good enough to never get cavities or teeth problems from adulthood by reason of bacteria growth from lack of calcium or bacteria feeding on oxygen rotting the bone/tooth.. If a ***** then start eating alot of meat to toughen the jaw for proper teeth growth. If an adult cut excesses of alchohol/high fructose corn syrup out of the diet and get plenty of fruit fiber and bone marrow in addition to your meat. Doing these things affect breath and body odour as well, for the better.
Didn't know they had toilet in a virtual server.
P124447 link reply
what a surprise never knew
P124448 link reply
>this prevents the sink from stinking
>i put my head right about in the toilet

so to avoid smelling a stinky sink you instead put you nose in your toilet and get a good whiff?

Thread 124421 in /misc/

P124421 link reply
how many of you had that friend in high school who is mad built but styles his hair like some edgy sonic shit and is probably autistic by how seriously he takes himself while posing as anime characters
and has the body to get a gf but not the personality
listens to edgy music like linkin park or whatever *****mer equivalent there is these days
one bonus point if he did a school shooting or something similar
hard mode: he met an even more retarded girl and so then he DID get a gf
P124422 link reply
4 girls asked me out during highschool and I *****ed it all up before the first meetup so that'd be me. Although I used to listen to way edgier bullshit e.g Peste Noire
P124425 ☣🃏🐾👌(𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙘𝙝 😻) 📵 link reply
Didn't have such a friend but wished I did.

Thread 74010 in /idol/

P74010 idoru ********** still here link reply
idoru ********** said bye forever 16 months ago
he is still here
what gives idoru?
not enough attention?
33 replies omitted.
P113422 link reply
I enjoy making you seethe though.
P113460 link reply
Do you enjoy making your rodential alts though?
P124404 >B-b-b-b-b-bye f-f-f-forever.......... link reply
idoru STILL here two years later
P124417 12of7 link reply
he must have had a post yap clarity moment
P124418 12of7 link reply
wtf is this stupid captcha now? i cant fit the whole thing [spoiler:unless i use templeos which doesn't implement form input length limits] so i just type the first few digits and it works anyway. that means i could in theory just type the first digit only and pass the captcha. [bold:IT'S BROKEN]. a spam bot can just spam 10 times per post and always pass the captcha now

Thread 109872 in /datamining/

P109872 Where we're going we don't need spoons link reply
Datapoints represent spam up to but not including the date.
"spam" is defined as posts that ultimately end up on /spam/ or /vain/ and that weren't originaly posted on those boards voluntarily.
3 replies omitted.
P109942 link reply
>B-b-b-b-b-b-b-bye f-f-f-f-f-forever........
P124352 Every month until you like it link reply
Added /trash/ into spam boards.
P124388 kys idoru link reply
>B-b-b-b-bye f-f-f-f-f-forever.........
P124415 link reply
>Right now it's sitting at about 56.2%
over halfway there, nice
P124416 link reply
also holy ***** the captcha just got a lot more cancerous
histy won again no contest nigga

Thread 124105 in /tech/

P124105 Dealing with chat bots. link reply
For diagnostics, there are two kinds of chat bots: Live bots and dead bots.

Live bots are connected to live internet. These bots can provide information about recent events and you can sometimes identify their IP address from their search queries. For example "Mr. Bot, what happened today in Puerto Rico to Chelsea Chet Cheddar?" then they send a unique search query and you can buy their naive owner's IP address from data aggregators and then show up at their office or home.

Dead bots are trained and only have access to old data and have no ability to crawl the web. You ask them about current events, they have no answer, can't get an answer without their operator catching the bot test and responding themselves.

So for diagnostics of bots, you can ask them about some current event, then you move into the diagnosis pipeline.

If reply accurately, then you ask them a question that causes them to search your bot trap site for details (this also works on people, but people don't crawl sites like a live bot does).

If they can't reply with any commonly known current information, then it's a dead bot.

There's something between a live bot and a dead bot, which is a bot with access to a local data base of RSS feeds for news but which doesn't crawl the internet or use search queries. But that kind of bot will have a information limited to what's available in RSS feeds and you could analytically discover what feeds they are accessing, then correlate that to IP address possibly with data aggregator access.

This is not a comprehensive diagnostic of chat bots for the uniformed person they target with fake chat. Most chat bots function like search engine suggestions, in fact you might say they're the same technology that has existed since the 1990's, and that nobody actually invented anything new. Some of tactics that manipulate search engine suggestions also manipulate chat bots.

I'm in favor of criminalizing undisclosed chat bots. I consider them to be a form of cyber attack on sites and individuals to obstruct real communication. Like, you go on a chat room, 100 chat bots start spamming about nothing, or worse, maliciously targeting people or providing false testimony about things while the real users think they are real people describing their experiences.

And the total ban of undisclosed chat bots was brought up in the past for legislation at least in California, but the social media companies like facebook and twitter of the time lobbied for exemptions to ensure they could use chat bots to manipulate politics and markets, obviously that was because they intended to do exactly that.
1 reply omitted.
P124117 link reply
>Why wouldn't search crawlers mix their queries in differnet ip's like behind tor or various public vpn's? It's slow but it gets access to filtered information.

Usually because they've been blocked by cloudflare or something.

It wouldn't be so easy if they had the sense to use a VPN or something.

>These bots can provide information about recent events and you can SOMETIMES identify their IP address from their search queries.
P124143 link reply
Who runs a chat bot's queries from their actual IP? Most places rent server spaces.
P124206 link reply
>So these so called "dead" chat bots might really just have knowledge of future planned events by the kikes
P124245 link reply

You can subpeona client information from server hosts.

I'm kind of talking about this subject from the point of view of suing people for attacking a site with chat bots.

In a civil lawsuit, where your site was attacked by a chat bot swarm, you could subpeona information about who did it.

I'm talking about undisclosed chat bots like they're a criminal activity, because from my perspective they are.
12of7 P124412 link reply
how about we just do the silly and make bot servers go boom and we watch bot server go boom and dance better than the dancing israelis?
even then, most data on internet is bs, Huxely was right
however dreadful Orwell's ideas are, Huxely's are more and more relateable every second

also, massive spam attack, eh admin?
the kikes are at it, I tell you

Thread 38989 in /misc/

P38989 Age of Consent link reply
This is the eternal age of consent thread. It is now open for:
✅ Serious business
✅ Shitposting
485 replies omitted.
P118721 link reply
Mother*****ers wanna have another personal epiphany
P124336 link reply
funny tard :D
P124342 link reply
>I want to shoot a load into a little girl's pristine pussy
So do we all, brother, so do we all.
P124343 link reply
I don't know about toddlers, but I have experience with ***** *****s.

They are pretty much tight. You can feel them better than older females and it's obvious. And of course, when you are playing with a ***** girl, it's easy to bring her to orgasm and this is a special kind of joy.
P124364 link reply

Thread 108332 in /jyhad/

P108332 Don't do BPD link reply
>she's way older than me
>she's married
>she's a coworker but not directly related to my work
>accidentally get put to work near her like a month ago
>asks me if I want to take a sip of her juice despite starving (I refuse)
>she completes her work but stays back because she kept saying she feels bad to leave someone while work is pending
>keep asking her to take a break and go eat something but she still refuses
>get infatuated by her self-sacrificial urge to help others despite starving
>don't see her again because no chance or necessity to
>some time in future
>comes back in my life and asks me to text her because of something work related
>she calls me without any honorifics and treats me like her little brother or some shieet
>both work together all night straight texting her and helping each other and whining and crying about how much work is pending
>BPD ass intensifies and imprints her
>asked her if she needs any help and she said "no it's my work only I have to do it"
>she starts saving and helping my ass instead by proofreading my work and helping me complete mine
>blood bonding intensifies
>will attend all her calls even if I am in the middle of a class or important work
>will instantly message her and will never keep her waiting
>will put any work behind and instantly go and help her if she called me
>calls me once and help her finish her work
>accidentally touch her hands when switching mouse and keyboard
>BPD ass intensifies even more
>wish her happy birthday
>she tells me "***** this shit I am quitting"
>BPD ass triggered
>intense sadness and feelings of abandonment
>some days later our work together is over
>rant to her about personal problems and she starts telling me that she has anxiety issues and does not know how to say no and that she sees herself in me
>***** ***** ***** *****
>spend 3 hours ranting that day and asking her for advice (pampering)
>eventually it just stops because she has a life to live unlike me and she ends the conversation but I want it to go on and never stop
>see her again and smile at her
>no more work to talk to her again
>BPD ass still yearning for her attention, love and affection
>eagerly waiting for any message from her (will never happen) and near future where I might work with her again (probably won't happen as well and she's quitting)

Just make it *****ing stop.
126 replies omitted.
P120352 link reply
>be bpd
>have object constancy
>haven't found a chance to talk to her in a week
>thought she forgot me and hates me
>start to ignore her and maintain distance because I don't want to look like a stalker
>out of nowhere
>looks at me and waves hand!!!
>wave back furiously like an idiot
>life looks a bit colorful again
P120366 link reply
Object Inconstancy*
I'm retarded.
P120418 link reply
came here to say this
P120824 link reply
>despite starving
did she weigh 39kg (keep going you will get there)?
Sounds like you made her into your god.
P124340 link reply
I'm still and will forever be obsessed about her.
Just a reply from her makes me whole day.

Thread 122298 in /tech/

P122298 cde-desktop blog link reply
playing with my orbs
38 replies omitted.
P124215 link reply
>stopped fapping to brown skin tomboys
street sh*tter
P124219 link reply
>Habibi who are you going to believe your loyal lambda friend or two retarded IT fagmins whoring themselves for upboats on a support forum.
well dont know tbg just thought to bring it up that its "linux based"
i have an idea theyre basically saying its "redhat based" from being maybe rpm and using redhat "system utilities" with a possible line from whatever redhat it is
never had to use a redhat in my life even for work so lmao
>My guess is they started out with centos and when centos started dying they built their own RPMs
thats kinda what (((nodditors))) said about it [spoiler: might get json failures from redlib how shitty]
just wanted to bring up that its linux instead of an obscure inhouse router rtos like i wished for it to be
>How did you find this page. ***** my life duckduckgo sucks ass.
metasearch engines use them the panos thing is the short result i got from searxng
was kinda hoping it was wrong and karen would point me to thats in the past
except not 4get the "sc*****rs" just shit themselves again and hit a histypatch wall
>I'm denpa if he took his meds and stopped fapping to brown skin tomboys.
but will this denpa fap to ***** white skin tomboys and do hard drugz on the side
P124230 link reply
>thats kinda what (((nodditors))) said about it
It's not actually that hard to build your own RPMs with Fedora's build system. It's all open source and if it scales well enough for Fedora and Red Hat it will scale well enough for their dumb firewall appliance.
There's also some security theater behind it because now they can say we compiled everything from source so there are no chinese backdoors something something muh supply chain security.

>just wanted to bring up that its linux instead of an obscure inhouse router rtos like i wished for it to be
Yeah I first kind of thought it might be BSD or something because of the version numbers.

>***** white skin tomboys
Tomboy appearance is gay but I appreciate tomboy personality.

>do hard drugz on the side
Break the laws they shouldn't exist anyway.

Can't wait for Pakistan to nuke them off the planet.
P124235 link reply
>There's also some security theater behind it because now they can say we compiled everything from source so there are no chinese backdoors something something muh supply chain security.
>Tomboy appearance is gay but I appreciate tomboy personality.
makes sense with the karenfagging
>Break the laws they shouldn't exist anyway.
basted antirulecuckry take
things i really hate about (((redhat))) is how (((freedesktop))) is basically an appendage of (((redhat))) and well yea everything coming from that
P124276 link reply

Thread 124168 in /math/

P124168 link reply
The person I heard the last puzzle (P122636) from attributed it to although I haven't found the tweet to confirm. Here's one of her most popular ones.

Question: What's the total shaded area?
P124173 link reply
12 = R*cos α for some given radius R of the big circle and angle α.
Radius of the small circle is r = (R*sin α)/2.

Area of 1/4 of the big circle is just π*R^2/4.
Area of the small circle is π*r^2 = π*(R*sin α)^2/4.
Area of shaded area is π*R^2/4-π*(R*sin α)^2/4 = π*R^2/4*(1-sin^2 α) = π*R^2/4*cos^2 α = π*12^2/4 = 36*π.

At the very least it seems to check out for the edge case where R = 12.
In that case there's no small circle and area is just the whole 1/4 of the radius 12 circle, which is 36*π.
P124183 link reply
Yep, that's correct.

Thread 60436 in /misc/

P60436 Halloween link reply
Halloween is such an overrated holiday. I don't even think of it as a real holiday. The real holiday (holy day) is the day after. All this stuff in the stores, stuff to buy since September, all for one day. It's for *****, in the nice neighborhoods. The people in my 'hood are too cheap and the ***** are little bastards anyway. So, just any other day for me.

Here's a pumpkin you can "carve" if you like.
32 replies omitted.
P124076 link reply
What is that and what does it run? That doesn't look like the IBM or DEC stuff that I know of.
P124083 link reply
> Is that terminology even still used?
Yes it is.

> you can use a $40 pi and just plug it into 100 harddrives through it's USB jacks.
And when it's gone, it's gone.
P124087 link reply
Traditionally, Halloween, Samhain, was one of 4 major bonfire holidays where you were supposed to clean.

- Pick weeds to throw in the fire.
- Cut your hair.
- Burn body hair off and wash yourself with ashes.
- Fumigate house and barn with smoke to drive out pest insects (this is what your dried out Brigid's cross is for and it doesn't have to be grass, just some plant you can dry and smolder to make a lot of smoke).
- Clean your house.
- Put things into their correct place, do repairs, pay debts.
- Round up heinous criminals, foreigners and animals that preyed on man, and throw them in the fire.
- Slaughter sickly livestock and smudge or burn hair off livestock that had parasites you could remove that way.

You were supposed to try to get everything on your estate done and in order by that date, along with helping neighbors that were disabled with no family to help them to get everything in order. Then when that's done, all the house fires were put out and relit from the ceremonial bonfire that was ritually carried to each village (each village had a fire which was always kept burning because lighting a fire in the ancient world manually was a real hassle).

People that do the full holiday traditionally have a very smokey smelling , but clean, house and no hair except on their head the next day. Historically this was to get rid of lice and other parasites, get rid of rats, get rid of bugs in your house, get rid of weeds, get rid of predators in your community, make sure the disabled were bathed, groomed, and not living in a rat's nest, and put things in order for society to function optimally.

In ancient Gaelic society, the disabled were a community responsibility and a lord could punish the whole community for not taking care of their infirm. The disabled had a legal right to food from the community and would eat with the neighbors for at least 1 meal a day, some areas had more strict requirements that required bathing them more frequently. The bonfire holidays were community inspection and law enforcement days where heinous criminals (and sometimes their offspring) were executed.

Halloween is supposed to be like Spring cleaning, but in the Fall and there are a few other tidbits customs that went along with it unique to the Fall holiday.

Samhain is a day of the year, more than one custom is done on that day. What I described there is the custom of the Solar teaching cycle on that holiday. People may choose to do Lunar cycle customs on that day too.

Christian terrorism caused Gaelic holiday meanings, history, and mythology to be transfigured into what was acceptable to Christian terrorists. The diety names associated with these holidays today and mythology don't directly reveal the actual origins of them, but imitate them in some ways, often inverting things. They're like a riddle stretched out across a lot of different stories you could solve, or you can just be told the correct stuff by your parents.

Ashes need to be from clean burning plant material to be safe for cleaning. Don't burn a pile of tires and use it for washing.
P124094 Oh, ashes are caustic for those of you that don't know. You have to scrub, then wash it off relatively fast. link reply
Washing your hair with ashes is kind of a beauty secret to get rid of some hair problems, btw. It makes it so hair is less likely to get tangled for instance. I bet your great great grandma knew that, but you didn't know that. That's how Whites washed their hair before soap, which is like a toned down version of washing with ashes.

Ashes turns grease into soap, people sold soap because it wasn't capable of causing injury if you didn't wash it off all the way. Soap is like weak ashes when it comes to cleaning.

You can use white ashes as laundry soap too, btw.

Adding fat to ashes, then using it to remove fat from other things, is kind of ass backwards, isn't it? It's like pre-dirtied ashes.
P124114 link reply
lol, you'll never get anything not even a saucepan running on NetBSD ARM and LEG Edition. I'm a handsome man god will give me Omnia 9.

Thread 118019 in /tech/

P118019 invidious is dead, therefore youtube is dead to me. link reply
Suggest new sites.

-must have download option

-must not require javascript to function

-must not be functionally offline for VPN, i2p, or tor due to cloudflare
67 replies omitted.
P123484 link reply
P123871 link reply
Anyone else having issues where videos are downloaded but the audio stream doesn't have any sound?
P123969 link reply
Yes, I do. Many options are video-only

I wonder if ffmpeg can join video/audio

The dead simple way is to use -F and then find formats that features both video and audio. Otherwise, you'll need to download a video and audio. Then mux them.
P124057 link reply
It downloads the "audio" stream but the audio is just silence. I tried all available audio streams and the pre-muxed format and got the same result.
P124102 link reply
That's good to know anon, peertube does seem much better. Byedpi is available for linux, its on github and availiable in the community section of a few distros.

Thread 123643 in /blog/

P123643 link reply
2 in the morning and I'm thinking I should kill myself
27 replies omitted.
P123805 link reply
P123845 sage link reply
meth face or aids face
P123926 link reply
All I got is blood for you
P124092 link reply
Guys I have discovered this new cool thing it is called being an asshole uwu