Thread 13871 in /trash/

P13871 link reply

irsi:, ,isr,
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isr, 2MM2 ,,,,:,:,,,,,, :2,
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BMissssssssssrs9Gsiri9B9isrBGsB9i::rirrrshMBB:sXrsrrsB 9BBrr:i2r: ,,,s ,
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BGrrsssssssrrrsssssrGGrrsisB9irrrrirMMB 5BGX:sssssssiri5M 2X: Bs:sr, ,,,,:rr
sirsssssssrr2BBBssrsrG9rrsrsBBG9SsrsrS29G922srirrsssssi:i99s:, Bsrss: ,,,,,,
>ackchuaylly its retard wojack cus dis and dat
Moved from /meta/12181

Thread 13490 in /trash/

P13490 link reply
I don't know, ye breddy Welsh.
Moved from /tech/13486
P13594 link reply
<requires phone number

I chortled!!! As if Neocities, Tor servers aren't centralised.

Silly privacy autistic *****.

I am handsome and I have got nothing to hide. People can easily identify me in public, from the way I dress of course!
Moved from /tech/13486
P13595 link reply
I am a dandy.
Moved from /tech/13486
P13606 link reply
One more historicalfag and princess molestia will ***** you.
Moved from /tech/13486
P13749 link reply
Back in my day we would have a good chat face to face or at the cathedral.
Moved from /tech/13486
P13862 link reply

i8BZr .MB0
:0BM7 .BB7
:XBM7 .ZB2
7MB . BB
.BB: :r. 0X . MB
XBr :2MBBi.B7 2X7. 8B
BB .MBBBB2 M: :0X. 0M
BM XXrBB2.i7M .Br MB
BB .B ::.. ... M . BB .
.MB 7B :X22 M . B8
2B7 27 7B Br :0 . B:
2BB. M7 iBBXi 70. .Si :SrX0 i7 . 2B
:M0 SX 78B0 7 7iM7 2: i7M: B77 B
BB :07 BB: 0X.B. :iBB i2 . B 7BB iB
B iB iBr 7Z 2MBSXMMi:.BBBB0 B :BMB8 8B
BM M7 7B: .BBB 7BZ2 :: . :X SZ:iX . BM
. .XBB. M7 :BB7r. :r.:77::. : : 72r. B rB
.BB2. MS :2SBBBBZMBMB8M0ZZM: . : .7272 BB
.M7 22 :B .7BB . .M
iB7 BB7 8B . B:
:MBB: .0B2 XBBrii. B2
: 780MMBX BBZ2i
ZBB7. i20BB. 7MBX
2222: :: iZMBBBBM27 XB
. :2B. 70277 0

Moved from /tech/13486

Thread 13835 in /trash/

P13835 link reply

i8BZr .MB0
:0BM7 .BB7
:XBM7 .ZB2
7MB . BB
.BB: :r. 0X . MB
XBr :2MBBi.B7 2X7. 8B
BB .MBBBB2 M: :0X. 0M
BM XXrBB2.i7M .Br MB
BB .B ::.. ... M . BB .
.MB 7B :X22 M . B8
2B7 27 7B Br :0 . B:
2BB. M7 iBBXi 70. .Si :SrX0 i7 . 2B
:M0 SX 78B0 7 7iM7 2: i7M: B77 B
BB :07 BB: 0X.B. :iBB i2 . B 7BB iB
B iB iBr 7Z 2MBSXMMi:.BBBB0 B :BMB8 8B
BM M7 7B: .BBB 7BZ2 :: . :X SZ:iX . BM
. .XBB. M7 :BB7r. :r.:77::. : : 72r. B rB
.BB2. MS :2SBBBBZMBMB8M0ZZM: . : .7272 BB
.M7 22 :B .7BB . .M
iB7 BB7 8B . B:
:MBB: .0B2 XBBrii. B2
: 780MMBX BBZ2i
ZBB7. i20BB. 7MBX
2222: :: iZMBBBBM27 XB
. :2B. 70277 0

>cumming again...
Moved from /tech/

Thread 13705 in /trash/

P13705 link reply
Remember the good old days when we could use *****en to sweep chimnies for just a shilling? and if ye are going back (like 6 - 10 years?) we can buy *****s to grow crops, for us, while we sitting in the Chair drinking the finest glass of wine.
Moved from /misc/13638
P13710 link reply
P13638 Excuse me, ma'am or madam. I have encountered an "unsolvable" conundrum(s) and I am required an urgent answer(s) to the following question(s):

What is 5 + 7?
What was the last time you had FigRolls?
What colour is your Frockcoat?
Could we meet in person and have a picnic at the local cemetery?
Moved from /misc/13638
P13711 link reply
P13638 Excuse me, ma'am or madam. I have encountered an "unsolvable" conundrum(s) and I am required an urgent answer(s) to the following question(s):

What is 5 + 7?
What was the last time you had FigRolls?
What colour is your Frockcoat?
Could we meet in-person and have a picnic at the local cemetery?
Moved from /misc/13638
P13712 Oh link reply
I shall never browse on All2/recent again, since the --erm-- ungrateful spiders, of this site, keeps redirecting me to the same "thread".
Moved from /misc/13638

Thread 13615 in /trash/

P13615 Why doesn't the USA just start buying oil from Russia and cut out Saudi Arabia and the Middle East? link reply
The politicians keep talking about ending dependence on Saudi Arabia, so is it practical to do that?

Does Russsia produce enough oil to replace Saudi Arabia?

It's stupid to include Semites in anything, they are the enemies of the Western people for as long as history has been recorded and they seem to have never given up on genociding Whites, not for 5 thousand years. So why is the USA funding them if there are other options?

Oil is all over the globe, like almost everywhere, the Western states have the technology to extract that oil.

One question that has to be asked is why the Western states ever paid for Saudi Arabian oil. Saudi Arabia used to be just the Arabia and it had no government, but just wandering tribes. The Western states could have annexed the territory to the oil was on and just paid the Arabs with boxes of crackers and camel saddles. Why did the Western governments treat the Arabians like they were equals, as if they had an army to defend the territory, and as if they had the technological ability to do anything with the oil without Whites?

Now some primitives are dictating the economies of the Western world and all the Western countries are dumbfounded by the complication when they could still, to this day, just take over Arabia's oil sites or just do business with other Western states so they're not dependent.

I'm curious what the next saboteurial attempt to make Western economies dependent on enemy nations the globalists will create. Is the next power source the West will be dependent on biofuel from strictly fruit grown in the Congo? Will all internet transactions be secured with unique hashes of Mexicans singing La Cucaracha and world financing will be entirely dependent on Mexicans? Why are literal camel racers put in a position, and they're entirely propped up by the Western states, of controlling the world's transporation power?

Germany should leave NATO and make a defense pact with Russia. The NATO states are batshit and at least half of their politicians are working directly for enemy nations to genocide Whites and sabotage Western economies.

>Tomyris herself led the Massagetaean army into war, and, during the next battle opposing the Massagetae to the forces of Cyrus, Tomyris defeated the Persians and destroyed most of their army. Cyrus himself was killed in the battle, and Tomyris found his corpse, severed his head and shoved it in a bag filled with blood while telling Cyrus, "Drink your fill of blood!"
Moved from /misc/
1 reply omitted.
P13622 link reply
People across the Eurasian continent have been attacked, genocided, and enslaved by the Semities, as have people in Africa, all unprovoked and driven by the Semitic mentality of seeking global domination through enslavement and genocide.

Who is going to take Saudi Arabia? If you're all going to fight about it, just divide it up or divide up the oil rights.

Semites have no right to own anything in the world after their history of genocide campaigns against peaceful peoples.

Literally even the Han Chinese had to fight them in Central Asia to keep them from invading, people in Africa are being terrorized by their Islamic caliphate operations like Boko Haram.

We all have a right to defend ourselves against the Semites, kill them, and take their territory because the Semitic people are a threat to global peace as a whole.

But somehow the USA props them up and puts them in charge of fuel for global transportation. What dick head politicians and advisors are getting bribed by 90 IQ Semites and why can't we just put a bullet in their guts and remove Semites from the global economy for good?
P13624 link reply
The USA in particular continually sabotages the Western interests because of it's inclusion of enemy nationals in decision making.

While foreign agents taking bribes are preaching globalism, they're opening the door for enemy national spies and planting them in industries, universities, government, law enforcement. Their actions are totally malicious and I'm tired of pretending they're not a natioanl security threat that needs to be covertly assassinated.

Once a foreign national is included in the decision making processes of a country, all the decision makers of that country can't make an argument against that foreign nation without the foreign national knowing and reporting it back to their national group. Meaning, if you can put an Israeli in a war cabinet, you can no longer declare war against Israel because that informant will mark you as a target for covert assassination the moment you say it.

You have to remove the foreign nationals entirely from the institutions, or they will no longer function at all in geopolitical competition with the foreign nation you've included in your meetings. But before that, you have to murder the person that let them in in the first place, because they will do everything in their power to keep you from stopping their saboteurial acts as a foreign agent.

The person that hires a non-White into a Western institution is a foreign agent that should be killed with their *****.
P13625 link reply
Multinationalism is over. Whites are their own national grouping.

Kill the people pushing for multinationalism. Kill their *****. They are the enemy and they are within arms reach.
P13626 link reply
If someone says one word in favor of non-Whites living in Western territory, poison them. They are enemies and we have access to get them out of the system.
P13628 get a blog link reply
Why don't you get a blog? That would be an appropriate place to write monologues like this. Inb4
>but that would associate all my writing to one identity
*****, everyone can tell which posts are yours.

Thread 13516 in /trash/

P13516 link reply
>i'll join an irc

Ye are becoming a vegan! Are ye out of thine mind?
Moved from /misc/13436

Thread 13515 in /trash/

P13515 link reply
The box really is the box
Moved from /tech/8299

Thread 13475 in /trash/

P13475 strange... link reply
P13472 I don't get it, why are people trying to "cloak" their IP address?
Moved from /misc/13436

Thread 13468 in /trash/

P13468 link reply
The irony really is irony here.

By the way, the soymin is jew.
Moved from /tech/13378

Thread 13449 in /trash/

P13449 Freemasonry and what it has become. link reply

It's not good enough.

One non-White or anti-White in a lodge means everyone that joined before them should be killed, since they all voted to include that person, unless the rules have changed.

One case of a Freemason from a lodge harming a good White person through rackets, and every member of the lodge that voted them in should be killed.

Freemasonry wasn't created to be a problem for the people of the Western countries, it was created to liberate them from exploitative, foreign, and genocidal regimes. But they aren't doing that anymore, so go lodge by lodge, if they have one foreigner or one anti-White and they should all be killed.

Instead of eliminating malicious foreign groups, the Freemasons collaborated with them in genociding the White population and opened all the doors to all the foreign soft power campaigns.

It would be very easy for most of the lodges to kill off the anti-White and foreign members.

All the banks in the Western world should be directing all funds into the White population. Jews should be totally cut off from capital and forced out of everything along with all the other non-White groups. When the transfer of Western assets to good Whites is done, the banks should be dissolved and private loans with interest banned.

What the USA has done through policy is genocide the White population through wealth, territorial, institutional, and tech transfers.

Everyone that participated in it is going down in history as White-genocide collaborators and their descendants will be the enemies of the Western people for all time. If you can't offer a new country to the good Whites exclusively or offer enough lives of the enemies of the good White population to make up for the entire blood debt of the White-genocide collaborators, which is over 100 million bloodlines, then all your descendants have to be murdered and tortured as much as is practical to make up for it.

The Western nations are going to survive if anyone is going to survive, but if you or your ancestors played a role in the White-genocide policies of this era at all and you haven't exonerated yourself in some way, then you and your descendants will not be part of it and will be hunted down and killed by the Western military, intelligence, and law enforcement.

When it comes to collaborating to genocide the Western people, our enemies descendants are all as guilty as their guilty ancestors, they inherit their guilt. Membership in a nation is something that is inherited, if you have collaborated to genocide the Western people all your descendants are not members of Western nations, we have no obligation to protect them, and we have an obligation to the people you helped genocide to murder your descendants in the most horrific ways possible, to avenge those lost.

If there is a single non-White in a Freemasonry lodge, if there is a single anti-White in a Freemasonry lodge, then everyone in that lodge should be considered a White-genocide collaborator, since they could have easily removed the anti-Whites and foreigners, or just not admitted them in the first place.

The Freemasonry lodges in the USA have become a source of White-genocide collaborators, they have pushed multinationalism, they have pushed for foreign immigration, they have taken over many of the religious institutions and used them to push anti-White rhetoric and framed transferring Western territory, institutional power, and tech to enemy nations as a moral good when they were clearly an abject evil and White-genocide collaboration.

There is no globalization, China is an ethnostate, Israel is an ethnostate, Mexico is an ethnostate, Saudi Arabia is an ethnostate, most of the countries in the world are ethnostates. People within your organizations have been using the promise of a global world order with you at the top to justify selling out and conspiring against the Western people; but the rest of the nations don't feel that way and you can see clearly that none of the world is preparing for a global community; it's just you, genociding the Western people because you're dumb or psychopathic. Race mixing results in growing recombination failure from incompatible conserved gene locations on chromosomes, reproductive failure; you have only worked to doom the White population by flooding them with other nationalities where the mixed race offspring can contaminate the White bloodlines and cause them to die out completely, a hybridization of all the races is not biologically possible.

All Western institutions should be serving the Western people's interests, and that includes the Freemasonry lodges. So clean up your acts and covertly assassinate the anti-Whites and foreign nationals in your organizations. The mere presence of a single non-White prevents a lodge from even acknowledging the threat of foreign nations, many of which want to genocide Whites and take what they have, since the non-White could be an informant for an enemy nation. You can see how that would totally cripple Freemasonry's decision making processes, right? So clean it up and make the lodges functional again.

I've heard Freemasons in the USA have stripped out virtually all their previous teaching materials to replace them with White-genocide supporting ones and only a semblance of Freemasonry's original structure remains. If Freemasonry is going to function as an anti-White organization, then it's going to have to be treated like one. There is no nationless global order, that's all a load of bullshit made up by foreign agents to trick idiots like you into helping genocide your own nation. Get your shit together. If you're not pro-White and you're in Western countries, then you're a threat to all the White people and should be covertly killed with your *****. It's just common sense.
Moved from /misc/

Thread 12060 in /trash/

P12060 link reply
the problem is you exist but you shouldn't
Moved from /misc/6773
P12061 link reply
the problem is you exist but you shouldn't
Moved from /misc/6773
P13428 link reply
Jid (pronounced shit) zBuma (spammer) admitting he as "JB" only pretends to be friendly (e.g. to LRH) for ulterior motives aka "shenanigans" is bad enough in itself honestly.
Moved from /misc/6773
P13429 link reply
Moved from /misc/6773
P13430 link reply
So the "I'm not shitspammer I'm JB" act is completely dropped now?
Moved from /misc/6773
P13431 link reply
Moved from /misc/6773

Thread 13286 in /trash/

P13286 MATH is ... link reply
Masturbation with Animegirls To Hype! Hey admin, STOP such a thing and don't move this thread to other places. Didn't your mom teach you even that? Yes, It's me. I'm your mom! :)

Note: the posts in /math/ have too low quality to read. The creator cannot create things more than its intellect. You are a masturbation-loving, self-absorbed person who needs someone to post quality, intelligent posts. Like me!
Moved from /math/

Thread 13234 in /trash/

P13234 Unironically, every government should send assassin's to kill members of the World Economic Forum now link reply
What they are advocating for is biological terrorism to cripple populations to fit their agenda.

And the reality is that what Dr. Matthew Liao, director of the College of Global Public Health’s Center for Bioethics at New York University is suggesting is very easy to do with adulterated food products in every country of the world, which would without a doubt cause wide spread autoimmune disorders to murder hundreds of millions, if not billions.

Recognize these people are plotting bioloogical terror campaigns against the world on behalf of a few companies that want a captive market for their goods. There is absolutely nothing benevolent about these people.

This is why we shouldn't share our technology with primitives and it's necessary to eliminate the psychopathic racketeering populations that have acquired massive wealth and influence, RIGHT NOW.

Every government in the world should be financing the assassination of all the WEF members before they contaminate your country's food supply. These "global" groups are already in your country and if you don't weed out every member of their group you are just asking for them to carry out their operations using glazed eyed narcissistic psychopaths that tell themselves they're saving the world because an undisclosed former Monsanto rep says it's good for the environment.

EVERY MEMBER of the World Economic Foundation and EVERY sponsor of it is a threat to every country globally.
Moved from /misc/
P13235 link reply
New York University should be hit by a terror attack for hiring that psychopath.

They want biological weapons attacks against populations, why not make their campus a target for them?

Thread 13134 in /trash/

P13134 A significant number of the people living in Ukraine are foreign and exert terrorist influence. link reply
I think I remember that Putin cited 30 million Ukrainians being forced to leave the economy that the Ukrainian occupied regime killed by using the government to transfer wealth to foreign landlords, who then shut down the industrial sector with their malicious mismanagement and rackets that drove the cost of labor up.

If an illegitimate regime transfers all the wealth of the country to themselves, forcing the native population to move, then invites in foreign replacements, does the territory now belong to the foreign replacements? Should they vote to decide who the territory belongs to?

Ukraine belongs to the ethnic Ukrainians. They are the only ones that should be voting on what happens to their territory.

But unfortunately under the NATO's pseudo-democratic regimes and government backed terror to break up and suppress national decision making bodies, Ukrainians have no way to come to a collective decision.

In addition, the Ukrainians in diaspora are subject to disinformation campaigns through hostile media.

NATO already had its chance to govern and it decided to genocide the White people in every country they had access to. I think Ukraine is best off in Russian hands and one day when the Ukrainians have the autonomy to vote for themselves, I think they would approve of Russian annexation rather than be part of the NATO empire where all Whites are considered a threat and are genocided through malicious policy.

You see how this multinational democracy model pitched by the lying imperialists shitheads in NATO throws everything into chaos by undermining national democracies with
1. Terrorism, intimidation, harassment by foreign backed groups.
2. Media hoaxes.
3. Transferring citizenship and voting rights to other nations.
4. Forcing the native population into poverty with racketeering schemes and genociding them.
5. Creating economic and military contention that have to be taken into consideration by transfering tech to every camel riding terrorist and low IQ regime.
6. Foreign ownership of a country's assets that forces foreign parties to meddle in other nations' affairs in order to retain the property they almost always stole with monopoly money.

Yeah, ethnic Ukrainians should be voting on what becomes of their territory, but they aren't capable of doing that under the NATO's imperial terror regime and it's not right to just stand by and watch them be genocided by foreign occupiers and a few internal traitors that sold their nation out in exchange for profits from NATO imperial rackets.

Once you start thinking that the NATO version of democracy is real democracy, everything gets *****ed up and determining what's right or wrong by a group of people is nearly impossible because there is no way to tell what they want under the boot of a psuedo-democratic regime.

Legitimate democracies are made by nations and they represent the nation's will. You can have protectorated with independent national democracies and they can form defense and trade blocs, but if you undermine the national democracies in the above ways you can't tell what a nation of people want and there is no easy way to resolve it if you have given away citizenship to other groups. But at the same time it's clear that other groups can't stand by and watch people they care about be genocided and they don't need the approval of illegitimate pseudo-democracies to make decisions to intervene.

NATO, get your shit together now, throw out the globalists, throw out the Jews, throw out the racketeers, stop obstructing the Western people's communications, stop using state terror and intimidation against the Western people and covertly assassinate foreign NGO members doing it, or lose it all. What you are doing is not democracy, it's psuedo-democracy and it's genociding the Western people.

NATO countries should have been the ones to remove the Zelenskyy regime of foreign landlording trash and you did nothing until Russia had to step in because they were literally torturing and shooting Donbass so Jewish landlords could buy up all their houses for free with loans from the banks and rent them back to Ukrainians to capture all the GDP of the country, as meager as it is under Jewish ownerships' incompetence.

NATO is just a massive racketeering scam. It doesn't defend the borders, it genocides the people it rules over, and it has no future because all these psychopathic shits they put in charge of everything are incompetent and don't care about the nations they claim to represent.
Moved from /misc/
P13135 link reply
The reality is this imperial pseudo-democracy of the NATO states is dysfunctional, too dysfunctional to persist in any sense.

Russia has a better governance model and seems to genuinely care about its people, even people that were formerly part of previous governmental jurisdictions, even their people living abroad.

As things stand, Russia may take over all the NATO states one by one as they fall from the incompetence of their leadership and the migrations of people their racketeering causes making it impossible to salvage a national democracy without expelling or genociding hundreds of millions of foreign people.

The NATO states thought they could rule over every people in the world by mixing everyone up to break national democracies, using state terror against any opposition, and using communications obstruction and hoaxes to manufacture consent for their deeply incompetent and psychopathic leadership to live the high life as ***** raping landlords of the world. But clearly these systems of oppression aren't used historically by successful countries for a reason and the ones that pursue them are erased from the world.

Only someone that wants to harm a nation would undermine its national decision making processes, since people with a nation's survival as their objective don't need to use violence, hoaxes, or coercion to convince people of the merits of their objectives in a secured national democracy.
P13141 link reply
The NATO's legal system, the laws that dictate its economy, should be regarded as a weapon to disrupt economies.

Their banking system of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking puts most of the economy into the hands of bankers that have never run a real business and yet their loans determine what gets built, who can own a house, who can buy up all the houses and rent them back at no up front cost to them, and which businesses can survive in a hyperinflationary environment.

Isn't an economic system that puts the entire state's resource distribution in the hands of a few bankers that have never run a business involved with production itself an act of sabotage?

It's not a coincidence that the countries that have adopted USA styles of economic law have suffered from the same genocidal economic maladies.

The laws of an economy determine economic outcomes, they determine who the resources go to. If you make a law to transfer all the wealth to useless people, well then they make all the decisions and your economy turns into a pile of shit like Ukraine's, like the USA's, like England's, etc..

How is buying up all the houses with a loan, at no cost to you, then renting them back through a property management firm a legitimate business venture of any kind? It's literally just the banks transfering wealth from the majority of the population to a totally useless psychopathic population that sees nothing wrong with destroying an entire nation to get rich. But that's what NATO represents, that's the very beating core of NATO and NATO only seeks to expand its influence so these Jews, and they are almost entirely Jews, can buy up all the property for free and rent it back to the population.

NATO will beat down the doors of every country in the world until they let these Jewish landlords into their country and implement USA style financing with interest free loans for Jews. That's worth fighting a world war to stop.
P13146 link reply
Fortunately, you don't have to fight a world war to get rid of it though.

You can just covertly poison Jews globally to remove them and make that a covert national defense operation in every country.

Jew comes into the airport looking around at all the people they can force to pay them and they get poison in their coffee and walk off to get a Jewish interest free loan before dropping dead of a heart attack in the parking lot.

If you can identify the enemy on sight, you can remove them covertly and opportunistically.

If your state has an intelligence agency, they can compile a list of all Jews and send you alerts when one comes through the airport.

Ban foreign ownership and then they have no way to buy up assets in your country to rent them back to you.
P13151 link reply
It is a kind of sabotage to suggest that the Jews should be expelled to Israel so they can regroup and deploy to another country.

Kill them in your country, don't send them to plague another nation or you will end up being invaded by them later as a karmic retribution.

Get your hands dirty, but do it in a smart way, covertly.

Don't even tell the Jews they aren't welcome, but don't say they are welcome and turn your people against you.

Just set up teams to covertly assassinate Jews wherever they show up. Poison, radiation, or just shoot them and make it look like a mugging. A Jew should not last even a year. A year is long enough for them to set up their media operations, their terrorism operations, their blackmail operations, and buy up enough assets in the country with monopoly money to be self funded. So make sure they're dead within a year.

Don't even let a Jew get away with vaccationing in your country or they'll start telling people there they're Jewish, fund a bogus synagogue and take pictures with natives saying Jews have been in your country for centuries to give Israel an excuse to accuse states of Jewish genocide later.

Thread 13128 in /trash/

P13128 The UN isn't a neutral body. link reply
It's made out of nations and headquartered in countries controlled by globalist terrorists with their own agenda that assassinate and intimidate UN representatives that don't do what they want.

In addition there are clear examples of the UN globalists conspiring against independent nations, like the state of Katanga that UN forces were ordered to genocide the population to hand over the territory to the "Democratic" Republic of the Congo.

When the UN involved itself in Katanga, it did so on the side of the banks and slaughtered the population of the country because Jewish bankers didn't like the owners of the mineral rights. It then handed the territory over to the DRC where it all got sold off cheap.

Involving the UN gave many countries the impression that they could send troops to Katanga and it rapidly turned into a shit show with the Katanga people being wiped out by wave after wave of foreign troops showing up to represent differen parties of the UN.

The UN has an absolutely wretched history of intervention in independence movements, which is no suprise because the UN exists to provide a platform to governments recognized by the UN clique.

The UN is not a government, you shouldn't act like it is and call on it to function as an enforcer of democracy or something like that. When the UN descends on a state, it brings all the conflicts and agendas of its member countries.

Democracies are expressions of national decision making to decide what an already unified group wants to do. They don't work as mediation to disputes at all. If you are disputing a bill, you don't call in all the employees of the company that scammed you and all your friends to take a vote on it, that doesn't resolve the conflict at all.
Moved from /misc/
P13129 link reply
Democracy is not a conflict resolution process.

It's purely a decision making mechanism for an already unified group.

That's why the USA is such a *****ing shit show. These globalist *****s keep pushing out propaganda that democracy is a conflict resolution process and we should invite all the nations of the world into our democracy, then we'll have peace.

But democracy is not a conflict resolution process and only functions for your group when you don't include rivals or enemies of any kind.

There are conditions where democracies work, when they are formed by a single national group, and situations where they don't work, when there are rival national groups.

There is a huge debate over this globally because the USA has pushed the corrupted form of multinational democracy that results in catastrophic governmental dysfunction. Democracies are naturally created from unified national groups trying to make decisions, but they are corrupted when rival groups are included. Even ancient Greece discovered this, that the only way for the Athenians to make their governmental system work again was to exile rival groups that had gained access to their democracy, and Athens was just a small city, imagine how disasterous it would be to do that on in a modern country with hundreds of millions of people, oh wait you don't have to, just look at the dumpster fire that is the USA Federal government.

Only national democracies work to represent all the citizens interests and only national democracies function efficiently because there is no sabotage by rival groups.

Thread 13106 in /trash/

P13106 link reply
Java's script, sounds like engraved stone tablets hidden in at Java.
Moved from /tech/13103
P13107 link reply
Java's script, sounds like engraved stone tablets hidden at Java.
Moved from /tech/13103
P13110 link reply
>soydev detected
Moved from /tech/13103
P13112 link reply
Moved from /tech/13103

Thread 10483 in /trash/

P10483 link reply
what is meme?
Moved from /math/8251
P13096 link reply
Maths is Maths and not Engineering!
Moved from /math/8251

Thread 12803 in /trash/

P12803 link reply
This thread should be in /math/ because the admin, who is fapping with anime girls' pics, will be glad.
Moved from /anime/12781
P12805 link reply

>dragon ball

I think dragon blood is better. It's another alternative ingredient for dentifrice.
Moved from /anime/12781
P12814 link reply
>I recognized the wolf girl too, but I didn't remember where she was from

Moved from /anime/12781
P12822 link reply
> posts /maths/ thread on /anime/
P13094 link reply
P13075 What is Bitcoin?
Moved from /anime/12781

Thread 13069 in /trash/

P13069 link reply
P13068 The emulator really is emulator
Moved from /prog/13064

Thread 12015 in /trash/

P12015 link reply
The OP probably has glazed windows and there was an ambulance, with siren box on, passing by making his windows blink.
Moved from /tech/11958
14 replies omitted.
P12973 link reply
Moved from /tech/11958
P12976 link reply
>Cumflare really is Cunflare
Moved from /tech/11958
P12977 link reply
>Cumflare really is Cuntflare
Moved from /tech/11958
P13047 link reply
>Microsoft Edge "Secure" Network
Moved from /tech/11958
P13049 link reply
>securely MITMs
Do you have zero sarcasm detection abilities or are you just posting 4chan crap for the sake of it?