P78744 Generate PGP keys in RAM link reply
[bold: Generate PGP keys in RAM] without saving to your main keyring

(Make sure /tmp is mounted to tmpfs)

> [bold: Create a new gpg keyring in /tmp]

gpg --homedir /tmp/.gnupg

> [bold: Generate your key]

gpg --homedir /tmp/.gnupg --generate-full-key

> [bold: Get the key id if u already forgot cause reeeee]

gpg --homedir /tmp/.gnupg --list-keys

> [bold: Export your private key]

gpg --homedir /tmp/.gnupg --armor --export-secret-key > /tmp/*****-private.asc

Then save it somewhere else by mv 'ing key to mounted drive or instead do:

gpg --homedir /tmp/.gnupg --armor --export-secret-key *****@***** > /dev/sda/*****-private.asc

replace /sda with correct drive

* Sharing your public key

> [bold: Export your public key in the terminal]

gpg --homedir /tmp/.gnupg --armor --export *****@*****
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