P61714 Tor browser's video playback sucks! link reply
Tor browser's video player often stops buffering early when it has buffered very little data, then it does not resume buffering early enough when the buffer nears empty. If it runs out of buffer and starts displaying the animated dots, it does not let you resume playback until there is quite a lot of newly buffered data and you have to wait for a long time. Even if you seek back to a position that is already downloaded it does not immediately resume.
P61715 link reply
It is often much faster to download the whole video into a file and watch it in a media player.
P61720 link reply
Web browsers playing video and audio files was a mistake.
Running scripts was also a mistake.
The convenience of... misusing a web browser like it's a video player!?
"cat -v considered harmful" but nobody bats an eye at Firefox opening anything and everything.
P61741 sage link reply
use yt-dlp
P61758 link reply
firefox has been that way since the introduction of html 5. never tried chrome
P61767 sage link reply
If you are serious about security, download your common purpose file with curl or yt-dlp, get a networkless qube (QubesOS) or a networkless video player with pledge (OpenBSD).
Web browsers doing anything but downloading and rendering web pages was a mistake.