P36708 link reply
how often do you refresh your desktop?
P36719 Saul Nathaniel (((********))) link reply
After every time I play Hitman Blood Money
P36865 link reply
I do it every time I minimize all windows. Which is often because I organize lots of temporary info on the desktop that isn't finalized yet to go into my main data directories. It's a good habit, because sometimes Windows will not draw a certain file and you can forget it's there (in practice, this only happens about 1/6000 times, but it's still a big deal).
P36867 link reply
I'm pretty sure there's a way for me to show a bunch of files on the desktop, but that would not only probably require an extra process running, it would encourage the bad habit of "temporarily" putting new files on the desktop and forgetting about them.
P36872 link reply
u wot m8
P36877 link reply
P36867 was fagmin (I guess)
P36928 tweaking hard af link reply
After I move folders or files on the desktop. I have OCD so I like to keep my desktop clean.
P79519 link reply
3 times per minute
P79713 link reply
Never, but I change it up every few months or sometimes more often.
P79774 link reply
wot m8
P80017 link reply
I deleted my desktop folder, and configured my system to not recreate it.

Problem solved.
P121993 link reply
i do it a few times as a troubleshooting measure
P122008 link reply
P122107 link reply
I use dwm
P122115 link reply
lol. MAGA is essentially the Confederacy reanimated, shot up with some clean Nazi meth.