P126305 i2p user hosted mirror for video. link reply
- yt-dlp downloads clearnet video and seeds it on i2p torrents
- hosts i2p torrent magnet
- downloads database of i2p torrent magnets links from i2p open account mail (like i2p bote)
- checks i2p torrents for copy of youtube, etc. videos before downloading from clearnet, and downloads from the torrent mirror instead
- Curated RSS feed with descriptions of videos and thumbnails allow users to browse effectively.

User assisted hosting for distribution. Original host goes down, the most popular videos are still up on i2p torrents, because the app automatically downloaded them and seeded them for other users to access when they can't reach the original site.

The torrenting protocol was designed for user hosted decentralized archiving and distributing.
P126306 link reply
When the user that first uploaded it stops their program, their personal eepsite magnet for the torrent is no longer up.

Then the other users make a choice to host it on their personal i2p magnet or not.

The app stops seeding a video automatically after a designated amount of time after downloading, or relative to space allocated for files available. Old unwanted videos no one's downloading automatically get pruned.
P127416 link reply
>flood i2p trackers with youtube quality 144P (youtube actually invented this quality, which is below even VHS or analog broadcast television)
Yes, just what i2p needs, more script kiddie shit.
P127744 link reply
can you say based

>youtube quality 144P
do you really think they have that much space to host large video files of all countless dumb videos on the YT platform?
P127758 link reply
>The torrenting protocol was designed for user hosted decentralized archiving and distributing.

Yeah but it is not?