P1128 Does it get better ? link reply
I'm a junior full-stack whatever that means these days developer, working on a huge legacy java 8 CRUD code base that has been repurposed multiple times, it has had 4 front ends so far ( jsp -> something with jQuery -> AngularJS -> Angular 2+ ).
When I got this job I was interested in programming, I wanted to grow, learn about unit testing, have a full view of the software development world but I've achieved nothing; instead I'm working on a seemingly never ending bug well that gets worse with each iteration and it's mostly just retarded bugs or me having to finish a implementation because "bug fixes" are not timed, but "developments" are, by technical analysts.

The antivirus software the company uses does something to the angular hot reloading process and like 2 two times an hour my local front end suffers a useless refresh. At least once a day, the connection to the common development DB goes down and I have to open a ticket and with no practical use of that time it's basically just *****ing me up.
There was no on-boarding. Some HR bullshit about how we're all a family and shit and then I got into a meet with some senior dev who said "so you basically know nothing then" and left. I'm still working under that senior dev, most of the bugs I solve are caused by stupid shit written by him and some dude who just shits out code like no tomorrow.
I learned everything from udemy as fast as I could so I could become productive and not get fired. The only documentation this software has is an outdated docx, I still don't know how to use it entirely.

Sometimes, like in the last few days I get stuck on problems that aren't really, I don't know how to say this specific to my lack of knowledge about programming. The program is supposed to act in a specific way but I don't know if it ever acted in that way and from the looks of it by looking at the code, it never *****ing did and it shouldn't have if it ever did yet people are adamant that it's a bug yet no one even knows what's supposed to happen on an "entity" level.

I've humbly asked to be moved to a position where I could write a little bit more code and instead I got enrolled to a basic Angular course + a JEE course ( the app doesn't even use JEE ).

Overall I'm unsatisfied and I'm thinking of applying to another junior position in a town near me ( PHP / Magento ) in order to grow. They have a few youtube videos and they seem to be using recent versions of PHP plus the on-boarding is described in one of their videos but I'm afraid I'll land in the php version of what I currently have.
I'm only comfortable with taking remote jobs in my country because the available worker protections but there barely any junior offerings and for the ones that I can safely say I'm a fit I don't have enough experience.

If you're actually a paid software developer I would like some advice.
Before this I've worked as Javascript ( used for scripting inside a closed source piece of software) + Bash + Python semi-developer / sysadmin / tech support when needed.
P1129 link reply
ITT: fresh code monkey learns how the world of soydevery works.
P1130 link reply
>I'm just a person who loves always learning. Every time there is an advertising email from a corporation I immediately begin studying the pointless (GUI) changes of a shit-tier 70s product/direct copy of the 70s product.
The companies upstream of you make money by making unusable, worthless b2b subscription products but offering training/free training/creating a commercial training ecosystem instead of the costly activity of having a meaningful, usable or new product. You are primarily paying them and your employer by sacrificing yourself outside of work to try to figure out how to make the horrible upstream product subscription useful.
The senior dev, dev who steals or downloads lots of code from the internet, and HR person you talked to are all insincerely gunning for a transfer into management/middle management which is the only career advancement in this sort of place.
Working for big companies can involve a bit of lower level programming, but much of it is fake too, and the only 'advancement' is to go into management.
Academia used to be a place for people who were not lying burger flippers, but this has not been true for about 50 years.
Try to get your leg out of this bear trap. Once you are free, you are a source of terror for all those frauds they worry you might not be a fraud and they don't own or have compromat on you. Things are a little different.
P1133 Blast from the past link reply
>me having to finish a implementation because "bug fixes" are not timed, but "developments" are, by technical analysts.
made me nostalgic.
Bug: Program was never written
P1135 link reply
Come on. This is way worse than I've seen soydevs complain online.
P1136 link reply
>he thinks a job is about (((growing)))
P1138 link reply
>(((glowing))) isnt a job
P1697 link reply
Stay for one year while up-skilling to move to another job where you get a significant pay bump. So your next job should not be junior but a regular dev job. Repeat that one more time to get the "senior" in your title. Do neetcode.io/ to practice leetcode so you can pass the interviews. If you want to cash out of the wagecuck life then get good at fullstack development and deploying so you can start your own remote, single-person startup that you can live off of and be your own boss
P1712 link reply
I might try infiltrating the enemy to try this. Everyone, try and stop pol schizo from guillotining me, I'm just going under cover. My rationalization is that I will largely be doing bad things to bad people.
P1713 link reply
>try and stop pol schizo from guillotining me
Think about your *****ren. Their blood will be on your hands.
P63922 12of7 link reply
>Does it get better ?
welcome to $CURRENT_YEAR aka doomsday 4th of may
P63935 link reply
>I'm a junior full-stack
I'm a JuNioR FuLL-sTack dEv wOrKInG WiTh JAvaScriPT and JaVA
P64011 link reply
>Does it get better
no, the web was a clear dead end job in 2003. you will never create even ONE sane software product.
P64033 link reply
>working on a huge legacy java 8 CRUD code base
Hello, Rajesh! It is good to do the needful
You will never do something worth doing at your office desk. If you want to level up, you have to do it on your own time, with your side projects. There is no job that cares about your career development, they all just want you to do boring soul-sucking crap forever.
P64142 link reply
you need to stop PoStINg IRoNIcaLLY because youre (a) lainfag and your just another dildo *****ing script kiddie cheetos eating dumbass who is abhorrently wrong about 50% of the subjects you talk about.
P64146 link reply
Are you still mad about the karate thread lol
P64261 link reply
java is good actually but JAvASCrIpt IS pUrE WIGGEr ShIt and affects me
WHeN i'm TRyiNg To geT To RaPiNg Boys Nice LiTTLe aNus on a noJS setup.

>cheetos eating dumbass
I don't eat cheetos i eat peetos that are cheetos OUt Of bOYS MOUth